Results 9401-9450 of 184,431 sorted by author
1780. January 13. Thursday. We rode from Bribiesca to Pancourbo where We dined. We passed through...
Yours of 22. Jan. reached me, but yesterday. You would have entertained and obliged me, by an...
I thank you for the copy of Decius’s letters &c. And I pray you, accept a Sermon of Dr Mayhew in...
I give you credit for finding time to write me in London where there are So many Objects to...
I have received your Letter of the 10 th. and in answer to your question, I have no scruple to...
I received this morning with great Pleasure your friendly Letter of the 16, and thank you for...
The documents you Send me from Mr. Williams have been to me for Several Years the most...
9408[April 19. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
April 19. 1778. Dined at home with Mr. Grand, our Banker, his Lady, his Niece and Ward...
I have received your favor of the 13 th , as I did that of march in due season— One wishes to be...
I have received your favour of 24 th. May, by M r. Chew, and am very Sorry to hear of your ill...
I have received from you an agreeable present of your Thanksgiving Sermon, and have read it with...
In this Port Folio we have deposited some papers, illustrating the plan and criticising the...
9413[February 1759] (Adams Papers)
I intend a Journey to Worcester to morrow. How many observations shall I make on the People at...
941414 [i.e. 15]. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
A lovely Day. Soft vernal Showers. Exercise invigorates, and enlivens all the Faculties of Body...
We were very happy to have the definitive Treaty signed, altho’ We could obtain no Improvement...
941612. Fryday. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Mitchel, Mr. Luzac, Dr. Waterhouse, Mr. Thaxter and my two Sons supped with me at the Cour de...
I have received your favor of the 7th. instant. If I agree with you that human knowledge ceases,...
9418[Thursday June 15. 1776.] (Adams Papers)
Thursday June 15. 1776. Congress having proceeded to the Election of a Committee to form the...
I have received In a Letter written at your request by his Excellency John Jay the Governor of...
9420Decr. 26th. 1765 Thursday. (Adams Papers)
At Home by the Fireside viewing with Pleasure, the falling Snow and the Prospect of a large one....
94211760 May 31th. Saturday (Adams Papers)
Read in naval Trade and Commerce, concerning Factors, Consuls, Embassadors, &c., and the South...
Yours of Novr. 12 is before me. I wish I could write you every day, more than once, for although...
The following comments were written, within a few days after the appearance in public of this...
I took the first opportunity to send your Present of Books to my friend the Marquis de la Fayette...
Enclosed is a letter from Mr. Sam Freeman of Falmouth, in favor of Mr. Joseph Titcomb, but...
9426[1780 January 17. Monday.] (Adams Papers)
1780 January 17. Monday. We dined with the two Messieurs Gardoqui, and a Nephew of theirs. The...
I have just received your favor of the 9th of Dec. I thank you for the expressions of your good...
94285 Saturday. (Adams Papers)
Dreamed away the afternoon.
In my Apology, if you like that Word better than “Defence” I passed over England for more reasons...
94301770. August. 9th. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
I received from Mr. Gill an Intimation, that a Letter from me would not be disagreable to you,...
9431[February? 1776.] (Adams Papers)
3. Jer. 12. Go proclaim these Words towards the North. Return thou backsliding Israel and I will...
You are examining me upon Interrogatories. I must tell you the Truth and nothing but the Truth....
9433Sept. 10. (Adams Papers)
Took with me to N.Y. 51 dollars and 5s. 8d. Pen. Currency in Change. An isolated entry in...
Yours of the 27th of April I am to acknowledge. I cannot concur with you in Sentiment because the...
With high spirits I received the hand writing and the journal of the 1st. of this Month. I opened...
We have had an Escape again: but are arrived safely in Spain. As the Frigate will probably not...
94371765. Decr. 30th. Monday. (Adams Papers)
We are now concluding the Year 1765, tomorrow is the last day, of a Year in which America has...
It has been the general Sense of our Country, Since the Peace, that it was their Duty and their...
Like other Sinners about to commit an indiscretion I study excuses to quiet my own conscience. My...
In answer to your letter of yesterday by Lt Potter, I can only say that you shall be at liberty...
Braintree, January? 1761. Printed: JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John...
I thank you for the Vol. you sent me containing the trial of Lt Abbot. I am too blind to read it...
Mr Otis Said Such a “Writt of Assistance” might become the Reign of Charles the Second in...
Your Letter of the 4 th , has given me as much Pain by opening the Sceenes of Ambition in your...
A Report, made to me on the first day of this month, by the Director of the Mint, through the...
I rejoice that the gentlemen of Boston have done themselves & Capt Hull the honour of this public...
In your Excellency’s letter to me of the Twenty Fourth of February last, I was honored with your...
9448Wednesday [20 August]. (Adams Papers)
Spent Evening at Lodgings with Charles Cushing, and Daniel Oliver of Middleborough, Paine and...
Is there no News from Egberts our Express? What can have happened to him? or become of him? Is he...
I shall now proceed with that obnoxious Journal:— Monday, Nov. 11, 1782. Mr. Whiteford, the...