Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from George Washington, [ca. 28 February 1792]

From George Washington

[ca. 28 Feb. 1792]

Would it be advisable to let L’Enfont alter the Plan if he will do it in a certn. given time—and provided also we retain the means if any thing unfair is intended that we may not suff[er.]

Ought any thing to be said in my letter to him respecting payment for his past Services.—

Should Mr. Ellicot be again asked in strong and explicit terms if the Plan exhibited by him is conformable to the actual state of things on the ground and agreeable to the designs of Majr. L’E.

Also whether he will undertake and execute with all possible dispatch the laying off the Lots agreeably to the Plan, under the Authority and orders of the Comrs.

MS (DLC); entirely in Washington’s hand except for notation on verso in clerk’s hand: “The President of the United States”; endorsed by TJ as received “Feb. 28. or 29.” but recorded in SJPL under 26 Feb. 1792—the latter date being obviously incorrect, since Washington’s queries were certainly written subsequent to the rejection of L’Enfant’s condition on 27 Feb. 1792.

My letter: Washington to L’Enfant, 28 Feb. 1792, printed in Fitzpatrick, Writings description begins John C. Fitzpatrick, ed., The Writings of George Washington, Washington, 1931-44, 39 vols. description ends , xxxi, 488–9.

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