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Results 94111-94160 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
94111[Diary entry: 23 November 1772] (Washington Papers)
23. Much such a day as yesterday Wind being at No. Et. all day.
View of the State of the Gun Boats built under the Act of last Session—Nov. 1. 1808. Philadelphia. 20. completely fitted even to a cleat. New York 23. twenty may be prepared for actual service in 10 days—3 not so forward.
I have the pleasure of receiving yours of the 18 th this day—the work of Tracy , is going forward but slowly, as I cannot devote from my present engagements the time I should wish to see it pushed forward. I have put it in the hands of one of Neef’s assistants, a sensible and liberal young man ; and Neef is able to render the abstruseness of Tracy’s metaphysis a little more comprehensible than...
The publication of the laws of the U.S. and the purchase of those of the several states call on us immediately for about five hundred dollars, for which sum I must ask a warrant from you to be accounted for. The contingent expenses of my department to the 1st. inst. are now stated and will be settled with the Auditor tomorrow. I have the honor to be with great esteem & respect   Sir Your most...
94115[Diary entry: 10 May 1762] (Washington Papers)
10. Counted the Tobo. Gd. at Doeg Run Qr. as follows—viz.—of Cowpen Ground 7500 Dungd Gd. in Peach Orchard 3100 Ditto in Apple Orchard 3500 14,100 New ground 12500 Old Ground J. Gists adjg. 10700 large Cut by Corn field fence 22000 Middle Cut adjoing. 9200 Small Cut next Woods Do. 4500 round New Tobo. House
The inclosed letter did not get to my hands till very lately though it was covered by one from Mrs. Carr dated Aug: 21. I conferred a few days ago with Mr. Wythe on the subject of your Nephew in Williamsburg, and had the pleasure of receiving the most favorable account of his capacity, his diligence and his disposition. He is now in the College and enjoys the advantage of Mr. Wythe’s valuable...
In forming the districts & sub-districts for the recruiting service it will be necessary to have recourse to the census taken, by order of the government of the United States, in the year 1790. It will be found impossible to divide Massachusetts into four equal parts, without discarding many of the present boundaries of counties & towns, & substituting new & appropriate limits. Equality,...
By this day’s mail, I send you a copy of the second Edition, improved & enlarged, of the “Facts & observations, illustrative of the past & present situation & future prospects of the U.S. and am, / Very respectfully, / your obt. hble. servt MHi : Adams Papers.
17 May 1805, Department of State . “Agreeably to an act of Congress intitled ‘an act for the more general promulgation of the Laws of the United States,[’] pas[s]ed 3d: March 1795, and the acts in addition thereto passed on the 2d. March 1799 and on the 27th. March 1804, I have forwarded to Richmond by Capt. Wm: Berry, who will deliver the same to your Excellency 1364 copies of the laws of the...
I send you by Mr. Law a book from a Mr. Williams of this place who was presented to me by Mr. Barlow, as an old friend of Dr. Franklin. He appears to be a well enformed worthy man. If you chuse to answer it I will present the answer. He stood ill with his govt. some years since, but is on tolerable footing with it now. Your answer if you send one will certainly be spoken of, tho’ I presume not...
The great quantity of snow upon the Ground has obstructed the travelling So much, that the post did not get in last week, and your Letter which Should have come by that Mail, did not arrive untill yesterday. The Nomination and appointment of mr Adams, had been announced in the public papers, and in Some private Letters, before I received yours— Supposing that his absence would be an...
Muy Señor mio, y de mi Estimasion He llegado a este Pais Algo endeble pero Conosco el beneficio de mi Salud despues de desenbarcado, y no pierdo momento en Manifestar á V.E lo Inmenso de mi gratitud teniendo presente los Infinitos favores, y distinciones qe se digno Consederme durante mi permanencia en los Estados Unidos y desseo dar pruebas de mi reconocimiento, no dudando me Continuará en su...
A Bill drawn by Wm Higgins on me for $. 212 has been this moment presented to me for payment.— This bill is, I suspect, on your account: I have accordingly referred the holder to you. If it should not be on your account, you will be pleased to let the holder return to me. Respecty MoSHi : Bixby Collection.
