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Results 931-980 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
AL : American Philosophical Society A number of letters like this that make concrete and, as far as we know, fruitless offers can conveniently be discussed together here. At about the same time as Montécot’s proposal, but with no date, comes one to the commissioners from Louis-Gabriel Le Roÿ in Paris. He is a master carpenter and cabinet-maker for French officers, and the enclosed prospectus...
I return you Janes’s description of his loom with many thanks for the communication of it. the improvement for the moving the treadles without using the feet is highly valuable, inasmuch as our weavers are for the most part women. it appears too to be sufficiently simple for country use. the winding up the cloth is also useful, & not complicated. I do not well understand the mechanism for...
26 April 1801, London. No. 15. Received instructions several months ago to procure jewels as present for bey of Tunis and had estimated cost at £7,000 sterling. That part of presents consisting of silk and woolen cloth (valued at over £1,000) has been sent to Eaton by Maw-hood and Co. Jewelry is being prepared by Rundel and Bridges to be finished in June, about the same time as the guns and...
934[Diary entry: 21 February 1786] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 21st. Thermometer at 40 in the Morning—40 at Noon and 38 at N. Clear, with the wind pretty fresh at No. West in the forenoon calm afterwards. A Mr. McPherson of Alexandria came & returned before dinner. His business was, to communicate the desires of a Neighbourhood in Berkeley County, to build a School & Meeting House on some Land of mine there, leased to one . My answer was, that if...
Extract printed from Jacques Barbeu-Dubourg, ed., Œuvres de M. Franklin … (Paris, 1773), p. 314. Cette lettre vous sera remise par le Docteur Lettsom, jeune Médecin Amériquain de beaucoup de mérite, qui est de la paisible secte des Trembleurs, et que vous regarderiez conséquemment au moins comme une rareté à contempler, quand même vous auriez épousé toutes les préventions de la plupart de vos...
A letter I recieved yesterday from Mr. Limosin shews that your letter would have been much too late for the packet had it been forwarded on immediately on its arrival. The Packet sailed from the road of Havre at 5. o’clock in the morning of the 10th. Your letter arrived at Paris the evening of the same day.—Mr. Limosin tells me there is only an English ship at Havre, to sail soon for...
This will be deliver’d your Exellency by Capt. Campbell of the 71st British who you will perceive by the incloased Vote of the Council of War, is recommended to you for Permission to go into New Yorke for the purposes theirin expressed; as the Officers have Subsisted intirely at their owne expence tis necessary that they should be supplyd with Cash &c. I doubt not but your Exellency will...
I have taken the liberty to address to your Care, one Hogshead, three Boxes & two Cases directed “to the President of the United States,” and which were this day put on Board the Ship Comet, (Captain McNeil) bound for Baltimore.—The Hogshead & Boxes contain Curiosities which were collected by Captain Lewis in his Voyage up the Missourie; In one Cage , is a living animal, cal’ld the Wild Dog of...
I transmit you a letter of the 8th—extracts of the 12th—and one of the 24th instant from Brigadier General Hand, which he forwarded to me, not knowing where to find you. I have mentioned in my letter to Gen: Hand my forwarding Them to you. I shall write the board of war to send the supplies of clothing for the 11th Pennsylvania regiment I shall also request them—to forward a set of shoemakers...
On Sunday a letter from Mrs. Church announced the happy delivery of My Dear Eliza, and that She and the child, were in as good health as could be expected and wished for. On this Event, I must Sincerely congratulate you and her. May I soon learn that she is perfectly restored. It is more than probable that soon after my return to albany I shall have the pleasure of seeing [you] at New York....
I have been favoured with your Letter of the 7th Inst. You plead so powerfully and urge so many reasons to leave the ⟨Ar⟩my, that I cannot refuse your request altho it is with regret I see a Gentlem⟨an⟩ go out of it. The principal cause of your Application, However, you have no⟨t⟩ expl⟨icit⟩ly ⟨s⟩tated, But yet I p⟨res⟩ume my Conjectures respecting It, are just and right. I suppose it is your...
