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Results 94081-94110 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I regret to trouble yr Excellency at a time when you must be in the debt of public-business, particularly on a matter so very unimportant. Soon after determining to make this application to yr Excellency, the public-papers anounced you seriously indisposed, and before I supposed you had recoved fully, from your visit to this State, the same papers publis[h]ed yr return to the City of...
My last to you was of the 31st. of July: since which I have received yours of July 24. Aug. 10. & 23. The first part of this long silence in me was occasioned by a knoledge that you were absent from N. York; the latter part, by a want of opportunity, which has been longer than usual: mr. Shippen being just arrived here, and to set out tomorrow for London, I avail myself of that channel of...
¶ From John Norvell. Letter not found. 13 August 1814. Acknowledged in JM to Norvell, 15 Aug. 1814 . Probably asked JM ’s opinion on Norvell’s proposal “to establish at the seat of government a Weekly Political Recorder, in octavo form, to comprise within its plan the publication of important state and fiscal papers, a weekly summary of passing events, and political essays on interesting...
1 June 1812, Washington. Has accepted his appointment in the army and will discharge his duties “with zeal and fidelity.” Is informed that he will be called to “the waters of the Missisippi, where the troops of the old army and those of the army raised under the law of 1808, are stationed.” Is willing to be attached to one of these forces and to devote the remainder of his life to the service...
¶ From Elizabeth (Betsy) Conway Madison Shepherd. Letter not found. 14 May 1821 . Acknowledged in JM to James Francis Madison Shepherd, 8 Dec. [1825] ( DLC ), in which JM quotes from the letter: “my object is that an arrangement may be made for those Negroes to be bought in & secured. The Docr. [William Shepherd] I am confident will only say, what he has already said to me, that they must be...
I have recd. yours of the 8th Instant, with the letters from Mr. Long & Mr. Barbour inclosed— I send you herein the result of Dr. Harrisons investigation of the deficient parts of "Valpy’s Edition of Stephens’ Thesaurus" by which it appears, the expense will be small to compleat this valuable work and I should concur with you in ordering it to be purchased immediately—The subscription price of...
Inclosed herewith You have a List of the Crew of the private Armed Schooner “Lewis” of Stonington: which Privateer was captured about the 14th. August last and sent into Halifax. It so happens that very few if any prizes are bro’t into Connecticut; it, of course, becomes very difficult to procure English Prisioners [ sic ] to be exchanged for the brave Crew of the “Lewis.” I am requested by a...
Mr. Young, charged with my last dispatch, dated 14th. to 23rd. Inst., left this on the morning of the th., with an order from this Government for the discharge of a ny vessel which he might select amongst those detained at Algeciras under the "blockade" decrees. That dispatch con tained a copy of my note to the Minister of State of Ma y. 5th., (No. 6.) and I mentioned that his Highness the...
Being out of paper I am obliged to have recourse to an old Book. Since I wrote you last I recd. a letter from Mesrs. Watts’s of New york, with a power of Atteo: & Deed of Trust to them but neither of them are properly proved—either before a Court, Majestrates, or thro Notory public. I have answerd their Letter & observed those deficiencies to them. I do not think the Authority I have is...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Cover addressed to “The Honobl. James Madison of Congress Philadelphia.” Docketed by JM, “May. 10. 1783.” To my great mortification Mr. Newton is not yet come to the Assembly and, altho’ I wrote pressingly to him last week to send me the Bill, I have received no Answer. I hinted in my last the probability of your drawing from Mr. Newton’s Bill a part of the Arrears...
I yesterday recd. the inclosed letter from the Governor of this Province, His Excelly. the marquis of Casa Calvo, containing a repetition of the Order of suspension, transmitted to me of the date of the 4th. of Sept., 1799; by which you will see that there is a strong necessity for something being done to obtain a public residence for an American Consul in this place, which from it’s local...
Since I received your’s by Mr. Mcalister together with the 32 dollars, I have had a Letter from my father informing me of the cashe he has lodged in the hands of a merchant in Philadelphia, directing me to draw on you whenever my exigencies required it; I expect in the course of three weeks to set out for Virginia but shall not be able to accomplish it untill I get the remainder of the money...
On the 31. ulto. accounts were received here from the U. States that the President and Senate had adopted the measure of a special mission to this country in which Mr Pinkney & myself were associated. These accounts which appeared to be well authenticated at first, have been confirmed Since by letters to individuals, so that the fact seems to be unquestionable. I have not received official...
6 August 1801, Paris. Reports that Appleton left Paris on 5 Aug. with French ratification to embark at Dieppe for Philadelphia. The Essex arrived off Marseilles on 29 July, took the Martha under convoy, and proceeded to Barcelona to convoy the twenty-six ships there. On his application, the naval minister [Pierre-Alexandre-Laurent Forfait] has released two more seamen confined at Bordeaux. RC (...
My reason for mentioning to you this Morning the subject we conversed about, was that this is the mail day for Detroit, so that if you wished it you might have it in your power to counteract the effects of the intimation that has been given. It is said the Gentn. who is appointed a general in New-York, will not accept the appointment. Perhaps this appointment wou’d be accepted as full...
