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Results 92601-92650 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I have the honor of enclosing my last half year’s account with the United States and the necessary vouchers. I Am, Sir, with very high consideration Your Most Obedient & very humble Servant P. S. Mr. Armstrong would be much obliged by being informed whether his other Accounts have been regularly received & submitted to the Treasury Department for Settlement. DNA : RG 59—DD—Diplomatic...
I have read with attention your Reply to Messieurs Smith, Ames, & Dexter; I am certain there is not a Sound Whigg from the River St: Croix, to the River St: Marys, that does not Honour, and applaud, the Speaker; Go on my Friend, persevere in the Glorious Cause you have uniformly supported, and there will not be a true Republican in The US. that will not with Heart, and Voice, be ready to...
I recd. the favour of Your letter a few days before my departure from Charleston. The person in question I find proved unworthy of the introduction, and of Your acquaintance. He begd hard for the letter. I at first declined giving it; He renewd his solicitation: I thought it might be the means of keeping Him in the right path; under this consideration I took a freedom that I have now to...
Mr Antrobus presents his respects to The President and Mrs Madison and will have the honor of dining with them on Thursday next. RC ( NN : James Madison Papers). Gibbs Crawfurd Antrobus, secretary to the British legation, arrived in Washington on 6 Sept. 1816 ( Daily National Intelligencer , 7 Sept. 1816).
I feel mortified for my Country at the Report made by the secretary of the treasury. That the want of a few million of Dollars should so much Embarris Goverment—When there is no Country on Earth that has so many ways & means to Raise money as America for this Reason I take the liberty to name some articles which ought to be Taxed. All manufactored Cottons are taxed in England 6 Cent ⅌ yard and...
The importance of the inclosures marked A, B, C & D, will plead my justification in forwarding you this dispatch, by a special express. The troops from Nachitoches are momently expected, as is also a detachment from Mobile. General Wilkinson is repairing the old fortifications, & contemplates picketting in the City. I shall remain faithful at my post, and with all the means in my power, will...
I am just arrived from Europe. Having received from Mr. Adams a letter which I was requested to deliver to you personally, I take the liberty of inquiring at what Hour it will be convenient to Your Excellency to receive me. I remain with profound Respect Your Excellency’s most obt. St. RC ( DLC ). Docketed by JM . John Quincy Adams to JM , 27 Sept. 1815 ( PJM-PS, Robert A. Rutland et al.,...
Agreeably to the enclosed Letter from Governor Claiborne, I have just received from him by the Ship Comet, one Hogshead, three Boxes & two, cases directed “for the President of the United States”; which I have engaged with a Carter to take to Washington for 17 Drs. inclusive of Drayage from the Point. I am sorry to inform you, that the surv[iv]ing magpie, according to the Captain’s report, eat...
I have the honor to enclose a letter from the Register of the Land office at St. Stephens, from which it appears adviseable that the lands which have been prepared for sale in the district east of Pearl river & have not yet been offered for sale, should be exposed at public Sale this year; I have therefore prepared a proclamation for your signature should the measure meet your approbation. I...
§ From the House of Representatives. 6 January 1806. “Resolved, That the Secretary of State, be directed to lay before this House, a return of the number of American Seamen, who have been impressed or detained by the Ships of War or privateers of Great Britain, whose names have been reported to the Department of State since the statement was made to the House, at the last session of Congress,...
My last to the Depart: of State was date 10 June last and directed to your predecessor J. Marshall Esqr. whose letter, of 13 Novr: 1800 reached me only the 10 Seper. 1801. It contained a Duplicate of the Introductory letter to this Governt. the original of which was long ago delivered. The purport of the present is to inclose the usual list of entrances & Clearances in this Port of American...
Memorandum for Mr. Madison, which he is requested to consider private . 1st. At the time Dr. Stephens was appointed, the station of Consul General without any regard to the diplomatique functions attached to it, or the expectation of salary from the Govt. was considered a great object in a lucrative point of view. Some of the most distinguished mercantile characters in Philadelphia solicitted...
There appears to be at this time 11. Sail of Armed Vessels Vitze. 4.   74s. Certainly 2   64s. 74 in disguise 2   Frigates 3   Sloops of War & two or three small Tenders or Cutters There appears to be at Blackstones Island Four sail Vitz: 1. 80 Gun ship which went up this morning 1 Transport 1 Brigg & 2 Sloops. In all 19 Sail vitzt. 1. 80 Gun ship 4. 74s. do 2 64 do 4 Frigates 3 Briggs 4...