Letter not found. Ca. 1 March 1792. Mentioned in JM to Jefferson, 5 Mar. 1792 . Concerns settlement of David Owings’s and David Woods’s Revolutionary War claims.
Th: Jefferson asks mrs Lewis ’s acceptance of half a dozen bottles of wine, which is 5. or 6. years old and will he thinks be of service to the tone of her st om ach. the bearer will bring the beans she was so kind as to offer, and any greens she has to spare without disfurnishing herself. he salutes her with antient and affectionate friendship, & wishes for her better health. RC ( DLC :...
¶ To Colin and James Ross. Letter not found. 3 June 1806. Mentioned in the Rosses’ 5 June 1806 reply as having to do with a payment to Hubbard Taylor of Kentucky.
The mode provided in the letter to General Harrison, for distances in pay-offices, may answer. But blank Appointments would seem a more regular mode. The filling them implies the same confidence only, and in both cases the appts. are equally annullable. As assistant paymasters are not named in the act, it may be better to appt. additional paymasters in the same District with instructions...
You already know that Mr Key sent forward his resignation within the prescribed time. I am now to mention to you that I have written to Mr Gallatin a request that he would ascertain and let us know without loss of time, whether a fit Successor could be found in G.B. in case it should be necessary to resort thither. I wrote also, at the suggestion of Gen: Cocke, to Mr Brown, American Minister...
I beg leave to trouble you with Extracts from two letters lately recd. from Mr. Short. On rect. of your answer I will take Measures to arrange the Business as you may recommend. For my own part, tho’ a considerable Stock holder I am much a Stranger which plan is most adviseable for Mr. Shorts interest. I hope you found the Account sent you free from Error. My absence from home prevented me...
I have to thank you for the drawing of the beautiful hydraulic machine with which you favored me in yours of Jan. 11. in simplicity and effect it promises to go far beyond Montgolfier ’s hydraulic ram. I have endeavored to constitute a supply of water at Monticello by cisterns for recieving and preserving the rain water falling on my buildings. these would furnish me 600. gall s of water a...
1 August 1801, Lisbon. Encloses report [not found] on American trade with Portugal from 1 Jan. to 30 June and copies of letters received from U.S. consuls in Tangier and Tripoli on North African relations and the arrival of Commodore Dale’s squadron. He himself stands ready to offer squadron all possible assistance. Acknowledges receipt of triplicate of JM’s 21 May letter. States that the brig...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Nous recevons dans le moment d’envoy de mr Jn Williams de nantes pour votre Compte 6 Caisses de madere, a leur arrivées nous les avons examinées, il sen est trouvé quelsqunes de Cassées & ce parcequ’elles etoient fort mal Embalées, & si il faut vous les expedier dans le tat ou elles sonts vous En aurez plus de la moitié de Cassées dicy Chez vous En...
Majr. L’enfant comes on to make such a survey of the grounds in your vicinity as may aid in fixing the site of the federal town and buildings. His present instructions express those alone which are within the Eastern branch, the Patowmac, the Tyber, and the road leading from George town to the ferry on the Eastern branch. He is directed to begin at the lower end and work upwards, and nothing...
My letters from Monticello informing me of the President ’s return, I lost no time in bringing under his attention the wish of your son Robert to be placed in our new Southern territories; but unfortunately I had forgotten the particular office he had in view, and having left the letter at home could not have recourse to it. but I supplied the lapse of memory by taking the broader ground that...
Permettez, Monsieur, quoique je n’aye pas l’avantage d’être connu de vous, que j’ajoute quelques lignes a la Lettre des deux Maisons, de la derniere desquelles je Suis un des Associés. L’Auteur du Federaliste est connu en Europe peutêtre plus, qu’il ne pense peutetre luy même. Elevé dans la carriere politique, que les evenemens des dernieres années m’ont fait échanger contre des occupations...
Col. Pickering called on me last Sunday & breakfasted with me on Monday. He was going that Day in Stage as far as Stamford where he intended to hire a horse & ride over to Bedford to visit you. I mention this because the weather was such as probably prevented him from putting his Intention in Execution. M r Eddy this Morning shewed me a letter from the Governor in which he says that M r Jays...