Il me Seroit difficile d’éxprimer à Votre Excellence tout⟨e⟩ la Satisfaction dont je suis penétré d’avoir à vous présent⟨é⟩ les assurances de l’amitié du Grand Monarque qui me députe auprès de Vous. Désirant d’étendre les liens d’affection et de commer⟨ce⟩ qui unissent les différentes Nations policées, et certain de la Sagesse qui régne dans vos Conseils Sa Majesté-Impériale m’a confié la...
Letter not found. Ca. 15 March 1797. Referred to in Jones to JM, 23 Mar. 1797 . Mentions arrival in Fredericksburg of a vessel with goods shipped by JM.
Your letter like mine was a long time reaching its destination, owing I presume to the state of the roads. The newspapers will have announced to you from time to time the progress of business here. The Bankrupt Bill after every out of doors effort past the H of Reps by the casting vote of the Speaker only. On the question for its second reading in the Senate it would have been rejected, but...
We have the honor to inclose the account which Should be annexed to the Convention transmitted you. The Bordeaux embargo is in Assignats, and two thirds will be deducted from many of the others. We have reason to think from a particular account now in our hands there will be Such considerable deductions as will reduce the whole charge to less than 20 millions of livres including the interest....
§ From Richard Söderström. 4 April 1806, Washington. “The inexpediency of acceding to my request that the United States should defend the Henrick and Cargo in an Action to be instituted to try the Merits, Is placed by the letter you have been pleased to honor me with of the 3th: Instant, on Four Grounds. The presence of the Captor—His Solvency: that the injury did not proceed from any act or...
I am this moment informed by the Ragusean Consul, that ⟨a⟩ Vessel under his Colours is now here—chartered in Tunis about Six weeks ago to Carry a Letter to you from Tripoli, I presume with the Propositions of accommodation as exposed in Mr. Cathcarts official Communication, a Copy of which you will find inclosed; If the 18 months are allowed, it is a great Pity it is not known officially, as...
¶ From Samuel Sterett. Letter not found. 21 July 1806. Acknowledged in JM to Sterett, 23 July 1806 , as having to do with the case of the ship Jennet at Halifax.
Extract of a letter from Mr. Mountflorence to the Secretary of State, dated Paris 3rd. Augt. 1801. “The ratifications were exchanged 31st. ult. and Mr. Thomas Appleton This is the name of our Consul for Leghorn. J Wagner has been entrusted by Mr. Dawson with that of the French Government delivered unto him by Mr. Murray.” Extract of another letter from the same to the same, dated 6 Augt. 1801....
As I feel a kind of Ambition to introduce to the past present and future Presidents of U.S. Some of our most amiable Men, least bigotted least Superstitious Characters, and most catholic Minds, (in the moral, not Ecclesiastical Sense of the Word) I take the Liberty to introduce to you the Rev. Mr. Henry Colman. As it was known that he intended a Journey to the Southward for his Health which is...
The enclosed papers recd. from Genl Jackson are transmitted, tho’ they contain nothing more than what I had anticipated. A private letter from Mr Irvine to the Secretary of State States facts calculated to remove the impression which Colo. Jessup’s communication has produced of an invasion of New Orleans by a Spanish force. He believes the exertions now making to raise an army in Spain is to...
§ From Elias Vander Horst. 20 May 1806, Bristol. “The foregoing is a Copy of my last of the 24t of March ⅌ the Ship Bristol Trader, Capt. Phelps, Via New-York, since which Period I have not had the Honor of hearing from you. “The Season for Vegetation here has hitherto been very favorable and the fields in consequence wear a mo⟨st⟩ promising appearance, but, I am sorry to say, the aspect of...
It is with much satisfaction that I find myself able to inclose to you Invoices of the George Washingtons Cargo; No. 1 Contains what I presume is on account of the Annuity, No. 2 the articles Mr. OBrien wished to have to present to influential Officers of the Government and No. 3 the articles which had been purchased, as I suppose for the Bankers or Brokers. It would have been impossible...
§ From Thomas Newton. 28 August 1806, Collectors Office, Norfolk. “The Brittish Ship of War Chichester Capt. Stopford, on going to Sea run a ground & sprung a leak, so as to compel her to come into this port to refit, she has a Cargo of Spars & Stores for the Brittish fleet in the West India’s, of this vessel I before had given you information’s, to which be pleased to refer; the situation she...
20 April 1805, Washington, Mississippi Territory . “There is reason to expect that there will be applications or recommendations for the office of Secretary for this Territory. Permit me to suggest the idea that some embarrassment might result from the appointment, unless it be made on the President’s or thy personal knowledge, or in conformity with the wishes of the present Governor, whose...
My Unhappy situation compells me to take the liberty of addressing your excellancey on a subject that I acknowledge myself to be liable to punnishment for the offense committed is that of taking the liberty of going to see my wife in Baltimore without the approbation of My officers the fact is I had made application for leave of absence for a few days prior to My departure from the Fort and...