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Results 9481-9510 of 184,431 sorted by author
I sympathize with you in all your Expressions of grief in your favour of Nov. 1st. at the melancholly Catastrophy of so many worthy persons your friends at Leyden and elsewhere. You derive consolation from the only source from which it can be drawn.—If I knew of any other I would joyfully administer it to you, as well as to myself.— Hunc solem et Stellas et decedentia certis Tempora momentis,...
I thank you for this address, agreed on in convention assembled, and presented to me by Mr. Hilhouse one of your Senators in Congress. Your affectionate attachment to the Laws and constituted authorities of the Government under which you live is, at once a demonstration of candor moderation and liberality in yourselves and in those Laws and Authorities— Although Affairs of State, as such , are...
Your Letter of Feb. 6. has made So deep an Impression that it may not be amiss to make a few more Observations on it as it respects both of Us. Your Friends have been very indiscreat and certainly have not done You Justice.— Fluency and Animation are Talents of a public Speaker which alone will go a great Way. I have known Several rise to Fame and extensive Practice, at the Bar, and afterwards...
Κριοùς μὲν ὄνοuς διζήμεθα, Κúρνε, καὶ ἵππους εὐγενέας· καί τις βούλεται ἐξ ἀγαθῶν κτήσασθαι. γῆμαι δὲ κακὴν κακοũ οὐ μελεδαίνει ἐςθλὸς ἀνὴρ, ἤν οἱ χρήματα πολλὰ διδῶ. Behold my translation “My Friend Curnis, When We want to purchace, Horses, Asses or Rams, we inquire for the Wellborn. And every one wishes to procure, from the good Breeds. A good Man, does not care to marry a Shrew, the...
HAVING laid together the negociations with the Comte De Vergennes, relative to that sublime machine for demolishing our independence, the mediation of the two Imperial Courts and the congress at Vienna, I shall now go back to my first arrival in Holland. Mr. Laurens had been long appointed agent to borrow money, and I expected to meet him in Holland, and consult with him on every thing...
This will be presented to you by Mr Holley whom you know and whom I pray you to receive with Civility; because he is one of the few in whom I delight. I love him because he is, as Dr Holmes calls him “a phylosophical divine.” I do not much affect any unphylosophical Divines though I candidly tolerate them all and esteem Some. I am told there will be complaints against Henry Warren as Collector...
In your kind Letter of the 26. of Jan y. You ask an explanation of that expression of the Massachusetts, “a Ridder of hobby horses”— in the original of the Word Hobby horse it signified a little horse, the same with Poney in English—or Bidet in french,— The English then transferred it to Irish and Scottish horses— Cheval de Irlande au D Ecosse from this sense it was transferred to those little...
Although I have lately received many kind and admirable Letters from my Friends, for which they have my Sincere thanks; Yet neither on the late most melancholly and affecting Occasion nor in my whole life have I ever received one so congenial to my own Sentiments, and so consolating to my feelings as yours, of the fourth of this month. If we reason from Analogy, and how can We reason otherwise...
I have received your kind letter of the 30th. of June, with emotions which it would be in vain for me to attempt to describe. My attendance at Lexington is out of all question; the state of my health renders it both morally and physically impossible. I dare not express even to you, in a confidential private letter, my recollections, my reflections my feelings, or opinions, on this day, and...
I am to take with me to Paris, a Quantity of Bills of Exchange, formerly accepted by me, in behalf of the United States and paid by Mess rs: Fizeaux, Grand & Co. it is necessary that a List of these Bills should be made, before I sign a Receipt for them; and therefore, these are to request you, to speak to M r: Fizeau upon the subject, and assist in making the List, or at least in examining...
Inclosed is a recommendation from the Mayor & Alderman of New Haven of David Phipps Esqr to be a Captain in the navy. We shall not probably appoint more Captains till the Senate meets. I recommend to your consideration & enquiry, Samuel Tucker of Massachusetts as another candidate for the commission of Captain MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.
Your journal ending 13th feb has given me a mixture of allarm and delight, allarm for your health and delight in your reflections. Mr. Jeffersons advice to translate the friendly epistle Don Onis and Mr. Irving into French and send them to Europe made me laugh outright—the expectation from Mr. Madison of a condemnation of his friend Monroe made me smile—but the threat to apply to me to condemn...
An Event has taken Place, of too much Importance to the United States, to be omitted, in Dispatches to Congress. A Messenger arrived at the Secretary of States Office, last night, with a Treaty of Commerce between France and England, Signed by the Comte De Vergennes and M r Eden. it cannot be Supposed that the Contents can be fully known: but it is Suggested that England has Stipulated, to...
Thanks, dear Cousin, for yours of the 10th. and thanks again for the Box of perfumes. My daughter Louisa wishes me to go to Washington—my Grand-daughter Caroline wants me to come to Fishkill—and you write me to the top of the Skye striking Wachusetts—but you know not what you ask—probably nothing less than the trouble of bringing me back in a box.—Cordial thanks for your offer of a...
(I) LS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Massachusetts Historical Society; (II) copy: Massachusetts Historical Society I was duly honoured with your Excellency’s Letter of the eighth of October by Mr. Searle. I thank You, Sir, for inclosing the Resolution of Congress respecting my Salary and Mr Dana’s. I wish I could see a prospect of relieving You from this Burthen, as well as that of...