Geo. M. Bibb Esqr. having resigned the Office of District Atty for the District of Kentucky Robert Wickliff has informed me of his desire to fill that Office & has requested me to express to you his wishes on that Subject. From a long & intimate acquaintance with Mr. Wickliff I do with much pleasure recommend him to the attention of the President as well qualified for that appointment being a...
I have your favor by Col Richd. Taylor. The letter for the Attorney has been delivered and he is informed when Mr Taylor will be in town. Mr Maier some time past made application to the Executive, and laid before them a state of his case. Altho’ it was not altogether satisfactory he had a legal demand agt. the State, yet the circumstances were in general so favourable to his Pretensions, he...
Enclosed, I now have the pleasure of handing you the statement of my little acct. which you called for some time ago. Balance, if correctly stated $28.50— Your further, and frequent, orders will be thankfully recieved, by Your obliged & obt. svt. RC , enclosing account (DLC) .
I have to entreat you will pardon this intrusion, but as I consider the subject thereof more suitable to a particular Communication than a Public dispatch, I have preferred that mode. No. 126 handed some papers from Mogadore, merely for your information of facts, should any Appeal be made by Mr. Seavers or his Friends thro’ the medium of the Public prints, as I have been given to understand...
I had the honor to send you by two Vessels lately Copies of a letter recd from the Minister of foreign Affairs at the Hague requesting me to communicate to the Govt. of the U States the desire of this, that Mr Smissaert may be provisionally admitted to exercise the Office of Consul of Holland for the State of New york though he has not yet his Commission in form, the delay in sending which to...
Wee are now to acknowledege Your favours Wee have recived by your Kind Letter of may 28 1794, Constrainned with hart felt Sincerity, for your friendly attention, to those papers commited to Your Care, with our address, and trust, from upright princibles wee where embolden, to look up to a Gentlemen, whose Character Stoop so fare in Vindication of the rights of mankind. Wee are made acquainted...
Some months ago I informed you that Mr. Jackson would probably be sent to the U. States as Mr. Liston’s successor. Mr. Merry had been previously thought of and indeed named for this mission . As I have had the opportunity of knowing both these gentlemen during my residence here it was not without some regret that I heard of the intention to appoint Mr. Jackson in lieu of Mr. Merry . From this...
I beg leave to trespass on your attention for a moment, and to trouble you with an application for printing the Laws, U. S. in the newspaper called " The Commonwealth " of which I am editor; And that you may be enabled to judge of the principles advocated by it, I shall henceforth forward you a copy to the Seat of Government. The laws U. S. have heretofore, for the benefit of the western...
My son Algernoon [ sic ] Sydney Logan intending to pass a few days at Washington: permit me to introdu[c]e him to your friendly attention. My Wife unites with me in best respects to yourself and Mrs. Madison. Accept assurances of my friendship RC ( PHi ).
§ From John Elmslie. 29 September 1805, Cape of Good Hope . “I am sorry to observe, that from a general neglect in Masters of Vessels for these six months past of not reporting their vessels and in departing from the ports of the Cape without exhibiting their marine Papers, have not only prevented me from inspecting Registers &c. but also forwarding the usual semi annual List of vessels which...
When last week in Wash. I called at your house several times but was informed by your servant you was ingaged. Unwilling to disturb or intrude on your privacy & from debility unable to continue my attendance returned here on my way to my family in Lancaster Co. Pa. I saw by a report made by the acting Secy. of state that the Chaplains were retained. Not seeing their names in the new Rigister...
This will be delivered to you by Col: Tatham who I have known for more than 20. years, at first a clerk of the council at Richmond. I have seen him here from my arrival to this period, frequently, and at his request, as he is about setting out for America, give him this to you. I consider him as a firm friend to the UStates of wh. he is a citizen, being there thro the whole of our revolution....
I enclosed you on the 5th. inst. a Certificate for $548.11 deposited to your credit. The 2 Hhds. No. 9 & 10 are at SeaBrooks Ware House and will be opened in course of the ensuing week. Having no Receipt for them I was under the impression they had not come in when I sold the others, but on reference to Mr. Eddins Letters I find he mentions them. Could I have anticipated the present state of...
