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Results 92551-92600 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I have the honour of acknowleging the receipt of your letter of the 12th of this month; and although it does not become me to do other than acquiesce in the decision of the President which it announces, you will I hope permit me to state to you the grounds, on which the requisition I made seemed to me justly founded. I was aware, that at the commencement of the present war the Government of...
§ From Elias Vander Horst. 10 August 1805, Bristol . “The preceding is a Copy of my last of the 30h. of June ⅌ the Louisa Capn. Wilson Via Philadelphia, since which I have not been honored with any of your favors. The Affairs of Europe still continue to be involved in intrigue & mystery and whether Peace will be the result or the War become more general remains for time to determine. I am...
Notwithstanding that, since my arrival from Madrid, I generally keep at my Country Seat on account of my bad State of health; immediately on advice of having arrived to this Bay the United State Vessels Constution Commodore Edwd. Preble, & Schooner Enterprize Capt. Isaac Hull; I cam over without loss of time to assist them with every thing they might be in want of; which is Sea Stores &...
The British Ship Esther, George Irving Master, having sailed from Charleston, South Carolina, with a valuable Cargo of Merchandize, bound to London, and having, from Damage which she received at Sea, been obliged to return to that Port, was, when she was off the Bar, and had a Pilot on board, captured by the French Privateer the Creole, on the 4th: November last, and carried on the 11th: of...
The Volunteer Companies of the State, intend Celebrating at York the 19th. day of October next, and have invited General La Fayette to that Village on that day. By the request and authority of a delegation from these Companies, I beg leave to solicit your Company, to unite with the Volunteers and Citizens of the State on that occasion in giving evidence of our gratitude, towards this...
I have the pleasure of acknowledging the receipt of the duplicate of your Circular under the date of the 1st. of August 1801 to the Consuls & Commercial Agents of the United States, which has given me the first information, that I was appointed Commercial Agent at this Port. My Commission has not arrived, but I think, it will not be long, before I shall receive it, as my Friends Messrs S Smith...
16 March 1804, New Orleans. “I enclose you a copy of three Ordinances which I have lately passed; one of which contains a Charter for a Bank. “The establishment of a Bank in this city was much wished for by the inhabitants and I believe will prove of great utility: but I must confess I should not have ventured upon the measure from these considerations alone.” Learned of efforts to make the...
I had the honor to address you, under date the 9th Ulo. Copy of which I forwarded by way of Cadiz, And I now do myself the pleasure to hand you returns of Our Shipping that have entered the ports of this district for the last Six months ending the 31st December. No Books having been Kept in the district before my residence, obliges me to make the returns, preceding that period, from Such...
Yours of the 5th. came to hand on the 8th. & I now return the papers it covered. Ferrand’s decree is serious & I have more hope of it’s being corrected by Tureau than by Buonaparte. I shall be with you by the middle of the next week, & therefore defer to verbal explanation every thing public. I shall leave my daughter in a state not immediately threatening nor yet clear of serious anxiety. a...
Letter not found. 24 September 1802. Mentioned in Daniel Brent to Wilson, 18 Oct. 1802 (DNA: RG 59, DL, vol. 14), as a request for partial payment of the sum due for printing the laws of the last session of Congress. Brent conveyed JM’s response that “as it does not consist with the practice of the Government to make partial advances in cases of such small interest,… he has declined the...
Thinking it possible, my dear Sir, you may not wish others to see what I am now about to take the liberty of writing to you, and if it should not be entirely agreeable to you that you can the more readily throw it into the fire and think no more of a thing which is known only to you and myself, I am induced to add, on a seperate sheet, that I have frequently thought of what passed in...
The President of the United States of America, To James Madison Esqr. of Orange County, in the State of Virginia, Greeting. You are hereby commanded to appear before the Judges of the Court of the United States for the 2nd. Circuit at the City of Hartford in the District of Connecticut, within Said circuit on the Seventeenth day of September, next to testify, and the truth, to Say on behalf of...
