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Results 931-940 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I send you enclosed two communications of the Governor, & a report of a Committee of the Legislature of Illinois, in relation to the right of the States to the public Lands situated within them. The great interest felt by many Citizens in this and other States in which the U. S. claim the soil, and the apprehension of the consequences which may result from a conflict between the States...
It has for some years, been a subject of regret with Mr Huygens to have passed near Montpellier without having it in his power to make a pilgrimage to it. He now travels under circumstances more propitious to his wishes, and affords me an opportunity to recall myself in an agreeable manner to your & Mrs Madison’s recollection RC (ViHi : Nicholas P. Trist). Docketed by JM.
Far distant from the friends I am most attached to I am frequently led to reflect on the many happy days I have spent in there society These reflection are productive of associations the most agreeable that you can possably immagine except, when mixed with the recollection of the pecuniary change that has taken place in my family then I am led on to contrast my former situation in life with...
I thank you for your kind letter of 29 April, which reached me at Newyork. This place is the residence of my only remaining sister, who is married to a Mr Herndon. I have been here a week; and, perhaps may remain a week or ten days longer; after which it is my intention to go on to my son’s near Charlottesville; but Montpellier being so much on the way, I must avail of your kind invitation as...
Since my letter answering yours of Apl. 6., in which I requested you to make an enquiry concerning a small pamphlet of Chs. Pinckney, printed at the close of the Fedl. Convention of 1787, it has occurred to me that the pamphlet might not have been put in circulation, but only presented to his friends &c. In that way I may have become possessed of the Copy to which I referred as in a damaged...
I have recd. with great pleasure the information in your letter of the 11th that the University is not to lose your Co-operation in its fortunes; and that it more than retains the warm interest you have taken in them. Mrs. M. & myself feel all that is due to your & Mrs. P’s kind invitation to make a part of your family during the approaching Session of the Board of Visitors. But...
I have duly recd. yours of the 24. Ult. and inclose the little pamphlet by Govr. Morris which it refers to. Unless it is to be printed entire in the Volumes you are preparing, I should wish to replace it in the Collection from which it is taken. Of other unofficial writings by him I have but the single recollection, that he was a writer for the Newspapers in 1780 (being then a member of...
I recd. in due time your letter of the 9th. and with it the Vol. on the authorship of "Junius". Altho’ it found me but little at leisure & in crippled health, I felt too much respect for the writer, not to say curiosity for the subject also, not to give it an entire reading. Whether you have untied the knot at which so many ingenious hands have tugged in vain, I will not make myself a Judge. I...
I have just received from Mr. Wm. Allen of Fredericksburg, the sum of one hundred and twenty Dollars, with a request that it may be deposited in this office to the credit of Edward Coles. At the request of the same gentleman I have now to inform you that I have done so. With much respect, I am, Sir, Your obedt. Serv. RC (DLC) .
I am under many obligations to you for your full and satisfactory letter, respecting the part taken by Gouverneur Morris in the Convention. The information is valuable, & not to be obtained in any other Quarter. I should not trouble you at present, were it not for a hint contained in the postscript to your letter, respecting a pamphlet by Mr Morris on the threatened repeal of the law of...