ALS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; copy: Archivo Historico Nacional On March 14 the commissioners received their first dispatches from America. Among them was the letter above of December 30 from the committee of secret correspondence, enclosing the Congressional authorization to offer Versailles territorial inducements to enter the war. Deane promptly informed Vergennes that...
Paris, 9 Dec. 1785 . Formal notice of presentation to the king as minister of the “Duc de Mecklembourg-Schwérin.” RC ( DLC ); 2 p.; in French; addressed. Not recorded in SJL .
Your favor of the 20 th came to hand last night only, and the same post brought me an answer from mr Morton which I inclose for your perusal & consideration, with a request to return it to me. mr Morton is a native of this state, not personally known to me till lately, but long ago much recommended to me by many here; but most particularly by mr Coles , who was much with him in Bordeaux ,...
On the 3d. instant I recd. your circular letters of the 13th. & 25th of May last. I do not recollect that in any instance duties on goods brought into this district have been ascertained otherwise than on the actual landing thereof, and by the measuring, weighg. & gauging, where those operations are required by law. A particular attention will be paid to your direction in that respect. Your...
At a Board of General Officers, assembled at Genl Putnams Quarters July 22nd 1779 agreeable to the direction of His Excellency the Commander in Chief, communicated in his Letter of the 20th Inst. Present. Major Generals { Putnam De Kalb Brigadiers { Smallwood Muhlenberg Gist. Major General Putnam laid before the Board the Letter of the Commander in Chief, requesting him “to consult with the...
As the Convention Troops will have passed above you by the time this reaches you, the object of your Station at the Clove will have been effected. You will therefore be pleased to move down to Paramus with the Carolina Brigade and quarter your Men in as compact a manner as the situation of the Buildings will permit. You shall, upon my arrival at Middle Brook receive more particular...
In consequence of General Wayne’s orders of the 2d instant, a battalion was formed of about 250 men of those in the Brigade who were best clothed, and marched the day following to Morristown under the command of Lieut. Colonel Barber. The clothing did not arrive till yesterday when I meant to have followed with the remainder of the troops but reasons which I presume Your Excellency will deem...
The Secretary of the Treasury has the honor to transmit herewith for the President’s signature, the draft of a passport upon application from the French Minister, which is also enclosed. LB , DLC:GW . On this date GW "Signed a passport for the vessel L’aimable of port de paix (St. Domingo) now at Phila. to depart in ballast & to proceed to sd. Island" ( JPP Dorothy Twohig, ed. The Journal of...
J’ai recû, Messieurs, La Lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire Le 16 du Mois passé pour demander qu’il soit accordé une fregate du Roi aux frères Basmarin Raimbeaux et Cie. pour etre emploié a proteger Le Commerce qu’ils font a l’Amerique et en même terns user de Represailles pour Les Pertes que Les Anglois Leur ont fait essuyer en dernier Lieu. Je voudrois qu’il me fut possible de...
The Committee of Arrangement of Officers for this state have been more than three Months Appointing the Officers to my Regiment, and have not yet Finished, a Lieutenant Colonel, a Lieut:, and two Ensigns, Qr Master, Are the Officers now wanting: The Competitors for the Lieutenant Colonels Commission, who are two Shoe makers, have had just Interest enough at Court to Exclude all others, and...
Your favors of the 8th and 11th instant, with the several news-papers came duly to hand. I have no objection to Mr Wolfen continuing in his present duty. However, it may be necessary to have the men relieved by a fresh party, that the fatigue may be equally borne by the whole corps, that is in case of its being severe. I have the same idea of the impropriety of such inlistments as you have...
The articles which you shipped on my Acct on board of the Charming Polly have arrived safe & in good order. As I am under the necessity of purchasing, every year, a quantity of coarse Linen, Blanketings &ca for the clothing of my negroes, and sundry other articles for various purposes, and Goods of every kind being sold in Alexandria at a high advance, I am desireous of knowing if I could not...
I have taken the liberty of writing to you, on a subject which I deem will be of use to the Citizens of America in general, and to the American youth in particular. Having been for many years employed in the Study & instruction of the Mathematics, I have found great inconvenience, as well as expense, arising to Students, in procuring books on the different branches in which they have been...