I have directed a Copy of a work I have just published on Miscellaneous subjects, to be sent from New York to your Care, to be deposited in the Office of State, in pursuance of the Act for securing to authors the right to their productions; and I shall be much obliged to you for a certificate of the deposit. You will see by that work how much I differ in opinion, from the leading men of the...
16 June 1805, “Amn Consulate Amsterdam.” “I yesterday had the honor to receive your letter of March 25h on the subject of the Consulate at Rottm. and I shall make arrangments to meet as far as circumstances may admit the views therein expressed. “The Charge imposed on me however is peculiarly delicate . Mr A’s partners having dissolved the commercial connections between them the latter has at...
I herewith hand you enclosed a Certificate for $548.11 being the balance due you on account of Sales 6 Hhds. Tobacco as per statement annexed and which sum is deposited to your credit subject to your order, in the Farmers Bank of Virga. The Sales referred to were transmitted you by mail 20th. inst., the Certificate has been delayed for a Bill from the Mechanic for an Augur (which was not...
I enclose you a Commission from the Sup. Court of the State of N. York, with Interrogatories annexed for the President of the U. States & yourself, whose evidence is required in a cause which, it seems, is there depending & to be tried at a term to commence on the 18th. Inst. The Secretary of the Navy (one of the Commissioners) declining to act, and Judge Cranch (another) being much...
I have the honor herewith to enclose, for the information of Government, copies of a letter from our chargé des affaires at Tripoli of 27th. ult. and Cap. Morris of 28th. The letter to Mr. Cathcart of 25. mentioned in Mr. Nissens, has not come to hand. These communications will serve to corroborate an opinion I have steadily entertained, and repeatedly stated to our commanders, of the...
I have lately seen Taylor—he has a right to 4,000 acres of land in an undivided tract of 40.000 which he wishes to sell & will take six shillings pr. acre, ½ at the time of concluding the bargn. & the balance 12. months afterwards. The tract is distinguish’d in the maps by the name of Funda’s patent. It lies near fort Stanwix, adjoins the river above it & runs within two miles of the Mohawk...
I have the honour to inform you that, I am going to send a vessel to Madeira, & shall be happy to take charge of any thing you may wish to send there. Should you be disposed to favour me with an other order for some of Messrs. Murdoch’s wine, would be glad to be able to send it by this conveyance. I beg leave to annex an account of the charges on the pipe received, & am very respectfully Sir...
In expectation this will find you in Philaa: where the best information can be obtained respecting the returns of Electors for the several States, and from whence a well grounded conclusion may be formed—I wish to hear what hopes you have of the ultimate decision. From the last acct. we have of the Pensylvania elections (Fayette Green and Westmoreland returns not in) I think the Republican...
29 November 1803, Washington. Introduces “Mr. George Lynham, a Merchant of Norfolk.” “This Gentleman has suffered considerably from French and English spoliations and is anxious to obtain redress. He is desirous of consulting you on a subject all interesting to himself and his standing as a Merchant. I have long been in habits of the strictest intimacy with him and know him to be a man of...
The three Captains, whose protests against L’Eole are herewith, came from Annapolis a few days ago to lay their complaint before you. They told me, that her commander set off for Baltimore shortly after their arrival at the former place without giving them an opportunity of demanding compensation, and that none was offered. I advised them to return to their vessels and proceed to the several...
Before retiring to the shades of private life, I can not suppress the inclination I feel to inform your Excellency, of the injury & injustice you have done to an individual, whose Only Crime has been in devoting Seven of the best years of his life to the Service of the republic; in the various climes of Our Country, from the River Sabine to the Canada lakes. My Friend Genl. Brown informs me,...
