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Results 94081-94110 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I recieved on a short visit to this place your letter of the 14th. and the papers it covered, and have perused with satisfaction that containing your historical and political reflections on Louisiana. they are replete with views which are benevolent, and which appear to me to be just, altho’, for want of local knolege, I am unable to decide on them competently. in the present stage of...
This note is to inform you that I Hubbart Frazer, a soldier in the 14th regmt, was mustered for my pay and my discharge, but this moment the Inspector General informs that I am returned in for five years. It is wrong for I enlisted under Lieut. Becket for 18 month, but still if you will please to grant me my discharge I am willing to give up my land and the three months extra pay. Yours &c, RC...
By the last post I received your letter of January 17 th , and was as much surprised at the information that my last letter to you arrived unsealed, as you could be at the receipt of it. It was most certainly no intention of mine that it should have gone unsealed; nor can I account for the fact. My conjecture is that the person, one of my sons who copied into my letterbook, either...
94084[Diary entry: 20 April 1770] (Washington Papers)
20. Rid to see Mr. Peake who was Sick from thence to the Mill & home by Posey’s. Mr. Adams dind here.
We received yours by W.C.N. on the 11. inst: & feel for you most tenderly upon the necessity now of your sacrificing all private ease & comfort. We reflect however that it is according to Nature for the strongest to bear the Burthen; and we know well that your mind does from nature exult in grand scenes, in ample fields for exertion, in extraordinary toils, as much as the finest animal of the...
I have just return’d from the chancery court & sit out for Albemarle tomorrow. I shall remain there untill the appeals, abt. the 25. of this instt. This will be given you by Mr. Garnett a worthy & respectable gentn. of this town. He visits New York with commersl. views, & will be benefited by your acquaintance. He will consider any attention shewn him as a proof of my acknowledgment for his...
The President directs me to say to thee;—“Three days ago, a pilot-boat, sent by the conspirators, left New York for New Orleans; You must catch her and examine all the papers she may contain, or those who have gone in her may have in possession.” the Clitus 241.16 96.29 155.34,    361.14 T 108.18 226.32 365.33 317.3 365.33 361.18;— “363.39 96.28 11.28 271.28-40.15, 323.19t 49.28 361.14 80.31s,...
I have the honour to enclose to you a note from Gov. Clinton, introductory to a scheme of which a draft is also enclosed. I should have been glad to have delivered it in person, but that the journey to Monticello would have occupied to much time. I console myself by the reflection that it will be less trouble to you to read the papers than to see a visitor. You will perceive that the scheme is...
Two facts affirmd. viz. MS ( DLC : TJ Papers, 72: 12458); entirely in TJ’s hand. Recorded in SJPL under 12 Mch. 1792; entry reads: “Th:J’s Notes on commerce with Gr. Br.” TJ’s recollection of his conflict with Hamilton over the negotiation of commercial treaties with France and Great Britain probably prompted him to write these notes (see Memoranda of Consultations with the President, 11...
An acquaintance of 52. years, for I think ours dates from 1764. calls for an interchange of notice now & then that we remain in existence, the monuments of another age, and examples of a friendship unaffected by the jarring elements, by which we have been surrounded, of revolutions, of government, of party & of opinion. I am reminded of this duty by the receipt, thro’ our friend D r Patterson...
9 March 1802, London. Informs JM that Rufus King “has addressed to the Board an official Notification” of the president’s appointment of George W. Erving to succeed Williams and Cabot. “The general Terms of this Notification … have been explained by an Extract of a Letter of the Secretary of State to Mr. Erving of the 27th. of July last .… Altho’ it will be manifest upon a bare perusal of our...
LS : National Archives; AL (draft): Library of Congress; copies: National Archives, Library of Congress; press copies: National Archives (two); transcript: National Archives I received the honour of yours, dated Jan. 2. containing sundry Questions, relating to the Ship Alliance & the Expedition under the Command of John Paul Jones Esquire.— I apprehend that the Letters & Papers sent by the...
RC (Virginia State Library). The cover, addressed to “The honl The Delegates of Virginia,” is also marked “No. 6,” probably signifying that the delegates enclosed the letter with their missing dispatch of 17 November 1781 to Governor Nelson. We have been honoured with your Note on the Subject of the Provision making for cloathing the Troops. This Business being now executing by collecting the...
Amsterdam, 30 June 1788 . Acknowledge TJ’s letters of 28 May and 22 June. Request in former concerning letter to Trumbull anticipated by N. Hubbard’s having transmitted it to Daniel Parker to be given to TJ. Enclose “ Second of our draft for £30 Stl.” On 21 Apr. account of United States charged ƒ426 for TJ’s draft to Turckheim and ƒ143.14 for that to Peuchen. Other items will be consolidated...
Copy: American Philosophical Society Our last salutations waitted on you the 9th. ultimo with a memorandum of goods shipt on the Schooner Neptune and also with advice of her, as well as of the Success’s departure hence, to which are sorry to say have had no repply: Butt as on the 13th. Instant appeared safe in our River loaden with Seal oyl and whale Fins to our address the Schoner Lively...