94124[Diary entry: 27 June 1795] (Washington Papers)
27. Do. Westerly—clear & getting warmr.
Letter not found: from Edward Newenham, 9 Dec. 1786. On 25 Dec. 1787 GW wrote Newenham that he had received his letter “of the 9th of Decr 1786.”
In the afternoon of the 6th instant with three companies of my battalion, I releiv’d Major Oliver at the post of Dobbs-ferry. The 7th rec’d your Excellency’s order to permit Captain Redfield with seven Sailors prisoners of War, to pass to the Enemy’s advance post. The 8th rec’d Your Excellency’s order to permit Mr Barbé to pass to the Enemy’s advance post. The 9th granted a flagg for the...
I have been for a long time past so hurried and so loaded with business as not to have a moment which I could devote to private correspondence. This is not an apology for neglect or indolence. I am exceedingly sorry it is true, because I foresee, it may without some change become quite unsupportable. Enjoy your happy situation; or if it is to be disturbed, let it be only by transient domestic...
At the same moment that I am assured your Excellencies own inclinations would have been infinitely more gratified in domestic than in public life, I must beg leave to offer my sincere congratulations upon the unanimity with which your Country men, divided as they have been in every other political act, have called you to the highest and most important Trust in the Republic, as it evidences the...
Having occasion to hire for the ensuing year four very able intelligent negro-men, I hereby authorize Mr. Peter Derieux to act for me therein, and oblige myself to pay whatever hire he may stipulate for me. And though I would not make it essential to have the hire payable in all the month of April after the year expired, yet as it is disadvantageous to be obliged to sell produce to raise money...
I have just recd. your notification of my having been elected an Honorary Member of the New York Horticultural Society. Having derived from the view given of the Institution, in the Inaugural discourse of the President, a full persuasion of the excellence of its plan, and of its promised usefulness, I can not undervalue the honor of such a relation to it. I wish I could add that there was a...
I enclose you a paper wh. will give you a state of the representation of the States, beside wh. little else hath taken place worthy yr. attention. Mr Jay is here & will I understand accept the office of foreign affrs. upon condition Congress will establish themselves at any one place. The conduct of Spn. respecting the Mississippi &ca. requires the immediate attention of Congress. The affr. is...
We have this Evening a Letter from Mr. Bingham of Octr. 13th. in which he tells us that the french General had received a Packet by a Boat which left Rochelle Sepr. 4th. advising him of the destination of 5,000 Troops for Martinique the Transports being actually ready at Havre Nantes and Bourdeaux to take them on Board. An Embargo was to be immediately laid upon european bound Vessels to...
On account of the continuance of the embargo in America, we have lately had but very few opportunities for the United St. and my communications to you have Sometimes been interrupted: I had, however, on the 17th. August ulto. the honor to inform you that The Emperor of the french’s Decree of Milan, respecting the navigation and trade carried on by Neutrals, has been officially forwarded to the...
Under the Building lately erected by the Philosophical Society there are very large and deep Cellars. Suppose in the midst of one of them, another of 12 or 15 feet deep and 16 feet square was dug and walled and arched over would it not answer the purpose of which we were speaking. A considerable part of the Expence would be saved, and whatever reasonable compensation should be made to the...
94135[Diary entry: 17 February 1771] (Washington Papers)
17. Returnd home to Breakfast by my Mill Damn. Found my Brother Charles & one Mr. Thompson here who came on Friday last. Mr. Thompson is probably William Thompson (d. 1793), of Stafford County, son of Rev. John Thompson (d. 1772) of St. Mark’s Parish, Culpeper County. He was a student at the College of William and Mary 1762–63 and married Sarah Carter, daughter of Col. Charles Carter of Cleve,...
From some advices recd from New York —I think it necessary that the Militia under your command should Halt in a convenient position in the neighbourhood of Haverstraw untill further orders. Should the Enemy go up the River in such force as may seem sufficient to threaten the Highland posts and pass above Kings Ferry, you will without loss of time throw yourself by the nearest Route into West...
