Results 931-960 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Mr. Colman goes off for Boston Tomorrow. I have seized a Moment, to congratulate you on the great...
I had the honor yesterday of a most excellent letter under the signature of Portia dated 21st....
It is a common Observation of Old People, that as they advance in Life time appears to run off...
As the delivery of this Billet cannot be attended with the disagreable allarm which the amiable...
With a great deal of snow upon the Ground it is now plentifully snowing. There must be an unusual...
Not to acknowledge the many favours I have recieved from you, and the obligations they have laid...
I feel as if I were My worthy friend, Compel’d to write a few lines to you in this uncommon hour...
Disappointed again.—The Post brought me no Letter from you, which I dont wonder at much, nor any...
welcome thou best of women thou best of Sisters thou kindest of Friends the Soother of ever human...
We arrived here the 26th. last Month after a tedious Journey in a crazy Carriage, with the...
Being Necessiated to use a Certain peace of Linnen so Nearly up that I Cannot spare my Friend the...
From an old friend the companion of your youthfull days you will allow the familliarity I use— I...
I had the honour of writing you on the 21st. of June, but the letter being full of treason has...
I hope, Charles is at home by this time or that he will be in a few days. I presume he sailed...
In my melancholy, unhappy Moments, (for such I sometimes have), I recur to my old Letters for...
Three months have now elapsed, since, I have received, one line from Europe; and the only...
Our Coach is Still immoveable. The Anarchical Warriours are beat out of all their Entrechments by...
Mr. Eliot of Fairfield, is this Moment arrived in his Way to Boston. He read us a Letter from the...
We have received Information that so many of our Letters have been thrown overboard, that I fear...
It was my intention immediately after our late Election to have acquainted you with the...
The Alliance may have brought you Letters: neither that nor the Franklin have given us any from...
I should have answer’d your kind letter of 16 th. ult o. before this time, but I have only this...
You have sometime since, I presume, received my Letters inclosing those of our son Thomas of the...
Your last Letter, which I have rec d was dated the 10 th. — I have one from M r Thomas at...
I know not how to throw off, the Lassitude that hangs upon me.—weary of a daily round, which to...
Prices with you are much more moderate than here. Yesterday I was obliged to give Forty shillings...
Your kind favour of the 10 th: inst t: came to hand last evening— And I would take this...
I was much disappointed, on the Arrival of Mr. Temple in London, at not finding a Letter from...
I am (by the Grace of God) once more safely arrived at Bilbao. I have wrote you an account of my...
I received, on Wednesday last, from the hands of Mr. T——, your letter, No. 4, of August 25th. He...