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Results 94111-94160 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
This is the first time I have had an opportunity to write to you since your election to your new & honourable office. I rejoice that your country has been able, in spite of all your modesty, to discern your merits; & that she has had virtue enough to place you in a station where your talents will not be useless to her. Altho I could wish you had the same opinion of yourself that others have, &...
25 February 1804. “As I have it in contemplation to publish the statement and document submitted to the committee of claims, accompanying my petition, I request you will be pleased to give it your perusal and signify to me whether it contains any thing improper to be laid before the public. “The solicitude I feel to be relieved from the state of suspense and accumulation of expenses which I...
I have the honor to transmit herewith, the account of unsatisfied claims for services and materials for the Capitol and Presidents house, required by a Resolution of the House of Representatives, passed 24th. current; as the same was received yesterday from Mr Latrobe, by whom those claims were contracted, and who had possession of all the evidences thereof, except as to the compensations of...
11 June 1804, Baltimore. “I am requested to solicit Passports from the Department of State for Mr. Joseph Wesley Cromwell, and Mr. Mark H. Pringle, the first the Nephew of Job Smith, Esqr. & the last of Mark Pringle, Esqr. both of this City, and very respectable young Gentlemen. Mr. Cromwell is about embarking for the West Indies, and Mr. Pringle expects to sail for India in a short time. Both...
4 September 1802, Falmouth. “I am much obliged to thee for thy favor of the 16th June; prior to the receipt of which I had desired my Freinds to recommend another Person to the situation proposed for myself. I assure thee I wou’d not intentionaly do any thing or accept any public situation, that wou’d be improper for a Consul of the United States of America to hold.… I beg leave to assure thee...
Jack Shorter has been for several months past much indisposed. His wife left him—and went to the western Country; he then became so dissipated that he was not capable of taking care of himself. As in all other cases for 16 years past, he came to me to (as he expressed it) set him right, and to keep him from an untimely end. With attention and perseverance, I succeeded in reforming him—but in a...
In conformity to my promise, I applied to Mr L Lee for the information you want relative to his Fathers papers. I now enclose you his answer to my letter, in which you will find he states, that, in all probability, the information you want may be obtained without difficulty at the university. I have not heard, as yet, from the friend in Philadelphia who has promised to give me information as...
The best answer I can return to yours of the 22d. ulto. is the inclosed extract of our council’s Journals. One heart and one voice is here. I have the honour to remain with great respect and Attention your humble Servant DNA : RG 59—ML—Miscellaneous Letters.
19 March 1803, London. No. 86. “Orders were some Time past given to evacuate Egypt, and the English forces have at this Time probably left that Country. The independence of Malta, by the Treaty of Amiens, is placed under the Protection and guarantee of Great Britain, France, Spain, Austria, Russia and Prussia. Austria has acceded, Russia consents to accede, provided the Maltese langue be...
Circumstances of a very unexpected character having recently connected me with Harvard University in the relation of its President and some general views having brought me to this City, it was my intention to have visited the University at Charlottesville, for the purpose of gratifying my curiosity in that respect and also for the sake of the advantage and pleasure I anticipated from a...
The enclosed Letter was written at the instance of several Members of Congress, who, on enquiry, finding that I could not give them any information respecting the expense, the probably [ sic ] time of completing, or the measures taken to complete the Capitol, wished me to state to You, and to the Committees of the District, the opinion I expressed to them, on the System, which appeared to me...
§ From the Senate. 18 February 1814. “Resolved, that the President of the United States be requested to cause to be laid before the senate, a list of all the commissioned officers in the navy of the United States; and also, of the midshipmen in the same, showing their respective rank; and also the dates of the commissions of the officers, and appointments of the midshipmen.” RC ( DNA : RG 45,...
I cannot, my dear Friend, refrain writing a few Lines, in Consequence of the late Vote of the Assembly respecting Senators for the new Govt. It is certainly a remarkable Instance, to say the least, of that Whim & Caprice wh. has so often controuled the Decisions of Popular Bodies. I do not know indeed, whether you wished an Appointment in the Senate, but if you did, I am sure the Effect of the...