I have received your several Favrs of Yesterday. I beg you to close the Matter of damaged provisions with Msrs Sanders—they will doubtless take them at what they may be worth—& pass them to the Credit of the United States. I am very sorry the recruiting Service in your State wears no better an Aspect—Liut. Robinson may remain at present as an Assistt to the Minister of Service—If any Number of...
With the approbation of Mr. Livingston I have taken on myself to appoint Mr. James Anderson of Charlestown, So: Carolina sub commercial Agent for the port of Cette on the Mediterenean, and I take the liberty of adding my own request to his, that the President may be pleased to confer on him the appointment of Agent or vice-commercial for the aforesaid port and its dependences. The interests...
I have this day paid a further curtail of $200 on your smallest note at Farmers Bank, and leaves it now $1600—your other note, for $4,000, at that Bank, falls due in a few days, when 10 p r C t , or $400 will be paid upon it, as required by the board of Directors. I have not yet been able to move the Marble for the University from Rocketts to the Basin, four of the pieces are so enormou s ly...
I am favored with your Excellency’s Letter of Yesterday. Anaquaga lies on the Susquehanah about a West Course from Kingston in Ulster County—different Routes may be taken to it, the first by the Way of Peinpach or Minisink which is situate on the Delaware about 40 Miles West of New Windsor, the second is from Rochester twenty five Miles South West of Kingston as described in Colo: Cantine’s...
I do not know what apology I shou’d make for this presumption in daring to address you with a Letter—I have only to present before your eyes, the sufferings of a family (I mean that part of it) that has been far from receiving much aid or Comfort from their unfortunate head. You will please to recall to your memory Sir, that unfortunate family whom your bounty reached and the writer of this,...
Wishing to avoid giving you unnecessary trouble, I have this long waited for answers to many letters I addressed to Messrs. Skipwith & Epps, to know if they would come into the terms you proposed , to pay their proportions with you, of the Loss my Daughter sustained by your sending Willm. Peachey Admr. of Nichs. Flood, Six hundred Pounds—paper Money late in the war, towards part discharge of...
94143[Diary entry: 6 August 1769] (Washington Papers)
6. Warm again, with appearances of Rain but none fell.
I beg leave to trouble you with the inclosed letter to Miss Elizabeth White in London, the only sister of my wife. When her father, captain Benjamin White of Boston, brought his family thither, he left his daughter Elizabeth, then a child of seven or eight years old, in London, with a friend of his, a schoolmaster, for her education. In a few years her mother died, and soon after her father...
I have been favoured with your letter of the 17th Ulto. In May, Mr Alexr Donald made me a remittance in Bills on Robert Morris Esqr. of this City to the amount of 1094 85/90 Dollrs; and a few days since I received another drought on the same Gentleman for 306 65/90 Dollars making together 1401 60/90 Dollrs or Four hundred and twenty pounds ten Shillings Virginia Currency—which I have placed to...
The Impost Bill creating a Necessity of Appointments, for the Collection & various regulating of the Revenue throughout the United States, and the peculiar Convenience of my Situation to act in some Department, induces me now to beseech Your Indulgence while I address You soliciting the Favor of an Appointment to the Office of Collector, or Comptroller which may fall within the Port or...
31 March 1804, Antwerp. Wrote JM on 3 Dec. 1803 [not found] about the Antwerp consulate and has received no reply. “I received a few Days past a Letter from the Comptrollers Office U.S addressed to me as Commercial Agent for Antwerp enclosing a Letter of Instruction to Consuls & Vice Consuls, together with a Blank Register for Ships & Vessels with instructions to detect fals or forged...
Our neighborhood my dear daughter furnishes us with not one word of news to you, and I am so fatigued with writing for this post that I can only inform you we are all well, Jefferson robust as a beef, and all our desires alive to see you. My kisses to dear Anne, and best affection’s to Mr. Randolph and yourself. Adieu my dear and love me as I do you. RC ( NNPM ); addressed: “Mrs. Martha...