This Indenture made this the 11th day of May in the year 1814, between James M. Hite and Cornelius Baldwin and Nelly C. Baldwin late Nelly C. Hite of the county of Frederick and State of Virginia of the one part, and James Madison of the county of Orange and State aforesaid of the other part—Witnesseth, that whereas Isaac Hite of Belle Grove in the county of Frederick and State of Virginia did...
I have heretofore communicated to Congress the decrees of the government of France of November 21. 1806. and of Spain of Feb. 19. 1807. with the orders of the British government of January & November 1807. I now transmit a decree of the emperor of France of Dec. 17. 1807. and a Similar decree of the 3d. of January last of his Catholic majesty: with the letter of our Charge des affaires at...
I am favoured with yours and have given particular Attention to the Contents, it gives me some relief, when you say you are not, nor has been prejudiced with me. Concious I am, that to my knowledge I never did any thing to merite it. If I have not been so fortunate for some time past as I had a reasonable prosspect of my endeavours has in no respect been the Less I am Subjected to good & bad...
I thank you for your favour of the 10th. and the Pamphlet inclosed “American Unitarianism.” I have turned over its Leaves, and found nothing that was not familiarly known to me In the preface, Unitarianism, is represented as only thirty years old in New England. I can testify as a Witness to its old Age. Sixty five years Ago, my own Minister the Reverend Lemuel Briant, Dr Jonathan Mayhew of...
I feel it a duty as a just tribute to Your foresight and patriotism, to inclose the first printed copy of the report of the Board of managers of the Union canal company of Pennsylvania , and their Memorial intended to be presented by me next month to our Legislature, and anticipate the benefit, our country will derive from Your cooperation in the Administration, and the promotion of internal...
The inclosed having by some accident been mislaid among my papers it is not till now that I am able to forward it to you according to the request of the writer. My short stay in Philadelphia, and an untoward accident prevented my having the honor of seeing you there. The invitation which the society of St. Patrick was pleased to honour me with, and which would have procured me a meeting with...
I am desired by the President and Directors to acknowledge the receipt of your Letters of the 21 & 24 Sepr —the first requesting a payment to be made of Ten thousand Dollars to Mr. De la Forest Vice Consul of France, which was immediately complied with & enclosed. I have the honor to transmit his receipt for the same. Your directions respecting ballancing the weekly Returns of the Treasurers...
I am extremely sorry to inform You, that it will not be in my power to return to Headquarters by any means as soon as I expected & hoped when I came away. The business which brought me to Maryland, & which must be adjusted before my departure, will take infinitely more time than I at first apprehended, and will be prolonged the more by the event of my Mother in Law’s death, which has just...
I have recd. your letter of the 22d. Ult: in which you request my opinion of the character & merits of Genl. Pike. Having had but a very slight personal acquaintance with him, I can not say more of his private character, than that every thing I recollect to have heard of it was favorable to it. Of his enterprizing spirit, his distinguished gallantry, and his zealous services in his military...
Your favor of the 9th . came to hand yesterday and relieved us from the fear that sickness or some other accident had detained you. I am very particularly obliged to you for the attention you have been so good as to pay to my accomodation; several circumstances had prevented my taking measures for this purpose so early as I wished. I had ultimately relied on Mr. Carrol, who left this place two...
I have received your two favrs of 30th Apr. & 4th instant. It was very well, in the Situation of the Recruitg Business in your State, that you interposed to put it on a more promising footg—I wish it may now proceed with better Success & more dispach than has hitherto attended it. In the Situation of your Health, as described by you, it would I think be impossible for you to attend your Duty...
Letter not found : from Brig. Gen. Edward Hand, 17 Feb. 1779. GW wrote Hand on 28 Feb. : “I have been favd with yours of the 17th and 22d instants.”
1. John Read of the state of Delaware, now resident in Philadelphia, to be the agent of the United States in relation to such claims as may be made against them before the Commissioners appointed to carry into effect the sixth article of the treaty of amity, commerce & navigation between the United States and Great Britain. Collinson Read of Pennsylvania } for the same office. Tephaniah Swift...