Since my respects of the 22 Ulto. and 2d. inst. there has entered at this port the Schooner Hiphza of Boston from Corunna bringing as passengers eighteen distressed seamen. Ship Mercury from Havre navigated by ten men discharged ⅌ agreement having shipped at Havre to work their passage here. Ship Wade Hampton of and from Charleston via London, entered as a French Ship and dischargd. her crew...
Accept my congratulations and the glorious little victory of the Enterprize over the Boxer. It is in as high style and [ sic ] any that has preceded it and serves to enliven the national feeling during a period of suspense and anxiety. Gen Bloomfield has recieved a private letter from Col Brearley with a postscript of the 7th at Fort George. Our fleet was out on the Lake in pursuit of the...
1 August 1803, Cowes . Encloses a copy of his last letter and “also of the Light & harbour duties payable by American Ships at the ports within my Consulate” [not found]. The British blockade of the Elbe River continues; reports the blockade of the Weser River, “as announced” by Hawkesbury to Monroe. Expects the harvest to begin soon, “& there is prospect of a great Crop of all grain.” “Wheat...
I am favour’d with your letter of this date inclosing your check for $63.22/100 amount of charges on your pipe of Madeira wine from Messrs. Murdoch. When your stock of that article will require being replenished, will thank you to inform me of it, if you are satisfied with that received. I am very respectfully Sir Your most obedt. Servt. RC ( DLC ). Letter not found. On 9 Jan. 1811 Cazenove...
Con fho. del 1o. de Febrero tube la honra de exponer à V. S. la solicitud del Comandante General de las Provincias internas Dn. Nemesio Salcedo, respeto à los 21.655, pts. fs. 5. rs. 7 g. que han resultado de gastos hechos por la entrada en los Dominios de mi Rey, qe. hizo Mr. Píke, y su milicia; cuyo origen se evidencía por la cuenta adjunta, que se me pide por èste Gobierno, en carta del 24....
30 November 1803, Boston. Wrote on 24 Nov. enclosing papers relating to a debt due them from two merchant houses in Spain. “We have this day received, & hasten to inclose you, the paper we noted as deficient, Viz ‘a copy of the Edict of the Governor of Cadiz to all the Public-Notaries & Tribunals,’ as well as a copy of the Spanish Minr. Don Pedro Cervallas’ Reply to His Excelly Mr Pinckney the...
Notwithstanding the Opposers of the Republican Administration have prevailed on our Chancellor (whose age had rendered him an easy prey) to resign, & by that means have obtained the appointment of his successor who will be our present Atty. Genl. N. Ridgely whose place will also be filled by them they have contrary to my expectation & that of our friends determined I understand to dispute the...
Invoice of One Puncheon Best Champain Prime old Brandy, at least 15 Years old, from Cognac, augmented to 4th Proof, shipped on board the Ship Susan, Capt. Howard on acct of James Madison Esqr. Secretary of State; consigned to the Collector of NewYork, David Gelston. V. L V . 1 1 Puncheon. Brandy, containing 50 1/ 2 Velts @ 360 frs. pr. 27 Velts } 673: 33 Cognac } More value of 4 Velts Spirits...
Since my last I have acquired information which I can depend on relative to the intentions of this government with respect to Louissiania. Bernadotte is as I told you to command C to be 2d in command Addet is to be prefet—but the expedition is delayed till about sepr. on account ( as Tallerand expressed himself to Bernadotte ) of some difficulty which he did not explain —but which I have no...
From the British papers and a Philada. federal paper (emanating I presume from Mr. C.) we are at liberty to guess, at what are the principal features of the Treaty. I will take leave to offer my opinion thereon. If my guess should be right my observations will apply. If not, then you will lose your time in reading, and I shall have only amused myself in writing on that which had no existence...
I have the honour to enclose, herewith, Nominations for the promotions and appointments required by the Naval Service of the United States. I have the honour to be, &c. Letterbook copy and letterbook copy of enclosure ( DNA : RG 45, LSP ). JM forwarded the nominations, listing forty-nine names, in two messages to the Senate on 20 Apr. 1816 ( DNA : RG 46, Executive Proceedings, Nominations,...
§ From Robert Purviance. 20 November 1805, Baltimore. “I had the honor to receive your Letter of the 13th. Inst. [not found] and have conformable to your request shipped the articles imported in the Brig Lyon, on board the Schooner Betsy & Charlotte Alexander Lammond master for George Town. “I have inclosed you Capn. Lammonds receipt, the Bill of Loading [not found], and Mr. Guestier’s receipt...
