George Washington Papers

To George Washington from George Eimbeck, 12 May 1791

From George Eimbeck

May it Please Yr Excellency

SirSavannah. May 12th 1791

Having for some years had the Command of Fort Wayne Am Inform’d by his Honr the Governor the Appointment and Salary must be made by the Union likewise that my Salary Ceases from the 31st July 1789.1

Therefore Humbly Request your Excellency to Give such Orders Concerning the Business as your Excellencies Wisdom may Dictate.2 Am with the Greatest Respect Yr Excellencies Most Obet Humble Sert

Geoe Eimbeck

ALS, DNA: RG 59, Miscellaneous Letters. George Eimbeck addressed the letter’s cover to the president, “Now in Savannah.” William Jackson noted on the cover that on 14 May Eimbeck was “informed that the President cannot interfere—the paper returned.” The enclosed paper has not been identified.

George Eimbeck (Embrick) served during the Revolutionary War as barrack master of the Georgia Continental establishment. For GW’s trip from South Carolina to Savannah, which included a brief visit to Mrs. Nathanael Greene’s plantation on the Savannah River, see Diaries description begins Donald Jackson and Dorothy Twohig, eds. The Diaries of George Washington. 6 vols. Charlottesville, Va., 1976–79. description ends , 6:134–37.

1Fort Wayne was erected on the Savannah River to protect Savannah from naval attack during the Revolutionary War and was manned by a battery of artillery consisting of various brass and iron cannons.

2Eimbeck on 13 Aug. 1791 again wrote to GW about his “Disagreeable Situation,” enclosing a petition to Congress and noting: “I have Serv’d in the war Seven years, and Since Peace have been Station’d at fort Wayne with A Captains Commission Keeper of Military Stores and Powder Receiver for which the State was to Allow me £30. Per Annum and Certain fees On all Vessels Leaving this Harbour—these fees have been Stopt—from the Commencement of the Present Constitution which Alltogether was Supposd to be One Hundred pound Sterg” (DNA: RG 59, Miscellaneous Letters). GW apparently replied to neither of Eimbeck’s letters, and there is no evidence that Eimbeck’s petition was presented to Congress. Eimbeck sent GW another petition for Congress on 14 Feb. 1793 (undated, DNA: RG 59, Miscellaneous Letters).

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