Results 94741-94770 of 184,431 sorted by author
I received your kind favor of the 1st. instant two days ago. Mr. Joseph Pope of this Town the...
In answer to your secret communication of the 27th instant, and the questions stated therein I...
Brigadier General Bloomfield is of opinion that by the 12th he shall be able to march with about...
I have the honor to submit certain papers just received from Governor Mifflin with a desire of...
In obedience to the order of the President of the United States, I have the honor to submit to...
The secretary for the department of war humbly submits to the President of the United States the...
Will you please to submit to the President of the United States the enclosed letters from major...
I submit to your Consideration a proposed message to the Six Nations in answer to theirs by...
I have the honor to submit to your consideration such a plan of raising the levies as appears to...
I have the honor to submit the enclosed letter from James Seagrove dated 27th April and also a...
I have the honor to submit to your inspection a general return of the Ordnance, Arms, and...
Before the definitive step is taken for the reappointment of Captain Lee I beg leave to submit to...
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt [of] Sundry papers relative to the cherokees indians...
I have the honor to submit the military nominations[.] The post is in and no letters from General...
last evening I wrote to your Excellency per express, transmitting the information by Captain...
I have been requested by several respectable characters in this place, to name for your...
[ Philadelphia, April 15, 1793. On April 18, 1793, Hamilton wrote to Knox : “The requests...
The following hints are humbly submitted to the consideration of your Excellency. The necessity...
I cannot refrain from trespassing on Your time by expressing to you the perfect satisfaction...
Will you please to submit the enclosed letters of the 27th and 30th July from the Secretary of...
Be pleased to submit to the President of the United States the enclosed letters from General...
(Private) My dear Sir Boston 29 July 1798. Yesterday I received your favor of the 16th instant,...
I just write a line to inform you that I am just setting out for Boston—The president who has...
I have attended my dear Sir to your request respecting the Chevalier D’anterroches, and the...
In addressing myself to you I experience the mingled emotions of respect and affection, the...
I have the honor to submit to you the draft of a proposed letter to Governor Blount, together...
I arriv’d here last saturday morning and immediately made inquiry whether Colo. Read had done any...
Although I have often entertained the intention of writing to you, yet as I had nothing more to...
I have the honor to submit to your Consideration two questions relative to the preservation of...
I received your Excellency’s favor of the 29th directing a suspension of the troops and stores...