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Results 931-940 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
AL : American Philosophical Society A number of letters like this that make concrete and, as far as we know, fruitless offers can conveniently be discussed together here. At about the same time as Montécot’s proposal, but with no date, comes one to the commissioners from Louis-Gabriel Le Roÿ in Paris. He is a master carpenter and cabinet-maker for French officers, and the enclosed prospectus...
I return you Janes’s description of his loom with many thanks for the communication of it. the improvement for the moving the treadles without using the feet is highly valuable, inasmuch as our weavers are for the most part women. it appears too to be sufficiently simple for country use. the winding up the cloth is also useful, & not complicated. I do not well understand the mechanism for...
26 April 1801, London. No. 15. Received instructions several months ago to procure jewels as present for bey of Tunis and had estimated cost at £7,000 sterling. That part of presents consisting of silk and woolen cloth (valued at over £1,000) has been sent to Eaton by Maw-hood and Co. Jewelry is being prepared by Rundel and Bridges to be finished in June, about the same time as the guns and...
934[Diary entry: 21 February 1786] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 21st. Thermometer at 40 in the Morning—40 at Noon and 38 at N. Clear, with the wind pretty fresh at No. West in the forenoon calm afterwards. A Mr. McPherson of Alexandria came & returned before dinner. His business was, to communicate the desires of a Neighbourhood in Berkeley County, to build a School & Meeting House on some Land of mine there, leased to one . My answer was, that if...
Extract printed from Jacques Barbeu-Dubourg, ed., Œuvres de M. Franklin … (Paris, 1773), p. 314. Cette lettre vous sera remise par le Docteur Lettsom, jeune Médecin Amériquain de beaucoup de mérite, qui est de la paisible secte des Trembleurs, et que vous regarderiez conséquemment au moins comme une rareté à contempler, quand même vous auriez épousé toutes les préventions de la plupart de vos...
A letter I recieved yesterday from Mr. Limosin shews that your letter would have been much too late for the packet had it been forwarded on immediately on its arrival. The Packet sailed from the road of Havre at 5. o’clock in the morning of the 10th. Your letter arrived at Paris the evening of the same day.—Mr. Limosin tells me there is only an English ship at Havre, to sail soon for...
This will be deliver’d your Exellency by Capt. Campbell of the 71st British who you will perceive by the incloased Vote of the Council of War, is recommended to you for Permission to go into New Yorke for the purposes theirin expressed; as the Officers have Subsisted intirely at their owne expence tis necessary that they should be supplyd with Cash &c. I doubt not but your Exellency will...
I have taken the liberty to address to your Care, one Hogshead, three Boxes & two Cases directed “to the President of the United States,” and which were this day put on Board the Ship Comet, (Captain McNeil) bound for Baltimore.—The Hogshead & Boxes contain Curiosities which were collected by Captain Lewis in his Voyage up the Missourie; In one Cage , is a living animal, cal’ld the Wild Dog of...
I transmit you a letter of the 8th—extracts of the 12th—and one of the 24th instant from Brigadier General Hand, which he forwarded to me, not knowing where to find you. I have mentioned in my letter to Gen: Hand my forwarding Them to you. I shall write the board of war to send the supplies of clothing for the 11th Pennsylvania regiment I shall also request them—to forward a set of shoemakers...
On Sunday a letter from Mrs. Church announced the happy delivery of My Dear Eliza, and that She and the child, were in as good health as could be expected and wished for. On this Event, I must Sincerely congratulate you and her. May I soon learn that she is perfectly restored. It is more than probable that soon after my return to albany I shall have the pleasure of seeing [you] at New York....