George Tucker accepts, as you know, and will be in place early in April. Emmet accepts and will be here about the same time. Henry St. George Tucker declines, expressly on the grounds of the local attachments of his family, with abundance of thanks Etc. to the Visitors; Barbour throws a greedy grapple at both places. I inclose you his letter and my answer. I have still some hope that when he...
Since my Letter of the 15th. January which was accompanied with Abstract of my Applications for the discharge of Seamen for the Quarter ending the 31st. Decemr. last, I am honored with yours of the 17th. December & 28th. of January, enclosing Documents in the cases of eleven Seamen whose situations are as against their names expressed on the other side hereof. In McDonalds case on a former...
Few or no circumstances arising to interrupt the usual tranquillity of our Commerce with this part of Italy, will, I presume, be a sufficient reason why I do not trespass more on your time, in mentioning those small occurrences which are not of general impo rtance; one only of moment took place on the 19th. of April. The great embarkation of french troops in the different ports of Italy...
Intending to visit E. Florida this spring, and being entirely unacquainted, I have so far presumed upon your friendship for my Grandfather, and long acquaintance with my Father, as to beg, that you will, favour me with an introduction to any friends or acquaintance that you may have residing there. If not too troublesome any letters that you may enclose to me at Lynchburg, will be gratefully...
2 June 1812, Annapolis. Transmits the proceedings of a meeting of Republican citizens held here “on Saturday last—as directed by the last of the resolutions.” RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 59, ML ). RC 1 p. For enclosure (3 pp.), signed as a true copy by J. S. Skinner as secretary, see n. 2. William Kilty (1757–1821) had been a surgeon during the Revolutionary War and later took up the law. He...
24 July 1804, Lisbon. “I have the honor to inclose you a copy of my letter of the 3rd Instant which went by the Brig Diligent, Captn Elwell for Boston. Since which I have addressed the inclosed of the 16th Inst regarding James Everton, an American seaman as appears by a protection granted by John M. Pintard, when Consul at Madeira, but Mr Gambier being in the Country, I sent a Clerk in my...
The reason I would not request thy opinion on my progect for navigation was in the first place the difficulty of deciding from an imperfect sketch and the ill use I knew had been made of Great names and private opinions given in confidence. I have taken the liberty of inclosing a letter to thee directed to the Governor of Virginia on the same subject probably better suited to the present state...
As you expressed an interest in our proceedings here, I send you herewith some papers relating to our controversy—You will have seen, that our Convention at Columbia recommended a convention of the Southern States—an informal meeting, not such a convention as is contemplated and prohibited by the constitution—I went to that meeting with the sentiments I expressed to you at your house and I...
11 May 1803, Navy Department. Encloses for JM’s information a copy of a letter to Mackenzie and Glennie, navy agents at London, “containing general instructions for the liquidation of claims against the U States, for supplies that may be furnished any of our Public ships by any of his Britannick Majesty’s Agents—also directions for the payment of an account enclosed to you in a letter from...
In a few days the office of Post master for this place will be filled. Can I in any manner interest you in my favour. I really think Eighteen years devotedness merritts Something, my recommendation to the Hon the P.M.G. are good. Most Respectfully your obedt Sevt RC ( DLC ). Docketed by JM .
I send you my ideas of what might be said on the distinction between bonds and simple contracts, if any thing should be said. But my office being to vindicate the opinions of the courts, and none of the courts having made any distinction between these two cases, I ought to tread in their footsteps only: and the rather as Mr. Hammond has not raised any such distinction on his part. It would be...
§ From Thomas Auldjo. 2 November 1805, Cowes. “I had the honor to write to you yesterday & have now to convey Copy of letter from Ld. Mulgrave Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs as transmitted me by Mr. Monroe relative to the blockades of Cadiz & St. Lucar.” RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 59, CD , Southampton, vol. 1). RC 1 p.; docketed by Wagner, with his note: “Relaxation of the blockade of...
