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Results 94101-94150 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
94101 Washington, George Lear, Tobias From George Washington to Tobias Lear, 14 May 1791 1791-05-14 I have not, I believe, written to you since I left Richmond. At Charleston, towards the last of...
94102 Washington, George Lear, Tobias From George Washington to Tobias Lear, 14 May 1791 … 1791-05-14 Letter not found: to Tobias Lear, 14 May 1791. On 3 June 1791 Lear wrote to David Humphreys: “I...
94103 Jefferson, Thomas Lackington, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Lackington, 14 May 1791 1791-05-14 My removal from Paris to this place has probably been the cause of the intermission in my...
94104 Lyons, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Lyons, 14 May 1791 1791-05-14 I received, a few weeks past, a letter from Dr. Currie of Philadelphia, informing me of his...
94105 Jefferson, Thomas Randolph, Thomas Mann From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Mann Randolph, 14 May … 1791-05-14 I received your favor by Capt. Heath, and notice what is said therein on the subject of the...
94106 Jefferson, Thomas Short, William From Thomas Jefferson to William Short, 14 May 1791 1791-05-14 The bearer hereof Mr. Russell proposing to visit Paris, I take the liberty of introducing him to...
94107 Sinclair, Sir John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Sir John Sinclair, 14 May 1791 1791-05-14 Whitehall, 14 May 1791. He sends his best compliments, encloses some papers, and asks their...
94108 Jefferson, Thomas Sumter, Thomas Sr. From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Sumter, 14 May 1791 1791-05-14 I am really mortified at the account I am obliged to give you of the fate of the ores you...
94109 Treasury Department Collectors of the Customs Treasury Department Circular to the Collectors of the … 1791-05-13 I find instances that have occurred in some of the Custom-houses, of receiving the duties on...
94110 Washington, George [Diary entry: 13 May 1791] 1791-05-13 Friday 13th. Dined with the Members of the Cincinnati at a public dinner given at the same place...
94111 Washington, George Georgia Society of the Cincinnati From George Washington to the Georgia Society of the … 1791-05-13 Your congratulations on my arrival in this State are received with grateful sensibility—your...
94112 Washington, George Congregational Church of Midway, Georgia From George Washington to the Congregational Church of … 1791-05-13 I learn with gratitude proportioned to the occasion your attachment to my person, and the...
94113 Washington, George Savannah Citizens From George Washington to the Savannah Citizens, 13 May … 1791-05-13 I am extremely happy in the occasion now afforded me to express my sense of your goodness, and to...
94114 Jefferson, Thomas Barclay, Thomas Official Instructions for Thomas Barclay, 13 May 1791 1791-05-13 You are appointed by the President of the United States to go to the Court of Morocco for the...
94115 Jefferson, Thomas Barclay, Thomas Confidential Instructions for Thomas Barclay, 13 May … 1791-05-13 A private instruction which Mr. Barclay is to carry in his memory, and not on paper, lest it...
94116 Jefferson, Thomas Chiappe, Francisco From Thomas Jefferson to Francisco Chiappe, 13 May 1791 1791-05-13 Since my entrance into the office of Secretary of state I have been honoured with several of your...
94117 Jefferson, Thomas Consuls Circular to Consuls and Vice-Consuls, 13 May 1791 1791-05-13 You will readily conceive that the union of Domestic with the Foreign affairs under the...
94118 Jefferson, Thomas Donald, Alexander From Thomas Jefferson to Alexander Donald, 13 May 1791 1791-05-13 My public occupations rarely permit me to take up the pen of private correspondence. I have still...
94119 Jefferson, Thomas Humphreys, David From Thomas Jefferson to David Humphreys, 13 May 1791 1791-05-13 Mr. Thomas Barclay is appointed by the President of the United States to go to Morocco in the...
94120 Jefferson, Thomas Short, William From Thomas Jefferson to William Short, 13 May 1791 1791-05-13 The bearer hereof Mr. James Jones proposing to visit Paris in a tour of travel, I take the...
94121 Jefferson, Thomas Willink, Van Staphorst & Hubbard From Thomas Jefferson to Willink, Van Staphorst & … 1791-05-13 Congress having thought proper, by their Act of March 3rd. 1791 to establish a Fund for a...
94122 Long, Charles Aust, George Enclosure F: Charles Long to George Aust, 13 May 1791 1791-05-13 [ London ], Treasury Chambers, 13 May 1791 . Having placed before the Lords of the Treasury...
94123 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Quincy Abigail Adams to John Quincy Adams, 12 May 1791 1791-05-12 we have reachd this place this day, but whether I shall be able to travel tomorrow is uncertain,...
94124 Adams, William Adams, John To John Adams from William Adams, 12 May 1791 1791-05-12 Permit me the freedom of troubling you on the present occasion.—Informing your Excellency that I...
94125 Olney, Jeremiah Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Jeremiah Olney, 12 May 1791 1791-05-12 Providence, May 12, 1791. Encloses “weekly Return of Cash” and “Two Drafts of the Treasr.”...
