94201To George Washington from Henry Knox, 29 June 1781 (Washington Papers)
I was at West point to day where I had the honor to receive your Excellencys favor of Yesterday....
94202To George Washington from Henry Knox, 10 May 1794 (Washington Papers)
In consequence of information from the Secretary of the Treasury, the enclosed letter has been...
94203To George Washington from Henry Knox, 25 June 1783 (Washington Papers)
Pattersons brigade and Sprouts regiment will be in readiness to march this afternoon, and will...
94204To Alexander Hamilton from Henry Knox, 8 October 1794 (Hamilton Papers)
Your exertions in my department during my absence will never be obliterated. I regret my long...
94205To George Washington from Henry Knox, 27 December 1790 (Washington Papers)
The Secretary of War, to whom the President of the United States was pleased to refer the Speech...
94206Henry Knox to Tobias Lear, 28 August 1793 (Washington Papers)
Please to submit to the President of the United States, a letter from Mr Harrison district...
94207To George Washington from Henry Knox, 5 February 1783 (Washington Papers)
Agreeably to your Excellency’s request I enclose the estimate required in your favor of the 1st...
94208To Thomas Jefferson from Henry Knox, 11 May 1801 (Jefferson Papers)
My friend Winthrop Sargent Governor of the Missisippi Territory will have the honor to present...
94209Memorandum from Henry Knox, 16 May 1793 (Washington Papers)
At a meeting of the heads of departments and the Attorney General yesterday in pursuance of your...
94210To George Washington from Henry Knox, 29 January 1787 (Washington Papers)
By an express received by me Yesterday affairs at Springfield were most critically circumstanced....