I have just returned from a visit to General John Smith, marshall of Newyork, at his residence on Longisland. He sunk under a disease of the chest, after an illness of thirteen days. The day but one before his death his daughter Miss Sarah Augusta Smith was at his particular desire, married pursuant to a contract of some standing, to John L. Lawrence Esq, the late Secretary of legation to...
There are a few papers in your office, which accompanied my despatches from Natchez to the former Secretary of State Mr. Pickering. They are the Proclamations issued by the Governor the Baron de Carondelet, and Gayoso during our discussions relative to carrying the Treaty into effect: of those papers I have no copies, and am now in want of them, for a work I am preparing for publication: if...
10 April 1809, Amsterdam. An official representative from the kingdom of Holland to the U.S. was sent in 1807 to procure goods for the several Dutch colonies, but the Embargo prevented his carrying out the mission. King Louis Bonaparte is concerned and has instructed Baron Röell as foreign minister to ask the president to permit the dispatch to the Dutch West Indies of three or four vessels...
Whether rotation in office in such republics as the United States is correct or not, it most indubitably would be proper to make some changes in this City—Mr Schenck who has long enjoyed a lucrative office, has not, nor ever had any other claim to public attention, than what has arisen from his devotedness to a man who by his avidity for office, and Intrigues has rendered himself obnoxious to...
Letter not found. 10 July 1787. Mentioned in JM to Ambrose Madison, 18 July 1787 . Contained information regarding the health of James Madison, Sr., and requested JM’s advice on a proposed sale of land.
By the desire of Mr. Lee I take the liberty to enclose you a list of the Entrances & Clearances at this Office from July the first 1802 to the thirtieth of December following. This Statement would have been forwarded before, but that we have been in daily expectation that Mr. Lee’s health would have permitted him to address you himself, but such has been his weak state that he has not been...
I am much obliged by your kind favor and am sorry I have little to communicate from this quarter worth your acceptance; We have been a caput mortuum for some time past except the little flurry that was kicked up about Philada. Carrington I presume has giv’n you full information on that point; during the contest, the Enemy wanted to raise a mutiny in our camp by proposing to go to Georgetown at...
I do myself the honor to inclose you a letter which has been Signd by four of the delegation from Tennessee. In explanation of the introductory part of the letter, it may perhaps be necessary to inform you—that Under the two preceeding Administrations—I had Several Occasions in Conjunction with my Colleagues—to adress the Presidents, Under instructions, from the State Legislature of Tennessee,...
After you left this, a difficulty occured in obtaining the title to the lands purchased for the Central College, that difficulty was not removed untill yesterday, when a title was obtained; the prospect of raising a considerable sum by individual donations to the College is now truly flattering. I am advised to (and now with great diffidence & due deference) inclose you a copy of the...
I wrote a line the day after the receipt of your letter, to inform you of its safe arrival. It did not rain that afternoon, as I then anticipated, & I went to Georgetown. Mr Nicholls, however, was out; nor could the gentleman in his store tell me where he could be found. The next day it rained heavily; & the day after, I was laid up. The indisposition although severe was very transient, & I...
I have the honour to transmit to you, the enclosed authenticated copy of certain resolutions which have been adopted by the General Assembly of this State, approbating the sentiments contained in your message of the 5th Ultimo, to the Congress of the United States; attributing the evils which we have experienced “wholly” to the “unprincipled conduct” of the belligerent powers of Europe; and...
I should not have been so tardy in acknowledging your two favors of the 23 and 30th ulto, and returning my thanks for the newspapers by which they were accompanied, but for the reason that I will now explain. I had conceived a project in which, when brought to a certain stage of completion, it was my intention to beg your counsel & assistance. This project was nothing less than to write a...
To vindicate myself to those, whose favorable sentiments I so highly appreciate, is a motive which will, I hope, authorize the liberty I take, in enclosing you a copy of a circular letter, which I have addressed to the Senators. The statement therein contained, will, I flatter myself, completely refute the charges which governed the Senate, in their decision with regard to myself, and shew the...
