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Results 9481-9510 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
By the mail, next to the one which brought me a Letter from M r . Duane, I transmitted a copy of...
I feel it my duty to apologise for my procrastination in acknowledging the receipt of your favour...
Enclosed you will receive a paper enclosed to me by M r James Maury of Liverpool , containing...
I recd. more than two weeks ago your letter of April 17th. A visit to a sick friend at some...
About a month ago, I forwarded a letter to your honour, incloseing the same time my Acount, but...
Mr Greanleaf and his Colleague in our Quincy Town Meeting thoght fitt to recommend all the...
You reproach me without a cause and I dare say you got your Letter the very day after you...
I observe that Genl. A. Moore has resigned the office of Marshall for Virga. I know not who may...
By this days mail I have sent two parcels which contain five copies of Historical Letters for Mrs...
Sales 80 Barrels Super fine flour by B. Peyton For ℀ M r Tho s Jefferson 1821  Rich d 2 d  May  ...
I hope We have not forgotten each other! We wait with impatience for the weighty and immeasurable...
I have this moment recieved with the most grateful pleasure yours & Augusta’s & Maria’s...
You will receve, with this, a tin case inclosing a Geometric Exemplification of Temperature ,...
Geometric Exemplification of Temperature Wind and Weather for 1820. at Washington City . Lat....
I enclose you a check on the Branch of the U.S Bank at Richmond for the balance due by me, on acc...
Above I hand you ℀ sales 80 Blls: Flour at $3.75 Cash, which is all I have on hand of yours, &...
Your letter dear Waterhouse, is a precious lecture in Piety Religion and morality according to...
Mr. Cardell of New York has the honor to present his respects to Mr. Madison and will call on him...
I had the pleasure Sir to pay You a Visit Some time last Summer, Under the humble garb of a ☞...
Charité pour faciliter la Liberation de Napoleon ! ☞ Vos bienfaits Seront reçu avec la plus Vive...
I cannot hope, by any expressions in a letter, to convey to you my deep sense of your Kindness in...
I have the honor of inclosing you the prospectus of another work, similar to the last I sent you....
some years ago you had a mortgage on an estate in Goochland known by the name of B. Dam , it was...
I must beg your pardon for delaying so long the acknowledgement of your kind favour—you have done...
I must beg your pardon for delay^i^ng so long the acknowledgement of your kind favour— you have...
I have recieved, and thank you for the interesting Report of the joint Committee of both Houses...
I have recd. your favor of the 25th. As the injury to your eye was slight, I hope it has been of...
Some years past I recollect to have drunk some ale at Monticello which I understood was of your...
Many thanks, for your very Acceptable fav r of the 19 th . my friend M r Parr , left us, 10 day...
The whole amount of claims of the state of Virg a , against the U States , which has been...