To see Abby Adams’ marriage announced in the public Paper, was at this time, to us a very unexpected Event, as I never heard the least intimation of such an establishment when at Quincy—We were weary of conjectures , till I received your kind letter of last Friday.—But concluded such an early, & sudden marriage must be from a well grounded assurance of the Gentlemans being possessed of a large...
I have had the honor to receive your Letter of the 8 Instant, and am extremely sorry that Capt. Clements “had not delivred the Box agreeably” to his receipt, I have always considered him as a carefull man, and I hope, the Box is still safe, and will be delivered on his arrival at Georgetown & Alexandria, for which Districts it appears he cleared out on the 8 Inst. I suppose he did not go to...
I am favourd with the receipt of your Excellencies favours of the 29th & 30th ultimo. In conseqence of the latter Congress have directed the North-Carolina Troops to halt at Trenton until further Orders. You will receive enclosd the Act of Congress of the 4th Instant and Copy of the Orders to Col. Clarke on that Subject. I have the honour to be with the highest Sentiments of Esteem & regard...
The publication in Major Jackson’s paper to which the enclosed alludes I have not seen. I know not its Object nor the quarter whence the information proceeded. But the Statement of Com. Truxtun in its material parts is correct to my knowledge and to the knowledge of many of the inhabitants of Balt. My commentary upon his text is that he is anxious to be appointed at the Head of the Navy Yard...
I have recd your favour of this morning; and in Answer inform you that I have not recd an Answer to my Letter to Mr Pickering. The Engagement of his office, besides the confusion of a removal have been extreamly pressing.—I Shall See him Soon and Something will be determined. I Shall not have the Pleasure of Seeing you again probably till next Summer, Imperious Necessity or absolute Duty...
The Bearer waits on you for the Bag of Coffee brought round from Philada. with your Stock. Inclosed is the letter from E. R. referred to in his to you; to which is added a long one from D. C. for the sake of one or two particulars mentioned in it. You may either return them by the Bearer, or bring them with you as may be most convenient. On my arrival at Mr. J. Walker’s I found that Docr....
As you were pleased to think favourably of my pamphlet intitled Socrates and Jesus compared , I take the liberty to send you a defence of it. My principal object, you will perceive, was to lay hold of the opportunity, given me by Mr. Blair Linn , to excite some attention to doctrines which I consider as of peculiar importance in the christian system, and which I do not find to have been...
94103Monday. Oct. 12. (Adams Papers)
Samuel Harding of Welfleet Cape Cod says that Mr. Robert Bartholomew or Bartlemé, and Incleby of London, are largely concerned in the Whale Fishery. Richard Coffyn and Shubael Gardiner of Nantuckett are concerned with them. Dennis Debert carries on the Business for Mr. Bartholomew. Mr. Nath. Wheatly of Boston is in Partnership with Mr. Bartholomew.—One Ship of forty Guns, or 20 Guns, would...
Plan of a Negotiation to the Amoúnt of One Million Gilders. at the Charge of the United States of North America. His Excellency John Adams Esqr. Minister Plenipotentiary of the Said States of North America, &ca. &ca. &ca. Specially aúthorized to make this Loan, shall distribúe One Thoúsand obligations, each of Thoúsand Gilders, at the intrest of five per Cent per Annúm, to be paid on Coupons...
The object of this letter, my very dear Martha, is merely to inform you I am well, and to convey to you the expressions of my love. it will not be new to tell you that your letters do not come as often as I could wish. I have not heard from Albemarle or Chesterfield since I left home, now 5. weeks. this deprives me of the gleams of pleasure wanting to relieve the dreariness of this scene,...
In The the inclosed you will see the ground on which I forward it for your perusal. In the late views taken by us, of the Act of Congress , vacating periodically the Executive offices, it was not recollected, in justice to the President , that the measure was not without precedents. I suspect however that these are confined to the Territorial Establishments, where they were introduced by the...
§ From Louis-Marie Turreau. 26 August 1805, Baltimore . Has received JM ’s letter of 21 Aug. [not found] and the enclosures stating that the brig Neptune and cargo, which a French or Spanish privateer called La Resource , Captain Janet, had taken, belongs to U.S. citizens. Transmits them all to General Ferrand, commandant at Santo Domingo, asking that justice be done to the interested parties....
the disapointement Clel Tupper Met with is So Singular that I wish to Give Your Excellency a full account of this Affair. When the detachement was at the Head of Elk Clel Vose expressed a desire to Return to the Northward founded Upon the particular Circumstances He was Under Which Nothing But fear of Giving Exemple to His Officers and Men prevented Him officialy to Signify— from what He often...
I rec’d your Favor of the 7th inst. which I Show’d to our particular Friends. We rejoyce at your safe Return with the necessary Cash wanted to begin your Progress and are concernd at the G—s unreasonable Impatien⟨ce and⟩ the unmerited Censure of our Want of public Zeal to answer all his Demands. We allow He may know his Wants, and We are the Judges to know our Ability in the Supply. If We are...
In obedience to your standing order, hand herewith your quarterly a/c, to date, which hope will prove satisfactory— Your blanks, for the renewal of your notes at Bank, have been out for some time— MHi .