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Results 92611-92620 of 184,431 sorted by author
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). I was not in a condition to visit Fredericksburg the last week or you should then have been informed that Mr. Braxton has taken the Warrant upon the Treasurer and agreed to give Bills payable in Philadelphia for the amount of 110,000 £. Mr. Fitzhugh was to bring them up but is not yet arrived unless he came yesterday wch. may be the case as Braxton wrote me it was...
I have your favors of the 12th. and 14th. of the month with the Papers inclosed. It is somewhat strange we have no letters public or private from Monroe when so many opportunities have offered since his arrival and in particular the Corvette arrived at Baltimore with despatches for the Minister of France. The Republic appears to pursue her victories in all quarters and to bid fair to vanquish...
I thank you for your letters with the papers inclosed. It appears from the accounts I have seen that Mr. A. will be reelected and I think and have heretofore expressed that opinion to Monroe that the investigation of his opinions and their tendency was not commenced in time to make the impression on the Public mind that was necessary to effect a change—nor do I think his conduct in office (if...
I returned last evening from Loudoun where I had been two weeks geting the land surveyed and fixing some hands on a small part of it or your favors of the 2d. & 4th. should have been sooner noticed. My absence prevented my attending to your letter to J. Willis but no inconvenience has resulted from it. The story you mention had been circulated and some had asked me if I thought it true or had...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Addressed to “Honble James Madison jr. Philadelphia.” Docketed, “May 1782.” The friendly visits of my Neighbours and acquaintance[s] since my return has and still continues to occupy my time[.] having not been free from Company since the day after my geting home, of course I have thought little of those matters which used while in Philadelphia to employ our attention...
We have long expected you and was apprehensive something disastrous had happened to prevent your coming up. I am sorry for poor Antoine’s situation wch. certainly demands your attention and is a satisfactory apology for your declining to leave home untill he is apparently free from danger. I delivered the pamphlets to Mr. Jefferson who was a few days past very well and to whom I shall...
William Williams master of the Brig Elizabeth from Leghorn informs me this day, that he has bro t a bag of seed for you from M r Appleton our Consul at Leghorn . The Capt knows of no letter or Invoice of it. You will please say what I must do with it. it is consigned to me. I have paid $1.25 Cts for the freight. it at the Custom house in a few days. RC ( DLC: TJ Papers
Your favors of the 14th Decr last and the 11th inst. have been duly received—a series of ill health through the fall and the greatest part of the Winter and which untill very lately rendered my attendance in Congress seldom and very irregular must be my apology for suffering the first to remain so long unanswered. Congress have been for some time past almost wholely employed in devising some...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). I have no Letter from you by this weeks Post although I expect you sent one as Mr. Griffin informs me what News there was worth communicating, especially the contents of Mr. Adams’s Letter, you had mentioned. I have been much indisposed the greatest part of this week and not able to give much assistence in the business upon hand which are chiefly the Bills for...
I have the satisfaction to inform you the Senate contrary to my expectation passed the act authorising the Delegates in Congress to convey the claim of Virginia to the territory northwestward of the ohio to the united States without amendment and it will be transmitted you without the instruction heretofore intimated. The mode adopted for transfering our right was in pursuance and in...