5 November 1804, New Orleans. “Since my last letter Mr Canterelle and Mr Clarke have also declind accepting their commissions, as Members of the Legislative Council. There is no doubt but some of the promoters of the Memorial, have taken these means, to embarrass the local Government, and to force Congress to accede to their wishes; but such Imprudencies seem to me, illy calculated to benefit...
En mí carta ultíma tenía la honra de decìr á V.S. que no ínculcaba en hacerle presente que no recibia repuesta sobre la solícítud de los 21.655.$. que reclamaba el Gobernador de las Provincias ínternas occidentales de Nuevo Mexíco, el Señor Salcedo; y así el escribir á V.S. sobre este asunto nó es otro que envíarle copía de la carta qe. acabo de recíbir de dho. Cavallero, con los documentos...
I hope you will find from this letter that the Vanity of giving an opinion on the spanish Constitution was not the cause of the Conclusion of my last long letter. I Conjecture it to be the Code given by Joseph Buonaparte and to be of french & not of spanish Manufacture, & to acct for the unity of the legislative departments in one body. If I am correct in the opinion that a senate & house of...
I have the honor to inclose herewith a convention concluded by me on the part of the United States, with Hamet Bashaw. We have been detained here twelve days by reason of delinquency in our commissary Department. The camp moves tomorrow morning for Derne. I have the honor to be with perfect respect, Sir, your Mo Obedt servt. RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 59, CD , Tripoli, vol. 2, filed at end of...
26 September 1803, New Orleans . Offers his services as naval officer at New Orleans. “I hope that five years of faithful attention to the duties of the Office I now hold, and a knowledge of the French, and Spanish Language, and of this Country; will justify my application.” Sent the original of this letter to the secretary of the treasury; solicits JM’s “good Offices with the President in...
Tho it is probable, that the subject may reach you & Mr. Jefferson in some other way, I think it a duty to submit the two inclosed scraps to his and your perusal. They are some of eight or ten which have come on. The pamphlet of Mr. Cunningham (of whom or his deceased father I never heard till within a week) has reached the ultra federal men here within a day. I not heard of or seen any copy....
I flatter myself that the Design herewith transmitted to you will be consider’d an object of National importance. Should you view it in that light I must request the favour of you to convey your sentiments thereon to me at No. 42 Pearl street, which will be an obligation conferr’d on, Sir, Your most Hble. Servt, DNA : RG 59—ML—Miscellaneous Letters.
I herewith inclose you Copy of my last dispatch No. 60 to which please be referrd. By the last accounts from aloft the French Squadron was at Tolon. A french 44 Gun Frigate from the west with 740 Men, & Sundry Stores on board went by, and the English frigate Febe that was Cruising aback of the Rock Chased her, & after came up an Action took place for 1 1/2 hours in which the French had upwards...
9 February 1802, Richmond. Knowing that the office of Richmond postmaster is vacant and that General Guerrant has declined the appointment, asks JM to intercede on his behalf with the president for the position. Governor Monroe has promised to mention him to Jefferson, and John Harvie has written to Jefferson on his behalf. Asks JM to excuse the freedom he takes since “no intimacy exists...
Having neither the law authorizing the Commissrs. on the Georgia business to enquire into the claims of individuals, nor the compromise with Georgia, I cannot frame a satisfactory advertisement till my return which I expect to be before you shall have left the city. But as those documents are not necessary at least to enable me to convey my ideas on the subject of the letter to Gov. Claiborne;...
§ From William C. C. Claiborne. 15 June 1806, New Orleans. “I have this moment held a conversation, with a gentleman of respectability from the County of Appalousas. He represents that a considerable emigration is about to take place from that County to the Spanish settlement on the river Trinity, where great encouragement is given to settlers. “The Gentleman adds, that the ancient inhabitants...
§ From Benjamin W. Crowninshield. 1 March 1815, Navy Department. “I have the honor to request that you will please to nominate William Lewis, now a Lieutenant, to be a master commandant in the Navy of the U States. ” Letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 45, LSP ); enclosure ( DNA : RG 46, Executive Proceedings, Nominations, 13B–A3). Letterbook copy 1 p. The enclosure (1 p.), prepared in the Navy...