James Madison Papers

To James Madison from George Hubbard, 15 October 1812

From George Hubbard

Stonington. Ct. Octr. 15. 1812.


Inclosed herewith You have a List of the Crew of the private Armed Schooner “Lewis” of Stonington:1 which Privateer was captured about the 14th. August last and sent into Halifax.

It so happens that very few if any prizes are bro’t into Connecticut; it, of course, becomes very difficult to procure English Prisioners [sic] to be exchanged for the brave Crew of the “Lewis.” I am requested by a person concerned in the “Lewis” to state to your Excellency that the Crew, are really in a straitned condition, especially as it respects their living, being kept on a very scanty allowance. In addition I can say, as it respects the greater part of the Crew, they would doubtless be of much service to our Common Country. I beg your Excellency to give such instructions to Mr Mitchel at Halifax as will insure the speedy return of the Crew of the “Lewis.” Your Obt Humb Servant

Geo Hubbard

RC (DNA: RG 45, Subject File RE, box 589); enclosure (DNA: RG 45, Subject File RA, box 570). Redirected in JM’s hand to “The Secy. of State”; docketed by Monroe. A note at the top of the page reads, “exchd in Halifax.” For enclosure, see n. 1.

1The enclosed list (1 p.) of thirty-seven crew members is marked “excha. in Halifax.”

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