Enclosed I have the honour to forward to you a Semi-annual report of American Vessels entered at Canton between the 31st. of July 1801 and the 1st. of January 1802, received a few days past from my Agent there. Nothing particular accompanied the report. I have the honour to be very Respectfully Sir, your Obedient humble Servant. The preceding is the full transcription of a document that was...
On the 20th of June last, you favored me with a letter, stating, that in your letter to me, of the 20th of Octr. 1825. you had committed an error, which ought, for obvious reasons be corrected, and you requested me to return you that letter, and on receiving which, you would substitute some other communication, answering my original request. On the reception of your letter, which was on the...
I had the honour of writing you, on the 7th: of last Month, immediately after I received a letter from the Secretary of State of 15. October, with the letter of leave to His Majesty the Emperor of Russia; and of informing you that I should not deliver that letter, untill the receipt of further Instructions from you. It was not untill last Evening that I had the pleasure of receiving your very...
The inclosed letter is a copy of my last respects of the 1st. Ulto. which went by the Brig Hetty Captn Morehouse to the care of Mr He t ter. Nothing material has occurred in Portugal since that time. Flour & grain is of course daily growing more Scarce & more dear, but it is hoped that with about Sixteen thousand barrels of flour which this Govmt have bought in St. Lucar & Cadiz, that there...
23 November 1811. The signatories recommend Richard S. Thomas, attorney at law, of Sainte Genevieve and formerly of Ohio, to fill the vacancy on the general court resulting from the death of Otho Shrader. “We hope this our recommendation will not be disregarded when it is recollected how deeply we are interested in the appointment of a Citizen whom we intimately know.” RC ( DNA : RG 59, LAR ,...
I am favourd with your letter without date, & will attend to your observations relative to the post office—as some new arrangements are to be made, & Wyatt I learn is about to quit it is to be hopd that the evils of which you complain may be cur’d. I hear with much pain that you will not again go into the legislature—accounts from the different parts of the Union are favourable to the crisis...
I beg leave to inform that I wish a continuance in Service haveing selected Arms for a profession and believeing my pretentions as great as many who are Retained I am prompted to solicit your favor by giveing me a place in the Army A favor I shall feel greatfull for. I have the honor to be Verry Respectfully sir your most Obt. Sevt. RC ( DNA : RG 94, Letters Received, filed under “Humphrey”)....
You will doubtless be surprised to find that I am here. It was my intention to have remained in Illinois until next winter, but circumstances, which I will explain when I have the pleasure of seeing you, induced me very suddenly to change my determination, and to come on by the most direct route to this place. I shall remain here and in NewYork until some time about the first of May, when I...
Summary ( LC : Madison Miscellany). The summary is in a calendar, probably prepared about 1850 by Peter Force’s clerk. He noted that the letter was addressed “To James Madison” and that the manuscript was “1 page 4°.” Madison’s retirement from Congress. Congress has fixed its permanent residence in the woods of the Jersies. The importance of Madison taking a seat in the Virginia Assembly....
During my stay here the subject of opening an intercourse between our government and that of China has been pressed on my attention. It is certainly a matter perfectly congenial with my sentiments, and wishes; and I have consented to lay before the President of the United States a memorial on that Subject. In any mission our government might deem advisable to that country I would consider Mr....
§ From James Bowdoin. 18 December 1805, Paris. “I had the honour to write to you very fully on the 7th. inst. by Capt. Jarvis of the brig dispatch a fast sailing vessell bound from Rochélle for Savannah in Georgia: I understand it is probable, that this Letter may reach Rochélle before Capt. Jarvis may have sailed, wch. gives me the oppty. to transmit to you this Govt.’s acco. of a late...
I have the pleasure to inform you that I have just arrived from Cadiz, after a pleasant passage of 38 days; and have forwarded to The Honble. The Secretary of State, a copy, in the Spanish language, of a communication made by the Regency of Spain to the Cortes, on the 31st of december last, on the subject of the conduct of the U. States towards Spain and her American colonies; which is a...
