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Results 941-950 of 184,431 sorted by author
I hope the Historick page will increase to a volume. Tis this hope that has kept me from complaining of my friends Laconick Epistles. Our amiable Friend, who lately favourd me with a visit, informd you I suppose of the difficulty I Labourd under, of a Whitlow upon the fore finger of my right Hand, which prevented my writing to my dearest Friend; and to her who holds one of the first places...
1700 Barrells Pork 50 Do: Beef 700 Basketts Wheat 7 Hhds. Rum 6 Do: Bread 11 Tierces Claret 3 Quarter Cask Wine 12 or 1700 Wheat—Rye & Corn 12 Coile Rope 10 Waggons 1600 Tents mostly old The above is a true State of our Loss, in the affair at Danbury. 20 Men killed. 5 Missing. 17 Houses burnt. A Party that went out to bury the Dead have returned, and Report, that they have buried 62 Regulars....
Your Man and Horse arrived the 22 day of this Month. The Horse and Man look pretty low in flesh. You advise me to sell the Horse, but I think upon the whole after consulting my Friends it will not be prudent. It will be but a little more than 3 months before I hope to send for you. If I should sell him, I should be put to great difficulty to procure an other as good Horses are very scarce....
I received your agreeable Letter with much pleasure: having only before heard of the arrival of the vessel in which you embarked. I can my dear Madam most Sincerely rejoice with you on the happiness of meeting kind Friends, and endearing Relatives, after the Seperation you experienced. I fancy my Lovely Carolina Eyes Sparking with a joy which adds fluency to her Tongue, whilst her more...
Mr Adams Sets of tomorrow morning on a visit to Braintree. I would gladly have accompanied him, but so many difficulties arose in the way, that I gave up the Idea. if I had come we must have gone to housekeeping, & by that time I had got things any way convenient, I must have returnd, & that at a season of the year when it would have been cold & unpleasent travelling. I find myself attackd...
Your Letter of June the 29 th was as refreshing to me as cold water to a thirsty Soul. the very superscription gave a flow to my spirits which I had not experienced for many Months before. be assured not one unkind thought ever enterd my mind at not hearing from you. it was anxious Solisitude for Your Health, painfull suspence at what might be the cause of Your long silence. Your Brother had...
I have not written You a line my dear son Since I returnd to this place, now three Months; I felt almost discouraged from writing, by not having received a line from You, for a very long period of time. Yours of Feb ry 18 th at last reachd me in the month of july, and two days Since I received your favour of May 25 th , for which accept my fervent thanks. the 17 of the present Month will...
I have to acknowledge your two kind Letters one of the first the other of the 5th of december from philadelphia my anxiety has in some measure abated since I found you went immediatly to your old Lodgings, as no person was sick in that house if the air of it had been properly Changed by opening & airing I should hope theire might be no danger, this winter. the spring will be the most dangerous...
A fine Salmon by the Exeter Stage; a week ago informd me that the Gentleman from whom I had before received a similar favour; was still mindfull of his Friends by his deeds, tho he seldom favourd them with his personal presence. Accept sir my thanks, not only for the Salmon, but for the Partridges and woodcocks, which I presume came from the same quarter Last Spring, tho you have not sufferd...
I had a Letter yesterday from mrs Johnson of the 12 July, in which she says mr Cranch had just returnd from the Court to which he went, the Judge being indisposed; that his wounds were getting well fast, and that he did not suffer any inconvenience except a headack, by his ride—that he had written to you a full account of the whole buisness. Congress rose yesterday. the House the Senate are...