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Results 92651-92700 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
The object of this letter, is to communicate some facts which I did not know, or which had not...
The enclosed is Copy of Extract, added at, the conclusion of a letter (on Navy Yard business)...
§ From Audley Laurens Osborne. 24 July 1805, Salisbury, North Carolina. “It is with considerable...
On the 24th Ulto I had the pleasure of presenting you a news paper, announcing the passage, in...
I have rec’d per the Ship Stephania, Capt. Macy from Havre, a small box of seeds to your address,...
The practice which has of late taken place in England of individuals procuring and supplying...
I thought it possible that the Hornet would touch at Cowes—although I gave no order to that...
I took occasion, some short time since, verbally to represent to you the merits & qualifications...
If General Wilkinson is not greatly deceived, the safety of this Territory is seriously menaced....
I left at Washington a great coat of which I shall have great need. Should this reach you before...
I regret very much, that my design for delivering plaster paris cast of Genl Washington, to the...
4 October 1801, London. No. 37. Had expected to close negotiations on article 6 of the Jay treaty...
Letter not found. Ca. 1 July 1802, New York. Encloses an “Account of Impressed Seamen for the...
Your favor of Feb. 15. is duly recieved and I now inclose the letter for Mr. Christie, which you...
I have received a Letter of which a Copy is enclosed from Mr. Thomas Goodchild, of the Island of...
I shall be detained here longer than I had anticipated. The extreme heat of the Season, and my...
Commissions to be made out. Thomas Rodney of Delaware to be judge of Missipi. vice S. Lewis...
§ From George Davis. 30 May 1806, Tunis. “On the 30th. Mr. Devoize, the French consul, concluded...
I have taken the liberty to enclose to you certificates for Three quarter Casks of Wine for the...
We have the Honor to transmit enclosed a Duplicate of our letter of the 3d. Instant, in which...
¶ From Jedadiah Harmon. Letter not found. 5 September 1806. Acknowledged in Daniel Brent to...
The undersigned citizens of this town, and friends to the General Government, are informed, that...
27 November 1801, Havana. Encloses documents describing his treatment at the hands of Don Luis de...
25 September 1804, Monticello. “I intended to have been with you tomorrow evening, but it is...
By recurrence to the intimacy which subsisted between us in youth & the pleasant hours I spent at...
The Letters intended for the John Adams Are Gone an other Way. I Will not However Miss the...
The inclosed is Copy of my last Letter 15 Inst. forwarded by the Hornet Sloop of War. By this...
Dr. McHenry has communicated to you how & why I came to this country. Your character of...
The Commercial part of this City has been kept in a high State of ferment for two days past in...
The Revd. John H. Rice called on me today, with a view that I might present him to you. He is on...
Memorial of the Merchants & traders in the Borough of Harrisburg respectfully represent. That...
My health has been so unsettled this fall I have been but little in Richmond. When I last came...
I had the Honor to receive your Letter of the 30th. Ulto this morning, together with two Packets...
I send you enclosed Duplicate of my last letter of 16 Febr. Since which very important events...
I wrote you last on the 21st. Your’s of the 12th. therein acknoleged is the last recd. The...
I arrived here to day, with my family in the American ship the Augustus in 28: days from...
§ From Thomas Newton. 16 June 1806, Collector’s Office, Norfolk. “I recieved yr. communcation...
Doctr. Rose delivered me last night the letter with which you charged him, and I have thought it...
I have the honor to transmit herewith, in obedience to your orders of yesterday, a General Report...
The promotions designated in the paper herewith are required for the Naval Service of the United...
You are entering upon the arduous task of directing the affairs of a great nation at a time...
I take the liberty of forwarding to you two resolutions which have pass’d both houses, on the...
§ From George W. Erving. 25 July 1805, London. No. 35. “Mr Monroe arrived here yesterday, & I...
I have been detain’d here longer than I had expected that I should be, but hope & presume that I...
I take the liberty of sending you herewith copies of my two Speeches in reply to Mr. Webster, as...
20 January 1813. “At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Franklin County Indiana Territory at the...
My last letter was dated on the 18th. Inst. I have now the honor of enclosing copies of two...
My family were arrived before me. Thomas reached yr. house yesterday without my horse, and the...
5 October 1810, Nantucket. Urges the appointment of Gideon Granger to the Supreme Court. RC ( DNA...
Letter not found. 23 May 1803 . Acknowledged in Wagner to Patrick, 1 June 1803 (DNA: RG 59, DL,...