Thomas Jefferson Papers

Confidential Instructions for Thomas Barclay, 13 May 1791

Confidential Instructions for Thomas Barclay

May 13th. 1791.

A private instruction which Mr. Barclay is to carry in his memory, and not on paper, lest it should come into improper hands.

We rely that you will obtain the friendship of the new Emperor, and his assurances that the Treaty shall be faithfully observed, with as little expence as possible. But the sum of ten thousand dollars is fixed as the limit which all your donations together are not to exceed.

PrC of missing RC (DLC); in Remsen’s hand, unsigned. Tr (NjP); in clerk’s hand, on verso of last page of copy of letter docketed in part: “for Colo. Humphreys.” FC DNA: RG 59, DCI). The text in PrC (and of course in that of the missing RC) is given on a separate sheet for obvious reasons.

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