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Results 931-940 of 184,431 sorted by author
It is peculiarly unfortunate that the Treaty has not yet reachd Ameria. on the 19 November it was sign’d, and the vessel which brings the King of Englands speach left London 5 Jan’ ry in that he announces the conclusion of a Treaty with America, and that the States General of the united Provinces were carrying on negotiation with France for Peace. I believe he will find however dissagreeable...
I hope this will be the last Letter which I shall have occasion to write to you, before I embark for Europe. Uncle Smith has been urgent with me to embrace the present opportunity and take passage on Board Capt. Calihan, and Captn. Callihan has sent me word that he would wait ten days for me, but I cannot think it prudent to embark untill I hear again from you, which I am daily expecting. Not...
You bring me much deeper in Debt than I was aware of, but thus it often happens to those who are irregular in their accompts: nor is it in my power to detect you in a wrong Charge as my Receipts are all in America; I will therefore submit to your statement, and plead insolvency. There is not a little due to you too, on the score of acknowledgment for your adroitness in executing the several...
With fingers so soar that I can scarcly guide a pen tho it cost me ever so much pain I must I will call you—wicked Man. I told you that I had discoverd in your character, a similitude to that of Sterns and Yorick, but I never was before tempted to add that of Shandy. From your own Authority I quote him as a wicked creature—What demon prompted you to carry the character through. I have read...
I know you will rejoice with me that all was happily over & mrs Smith safely abed before I reachd her She thought she should do as she did before, so told no one that she was unwell, untill mr Smiths mamma & sister could scarcly reach her, and a Negro Woman whom she has was obliged to officiate for her. happily she had on some former occasions assisted some of her own coulour, but all were...
I received last Evening yours of the 25—with a Heart filled with gratitude, for the many Blessings I have enjoyed through the 35 years of our union; I would not look upon a single shade in the picture; for if according to Rousseaus Philosophy, abstinence from what we delight in, is the Epicurism of Reason; I have had my full proportion of enjoyment; This day is very fine. I almost regreet to...
I have written to You my Dear Sister twice since my arrival here. I know not but one of the Letters was in the lost mail I miss your pen which used to detail to me both public and private affairs I have reason to bless God, that Your Life is spared to your family, and Friends.— I hope You will not be induced by any Means to over exert yourself, or try Your strength beyond its bearing; a...
After I had closed my letter to you of yesterday I went into the city four mils distant I am from St Pauls, beyond which the New England coffe House is; where I usually Send to inquire for our Boston Captains. I found the vessel was not yet gone. I went to a shop where I buy almost every thing in the Linnen Draper way and purchased a peice of linnen for Tommy, and some calico, which is done up...
Your desire that I would write every Opportunity is punctually observed by me, And I comply with your request, altho I have nothing more to say than How do ye? and when will you return? These questions perhaps may appear trifling to others, yet to me they are matters of the highest importance. The Doctor just now sent me your Epistle, and word, that tho he had smoked it, yet he had not read a...
Tomorow morning I expect to leave this place, and proceed on my way to Philadelphia—where I hope soon to hear from you. Frank and family had arrived before Brisler. they had only ten days passage. our Envoys I presume are ready to sail. the P   writes me, that he hopes they are gone that there may no longer be room for impertinent paragraphs fabricated by busy bodies who are forever meddling...