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Results 951-960 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
J. Madison has duly recd. the copy of "Pocahuntas" politely forwarded to him by Mr. Custis. The long discontinuance of his attention to that species of homage to the Muses is a reason the more with him for distrusting his judgment in any particular case. Relying on the [ ] success of the performance when actually produced on the Philada. Stage, as the surest test of its merit, he does not...
The mail has just brought us information, in one instance under your own hand & name, that you have safely reached the land of your birth. I welcome you to it; and hope at an early day to welcome you at my own domicil, where I shall be able to express all the feelings awakened by your unexpected and gratifying visit. Meantime accept from Mrs. M. & myself all our best wishes. RC ( ViU ); draft...
Looking over the Records of the Loyall Company I perceive that you are a member of the Compy as an original Grantee, as well as a transferee of other Shares and being as I suppose one of the oldest Stockholders beg leave to enquire if you were acquainted with a certain John Dixon one of the Grantees who resided in Williamsburg in the year 1770 to 76 who was associated with a person by the name...
I inclose an extract of a letter from Professor Dunglison communicating his purpose of leaving his Chair in the event of his being appointed to a vacant one at Baltimore; and I have recd. a like communication from Professor Patterson, which I understand from him he has made directly to you. These occurrences are very embarrassing; and in some respects the more so, as involving contingences,...
I recd. yesterday yours of the 21st. communicating your purpose of resigning your Chair in the University, in the event of your being appointed to a vacant one at Baltimore. I need not say how much I regret the danger of such a loss to the Institution, as it may possibly not be realised. I only add for the present a re-assurance of my great & cordial esteem. RC (NjGbS) ; FC (DLC) .
Your letter of January the 1st was not recd until the 15th of Feby, owing I presume to the extreme inclemency of the weather immediately after I had an interview with Mrs Bell & Mrs T. & proposed to deed them 200 acres of Land of a medium value, out of one of the Tracts, if they would withdraw their defence; This proposition only excited the anger of Mrs Tapscott, & after having recd more...
I have duly recd. your letter of the 18th. instant. Whatever be the regrets at the uncertainty of your continuance in our University, justice must be done to the considerations producing it, & to the manner of communicating them. For myself, and I doubt not for my fellow members of the Board, it cannot be necessary to express the high value we have placed on your services in the Institution,...
I have duly recd. yours of the . I considered the advertisement of your estate in Loudon as an omen that your friends in Virginia were to lose you. It is impossible to gainsay the motives to which you yielded in making N. Y. your residence, tho’ I fear that you will find its climate unsuited to your period of life and the State of your health. I just observe and with much pleasure, that the...
I have been put in nomination, by the unanimous voice of the Medical Faculty of the University of Maryland, for the Chair of Chemistry in the Baltimore School, lately rendered vacant by the death of Prof. DeButts; and I have felt that it will be my duty not to decline this situation, if elected by the Board of Trustees. The choice is to be made, on the first Monday in June. There will probably...
Your letter of the 3d. instant postmarked the 5th. was not received till the day before yesterday the 18th. I know not that I can say anything on the Constitutional points stated, which has not been substantially said in publications into which I have been heretofore led. In general I adhere to the remark, that the proper way to understand our novel and complex system of Government is to avoid...