It is now a long Time, since I had an Opportunity of writing to you, and I fear you have suffered unnecessary Anxiety on my Account.—In the Morning of the 19th. Inst., the Congress were allarmed, in their Beds, by a Letter from Mr. Hamilton one of General Washingtons Family, that the Enemy were in Possession of the Ford over the Schuylkill, and the Boats, so that they had it in their Power to...
9497May 18 Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
On Board all day, reading Don Quixot. Surviving among JA ’s books in the Boston Public Library are a single volume of a six-volume set of Don Quixote in French, Paris, 1768, and a four-volume set in Spanish, Madrid, 1777 ( Catalogue of JA’s Library Catalogue of the John Adams Library in the Public Library of the City of Boston, Boston, 1917. ).
By the last Post I received your Olive Branch—And by this days Post, your Letter—you are loading me with favours—for which I can make you no return, but empty thanks—For these my heart is full— I observe the page 39—and you may well suppose it gave me pleasure—I have this week received a letter from a Gentleman I never knew—confessing that he had printed a series of papers more than twenty...
ALS : Columbia University Library; copy: Massachusetts Historical Society I have just now received the Letter which Dr Franklin did me the Honour to write me on the 16th. with the Copy of the Treaty with Sweeden. I have before inclosed the King of Prusisas Project of a Treaty, prepared as I am assured by his Minister with his own Hand in his private Cabinet. I believe it has been reserved to...
I nominate William Hammond Dorsey Esqr to be judge of the Orphans court in the County of Washington in the District of Columbia. John Peter to be register of Wills for the same County. John Herbert Esqr. to be Judge of the Orphans Court for the County of Alexandria. Clion Moore Esqr of Alexandria to be Register of wills for that County. The Hon. Thomas Sim Lee The Hon Tristram Dalton The Hon...
£ s d Auteuil Sept. 10. 1784. Drew an order on M.M. Van den Yvers in favour of my son J.Q.A. for two hundred Louis D’ors or 4800 Livres 4800: 0: 0 Oct. 11. drew an Order on M. Van den Yver in favour of my son J.Q.A. for 4800 Livres 4800: 0: 0 Nov: 15. drew an order on Mr. Van den Yver in favour of my son J.Q.A. for 4800 Livres 4800: 0: 0 Decr. 23. drew an order on M ess rs. Van den Yver in...
I now hope to see you, after 8 years Absence. I cannot write you a formal Letter. You have a kind of fame for a facility of learning Languages. Let me caution you against indulging that Curiosity too much. Languages are a boundless and unfathomable Ocean. Greek and Latin and Arithmatick and Geometry are your most proper Studies at present. French and Italian and German will be easy here after...
I have received the Letter which you did me the Honour to write me on the 17th. and I thank you for the favour as well as for your Care in procuring me, the Books. This Kind of Speculations is very entertaining to me, and I wish to have every Thing new, of the Kind that comes out. I shall keep all these Books and pay Mr. Wild for them when he comes to Amsterdam. Cornwallis’s Victory, which We...
In the Course of this Winter appeared a Phenomenon in Philadelphia a Star of Disaster (Disastrous Meteor), I mean Thomas Paine. He came from England, and got into such company as would converse with him, and ran about picking up what Information he could, concerning our Affairs, and finding the great Question was concerning Independence, he gleaned from those he saw the common place Arguments...
I am impatient to return but partly on Account of my Son who wishes to Stay at Colledge as long as he can, and partly, on Account of my Books and other Things which I wish to get ready before I go, to be sent to N. Y. I fear I shall not see you these three Weeks. I should however break away if I were not necessitated to wait for my horse, whose Lameness is not wholly cured. Excepting the...
Can The Inhabitants of North America live without foreign Trade? There is Beef and Pork, and Poultry, and Mutton and Venison and Veal, Milk, Butter, Cheese, Corn, Barley, Rye, Wheat, in short every Species of Eatables animal and Vegetable in a vast abundance, an immense Profusion. We raise about Eleven hundred Thousand Bushells of Corn, yearly more than We can possibly consume. The Country...
950729 Aug. (Adams Papers)
30 Wednesday. Mr. Vanberckle 31 Thursday. Mr. Crommelin opde Keyzers Gragt. 1 Fryday. Mrs. Chabanels. 3 Sunday. M. De Neuville, De Neuville 6 Wednesday. Bicker 7 Thursday. 10 Sunday. Cromelin 12 Tuesday. Grand 13 Wednesday. Chabanell 14 Thursday. De Neufville This list of engagements appears on the last page but one of D/JA/32. The entries may or may not have all been put down on 29 Aug.;...
In complyance with the desire of the two Houses of Congress, expressed in their resolution of the Second day of March, one thousand seven hundred and ninety Seven, that some speedy and effectual means might be adopted of obtaining information, from the States of Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, Tenessee, and South Carolina, whether they have ratified the...
I have the Honour of transmitting to your Lordship a Copy of a Letter of the twenty first of December last, from His Majestys Consul General in the United States to their Secretary of State for the Department of foreign Affairs, which has been laid before Congress, who have been pleased to direct me to communicate it, to his Majesty, with this Information, that the Complaint Stated in it,...
I have this day been obliged to take a serious and painful measure in the removal of the Collector of Newyork, and I wish you to give me your opinion concerning a successor— The office is important and lucrative, Walker has been named to me. What think you of him? I must and will have a good Federalist, one who will not prostitute his office, to a Foreign faction, or a domestic one,— I am &c a...