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Results 92651-92700 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
It is proposed that there shall be one post a week passing along the main post road from North to...
I have received with great pleasure your favor of Feb. 17. informing us you were all safely...
Since the date of the letter of Feb. 22. which I had the honour of writing you, covering the acts...
The enclosed came by the Post yesterday.—I send it for your perusal. Have you had any...
The catalogue of complaints, enclosed, is long. May not our loss of the Indian trade—the...
I flatter myself that your Excellency will not consider me as importunate, in addressing you on...
I am hurt by your unexpected & I think unmerited resentment this morning, for I had not the most...
In mine of the 14th ultimo, I instructed you to dispose of the draughts, remitted you by the...
Newport [ Rhode Island ] March 5, 1792. “I have received a Letter from the Assist. Secry of the...
Treasury Department, March 5, 1792. “It is probable that Treasury draughts in favour of the...
[To the Speaker of the House of Representatives] In Obedience to the orders of the House of...
Since my last of the 14th ultimo I have the pleasure of your two letters of the 8th & 12th of...
Baltimore, March 5, 1792. “The misfortunes which have attended the arms of the U States against...
[ Philadelphia, March 5, 1792. On June 18, 1792, Hamilton wrote to Langdon and referred to “your...
The letter I had the pleasure to carry from Mr McDowell to you, was not of Sufficient magnitude...
The memorial of Beale Gaither To the President of the united States Humbly Sheweth that in...
Upon submitting the enclosed note from Mr Bache to the President, he desired I would send it to...
Knowing the friendly interest you take in whatever may promote the happiness and prosperity of...
The inclosed papers which I have got from Mr. Beckleys office furnishes an answer to your letter....
Estimates &ca. are sent to shew the views &ca. of Majr. LEnfant. MS ( DLC : Washington Papers);...
In conformity to the mode , which you have pursued and suggested, I have now the honor of...
92672Enclosure: Appendices, 5 March 1792 (Jefferson Papers)
Appendices Appendix A No.  1 Act of New Hampshire to confiscate Estates of sundry Persons therein...
Upon submitting the enclosed note from Mr. Bache to the President, he desired I would send it to...
The enclosed papers which I have got from Mr. Beckleys office furnishes an answer to your letter....
The catalogue of complaints, enclosed, is long.—May not our loss of the Indian trade—the...
In consequence of the application of Mr Andw. Ellicot, I have the honor to transmit you the...
When I reflect how long I have been in your Debt I am ashamed, not that I have had any reason to...
Mr Jefferson, in a letter which he writes to you this day, will enter fully into the points...
Presuming on the Candor with which Your Excellency receives Applications from persons of all...
Your favor of the 27th of Jany came safely to hand (but not by Judge Cushing) as did your letter...
J’ai l’honneur d’envoyer, à Votre Excellence, quelques imprimés, qui vous instruiront de l’etat...
No applicants for commissions in the Army have been made to me from the District of Virginia I...
Two frenchmen who came to America to establish themselves upon the lands which they purchased of...
I lay before you the following Report which has been submitted to me by the Secretary of State....
As it will require time to ascertain suitable characters, for the commissioned Officers of the...
Pennsylvania. Captains ✻Edward Butler Allegany County ✻John Guthrie Westmorland ✻Richard Sparks...
Appointments were made during the recess of the Senate, to carry into effect the act passed at...
Your favor of the 27 th . of Jan y . came safely to hand (but not by Judge Cushing) as did your...
This is principally to acknowledge the Receipt of your favour of the 1st Instant.—Previous to the...
It having been found impracticable to employ Majr. Lenfant about the federal city, in that degree...
A Declaration to be made by the President That the sales of lots of public property in the town...
Washington in the territory of Columbia A Premium of a lot in this city to be designated by...
Washington in the Territory of Columbia. A Premium of 500 dollars, or a Medal of that value, at...
In consequence of the application of Mr. Andw. Ellicot, I have the honor to transmit you the...
Lisbon, 6 Mch. 1792 . A Spanish courier has just brought news that the Compte de Florida Blanca...
The bearer hereof Mr. Ciracchi, a very celebrated sculptor from Rome, proposing to go to New York...
This will be delivered to you by Mr. Ceracchi, whom I recommend to your attention. He goes to New...
We are exceeding sorry to be under the Necessity of a moment of your Attention on a subject which...
It has not been with a little hesitation that I have presumed to address you and to make a...
The enclosed, sent for Mr Jeffersons perusal, corrobates the idea held out in the communication...