To James Madison from James Monroe, [February 1816]
From James Monroe
[February 1816]
The Secretary of State respectfully submits to the President the ⟨propriety of⟩ nominating to the ⟨Senate this⟩ gentleman as consul for the Island of St. Thomas.
RC (DNA: RG 59, LAR, 1809–17, filed under “Harrison, Robert M.”). Undated; written on the verso of Robert Monroe Harrison to Monroe, 6 Jan. 1816 (ibid.; 3 pp.); in a clerk’s hand, docketed by Monroe. Harrison was seeking the appointment of consul at St. Thomas on the grounds that he could better prevent shipmasters from abandoning their crews on the island. JM nominated Harrison to the post on 13 Feb. 1816, and the Senate confirmed him on 26 Feb. 1816 (
3:29, 31).