My friend Mr John Dawson wrote to you Last October for Information Respecting Lewis Littlepage, your Answer to him was handed to me, Carter Littlepage haveing a parte of Lewis’es property in possestion, And haveing disposd of a parte And attempting to dispose of the Hole of the Said property he being Insolvent as appears I haveing Lewis Littlepages will in my possestion I have Indeaverd to...
To the Honorable Commissioners of the United States of America. The humble Petition of Ebenezer S. Platt Most Respectfully Sheweth, That your Petitioner is a Native of America, and was a resident in the Province of Georgia, in the year 1775, And was Chosen a Member of the Parochial Committee of Savannah, in said Province. That in the month of July 1775, A Certain Ship Called the Philippa,...
Mr. Smith requests the favor of Mr. Jefferson to inform him of the annual amount of the following items, viz. RC ( DLC ); partially dated; endorsed by TJ: “Smith Wm. (S.C.).” William Loughton Smith (1758–1812), a staunchly Federalist congressman from South Carolina, 1789–97, and minister to Portugal, 1797–1801, authored vitriolic pamphlet attacks on TJ in 1792 and 1796 ( Editorial Note on...
Copy: Library of Congress I have just received a Number of Packets from America. In opening them I did not perceive that the enclosed was directed for you, till I began to read the Letter it contain’d. I beg you will excuse this Inadvertence. I congratulate you on the Change of Disposition in the English Nation with regard to America. Misfortunes make People wise, and at present they seem to...
The Mayor and Commonalty of Alexandria, impressed with the liveliest Sentiments of affection and gratitude, do most sincerely congratulate your Excellency on your return from the conclusion of a glorious and successful war, to domestic happiness and tranquillity. We, experience a Singular Satisfaction in reflecting that your residence in our neighbourhood will have a happy influence as well on...
I have just now rec d your favour of the 12 th. The Mail from the Eastward has been unusually delayed by bad Roads I suppose, or Obstructions to the Passage of the Rivers. Your Letter is a feast to me—am happy to learn you have so good a Neighbour. It is not worth while for Barneveld to continue long to altercate with Such a loose head as Americanus. Your simelitude of the Eagle and snake is...
[ Le Havre, 25 Aug. 1789. ] His obligation to TJ increases daily, especially by advice to address himself to Jay, “with whom you are pleased to assure me to use your protection.” As “Mr. Le Bailly of Virieu … informs me that your Excellency himself were to repair soon to the Congress in America: so that my Petition which I take the liberty to transmit to you Sir cannot miss being supported.”...
On the other side please find Duplicate of what I had the honor to ad dress you on the 13th. instant pr the Ship Manchester Capt. Reynolds, bound to Philadelphia; since when I have received from the Capn. General of this Department an official Letter, of which and of my answer thereto, I have the pleasure to enclose you Copies; not doubting in the least that the contents of my answer will...
It being our Duty to see that such Proportion of Militia be called from your County either to the Westward or Eastward as is called from the other Counties, and being uninformed how many of them marched to the Westward, I am now to desire you will send men (deducting therefrom the number actually marched to the Westward) together with proper officers to perform a Tour of Duty in relief of...
94158[Diary entry: 3 August 1788] (Washington Papers)
Sunday 3d. Thermometer at 70 in the Morng.—81 at Noon and 79 at Night. Wind South; and raining moderately from about five Oclock till nearly 7 when it ceased, and cleared—the Wd. remaining in the same place and continuing warm. At home all day.
I request your signature to the enclosed commissions. I am with great respect Sir, yr mo ob st RC ( DLC ); at foot of text: “President of the United States”; endorsed by TJ as received from the Navy Department on 24 Apr. and “Lts. commns” and so recorded in SJL . FC ( Lb in DNA : RG 45, LSP ).
I take the liberty of forwarding by the present mail, some observations I have lately published respecting M r Owens new system of society. Like all sectarians M r Owen seems to have adopted ideas of reforming the world, founded upon detailed plans, and a system which must necessarily be limitted. That great power which upholds the universe, seems to have conveyed to every man by feelings...