94126 Washington, George [Diary entry: 12 May 1791] 1791-05-12 Thursday 12th. By five oclock we set out from Judge Haywards and road to Purisburgh 22 Miles to...
94127 Eimbeck, George Washington, George To George Washington from George Eimbeck, 12 May 1791 1791-05-12 May it Please Yr Excellency Sir Savannah. May 12th 1791 Having for some years had the Command of...
94128 Humphreys, David Washington, George To George Washington from David Humphreys, 12 May 1791 1791-05-12 (Secret) My dear Sir Lisbon May 12th 1791 Lest my letters to the Secretary of State on the...
94129 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 12 May 1791 1791-05-12 Your favor of the 9th. was recd. last evening. To my thanks for the several inclosures I must add...
94130 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas IV. James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 12 May 1791 1791-05-12 Your favor of the 9th. was received last evening. To my thanks for the several inclosures I must...
94131 Jefferson, Thomas Barton, Benjamin Smith From Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin S. Barton and Others … 1791-05-12 Th: Jefferson presents his respects to the gentlemen of the committee on the Hessian fly, and...
94132 Murray, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Murray, 12 May 1791 1791-05-12 I was honored with your letter of the 22d. of March and its inclosures by Governor St. Clair.—I...
94133 Washington, George [Diary entry: 11 May 1791] 1791-05-11 Wednesday 11th. After an early breakfast at Mr. Smiths we road 20 Miles to a place called...
94134 Washington, George Citizens of Prince William Parish, South Carolina From George Washington to the Citizens of Prince … 1791-05-11 My best thanks for your cordial welcome and affectionate address are not more justly due than...
94135 Madison, James, Sr. Madison, James To James Madison from James Madison, Sr., 11 May 1791 1791-05-11 I have recd. yours of the 23d. Ulto. in which you say you think I should have done well if I had...
94136 Jefferson, Thomas Edwards, Pierpont From Thomas Jefferson to Pierpont Edwards, 11 May 1791 1791-05-11 I have duly recieved your favor of April 30. together with the volume of laws accompanying it:...
94137 Jefferson, Thomas Lyle, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Lyle, 11 May 1791 1791-05-11 In order to make provision for the payment of my debts to yourself and Farrell & Jones, I sold a...
94138 Jefferson, Thomas Maxwell, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Maxwell, 11 May 1791 1791-05-11 Being about to leave town, and not likely to return till the middle of next month, I am to...
94139 Jefferson, Thomas Smith, Daniel From Thomas Jefferson to Daniel Smith, 11 May 1791 1791-05-11 In acknowleging the reciept of your favor of Mar. 1. I take occasion at the same time to answer...
94140 Jefferson, Thomas Strange, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Strange, 11 May 1791 1791-05-11 Your favor of Apr. 30. has been duly recieved. My separation from my books and papers of account,...
94141 Jefferson, Thomas Vaughan, Benjamin From Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin Vaughan, 11 May 1791 1791-05-11 It is rare that my public occupations will permit me to take up the pen for my private...
94142 Jefferson, Thomas Wadsworth, Jeremiah From Thomas Jefferson to Jeremiah Wadsworth, 11 May … 1791-05-11 I have duly recieved your favour of April 20. The exemption from the Droit d’Aubaine in the...
94143 Jefferson, Thomas Willink, Van Staphorst & Hubbard From Thomas Jefferson to Willink, Van Staphorst & … 1791-05-11 I have now before me your favours of Sep. 3. and 30th. and approve of your compliance with Mr....
94144 Jefferson, Thomas Willink, Van Staphorst & Hubbard From Thomas Jefferson to Willink, Van Staphorst & … 1791-05-11 In my letter of Mar. 19. I inclosed you the Treasurer’s bill on you for ninety nine thousand...
94145 Appleton, Nathaniel Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Nathaniel Appleton, 10 May … 1791-05-10 Boston, May 10, 1791. “I had the honor to write you 3 instant & … I have receivd yours of 28...
94146 Cuyler, Richard Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Richard Cuyler, 10 May 1791 1791-05-10 Albany, May 10, 1791. “My Father (Mr. Jacob Cuyler). has shewn me your polite Favor to him of...
94147 Olney, Jeremiah Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Jeremiah Olney, 10 May 1791 1791-05-10 Providence, May 10, 1791. Encloses returns “of the Vessels built within this District.”...
94148 Smith, Thomas Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Thomas Smith, 10 May 1791 1791-05-10 [ Philadelphia ] May 10, 1791 . “… I am nearly out of Indents, the Comptroller of this State...
94149 Whipple, Joseph Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Joseph Whipple, 10 May 1791 1791-05-10 [ Portsmouth, New Hampshire, May 10, 1791. On May 17, 1791, Whipple wrote to Hamilton and...
94150 Washington, George [Diary entry: 10 May 1791] 1791-05-10 Tuesday 10th. Took leave of all my friends and attendants at this place (except General Moultree...