The master of the imperial vessel, caputred off Ma lta by order of Commodore Morris in January last, was by his order brought to Gibraltar and there left. Such of said master’s effects found onboard the prize, as were not left in sequestration with his vessel at Malta, are brought forward to the United States in the Chesapeak as also the personal effects of his mate; viz. their chests and...
I presume you will receive, by the mail of this day, or tomorrow an account of the death of Gen. Macpherson. It took place last Night at his country house, near this city. This event has brought up to my mind the permission, which I had the honor to receive from you through Mr. Gallatin—to address you on the subject of the office on the expected occurrence of the event. Since Providence has...
Before the date of this letter I hope you are gotten safe to orange, and found all things in a situation the most agreeable. We are still going forward in the same tract of Seven states, of course not a great deal can be done, and indeed not a great deal to do. A prospect of the new Constitution seems to deaden the activity of the human mind as to all other matters; and yet I greatly fear that...
Since my last respects of 24 Septbr., I hope that the renewal of my consular bond has taken place, and that every thing with that respect is in order, and have now to send you the semi-annual list of Ships passed through the Sound from the 1 July, till the 31 December last year. Some vessels are already arrived from the U. S., and will come to a good market, on account of the necessities of...
I hope thou wilt excuse me for intruding on thee by sending thee a copy of the “American Tutor’s Assistant” and requesting thee to peruse it. I should not perhaps have done it had I not considered that thou art one that feelest interested in the Literature of the United States. Therefore wilt thou be pleased to examine the Book and send me thy sentiments thereon? By complying with the above...
With the present I take the Liberty to present to You two Copies of my Elements of Geometry which I wrote during my short stay at Richmond since I had the pleasure to communicate to You my former work on astronomical subjects. I should be very happy to see my now several elementary works of Mathematic introduced in Virginia, they appear to be much approved generally, and particularly by the...
The post having made it night before his arrival yesterday and my mail extraordinarily voluminous, I have been able to read & now return you the inclosed papers only. Mr. Livingston’s shall come by the next mail. I do not like this mistake of Capt. McNiel’s, and fear it will be very embarrassing. Other d⟨is⟩patches oblige me to close here with assurances of my affectiona⟨te⟩ esteem & respect....
The whole number of non Commissioned officers } and privates in the several Districts and Armies 31: Decr. 1814 were 30,763 } Since which period, there have been enlisted 929 31,692 Add to this the Recruits enlisted in October } 3234 November and December, not reported in the District Returns, and not included in the above 34,926 The above is as Correct an estimate of the Troops in service on...
20 April 1805, Aranjuez . Obtained permission from his court to leave the United States in 1799 but was unable to communicate this personally to the president as the enclosed letters from Secretary of State Pickering will attest. Freire’s successor, [João Paulo, chevalier de] Bezerra, was supposed to deliver Freire’s letter of recall, but he did not come to the United States after the U.S....
I enclose for your perusal the official letters of Commodore Chauncey 27, 28, 29. June which the bearer will take to the printers after you have perused them if you think proper. I also enclose a letter from Com Bainbridge covering Commodore Brooke Challenge which I am happy Captain Laurence did not receive as the post mark is the day after the Battle. I also enclose Com. Decaturs letter. The...
The interesting Work to which you were pleased to become a subscriber, I had hopes to be able to have transmitted to you, long ere this time; but the want of the necessary funds have hitherto delayed the publication. At the suggestion of several of my friends in this City, I have been induced to make an appeal to the liberality of my Subscribers—for an advance of their Subscriptions—and many...
I had the Honor by the last Mail to acknowledge the receipt of your Letter of the 16th Inst. covering a Check for $1200—and requesting that I would remit you the amount in Virginia Notes one half by the last Mail and one half by this. In compliance with this request I had the Honor to send you by the last Mail (18th Inst) $200 in notes of the B of Virginia that were not cut, and the one half...
I enclose you the Memorial I troubled you about which I should sooner have sent but that I thought it best to accompany it with a Translation. It is addressed under a mistaken Idea of the old Arrangement of Congress. But this will not affect the Substance. This young Man never had a Commission tho’ he did the Duty he mentions. He came to this Country & left it with the Marquis. The Facts he...