Ca. 8 July 1809. A petition submitted on behalf of ship captains and owners whose vessels brought refugees from Cuba to New Orleans. These French refugees and their slaves from Cuba have come to New Orleans, where their property has been seized or detained because the importation of slaves is prohibited by federal law. These hapless people were “exposed to the unrelenting fury of an incensed &...
Being desirous from a variety of reasons mostly of a private na[ture] to change my residence, & presuming on your Friendship I ta[ke] the liberty of soliciting your recommendation to some O[ffice] under the new Government, for which you may deem [me] qualified. The different Departments that I have had the honour to hold for twelve Years past in the State of Virginia, & for almost nine of them...
I James N. Edmonston wishes to be appointed as a chain carer to run the Divideing line between the american contenent & that of cannada as I am informed that the presedent of the united States is invested with power to anomenate and appoint such as he may deem it his Pleasure feeling myself quite Resolved to Explore the country and from the pratice I have had feel myself quite competent of...
I take the liberty to ask your attention to that part of the domestic debt which is registered in the name of foreigners. There are circumstances attending this portion of the debt which, in addition to the usual obligations of justice, give peculiar force & solemnity to the demands of present holders of the Certificates. It should be observed that the first transfers of the domestic debt to...
Draft (William L. Clements Library, University of Michigan). With the exception of a few corrections by General Greene, the text of the letter was penned by his aide-de-camp, Captain Nathaniel Pendleton. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt, & to thank you, for your Obliging Letter of January 13th. I am uncertain whether I have not done this before, but am fearfull thro’ the hurry of a...
I had this pleasure of adressing you the 18. Inst. ⅌ Duplicate No. 67. Since then have none of yours. Said day the Philada. frigate came close into the Bay, when the two Tripoly Cruisers lowerd their Flags & have not as yet hoisted them again. Indeed I think they are afraid to Stir out. Capn. Baron requested my sending him a Coasting Pilot as was to go to Tetuan Bay for Water (of which we are...
The inclosed lre in Gr. Lat. Fr. and Eng. with it’s accompaniments being intended for your inspection as much as mine, is now forwarded for your perusal. you will be so good as to reinclose them that I may return them to the writer. the answer I propose to give is, what I have given on all similar applications, that until the debt of the University is discharged, and it’s funds liberated, the...
It is understood that the Office of Collector of the Port of Newbury Port will be soon vacant, as all agree in the necessity of a removal. Various circumstances render an appointment to this Office desirable to me. And I have written to the President on the subject. Knowing that nothing has been done without your concurrence, & that now, when you are on the eve of directing the Destinies of...
I arrived here on Wednesday night last, and have as yet had but little opportunity to sound the people in any part of the Country upon the constitution. The leaders of the opposition appear generally to be preparing for a decent Submission—the language amongst them is, that amendments must be tried if there should, at the setting of the convention, be a prospect of carrying them down in a...
One of your fellow Citizens of the north who is a stranger to your (person but who has Cherished the highest respect for your Character from his earliest years) has long been desirous of soliciting your advice in a matter of the highest importance to himself and has as long hesitated lest he might be guilty of an impropriety—Considering his own youth and your very advanced age. However relying...
I have the pleasure to inform you that the Vessells from Lisbon with Certificate of the Comml. Agent, of France have this Day permission to Discharge With Perfect Respect I am Sir Your very H Ot. Servt. The preceding is the full transcription of a document that was previously abstracted in The Papers of James Madison , Secretary of State series. The original abstract contains additional...
Some time since I Receiv’d a Letter from Mr. Wm. Banks (the Agent for the insurance Company) requesting me to forward the Declaration for the insurance of your House. I applied to Your Mother who informd me that it was not there but suppos’d it had been deliverd with other Papers to Colo. Wm. Madison. On application to him this day find that he has not got it. Mr. Banks advises if it is in...
11 July 1811, New York. Expresses his disappointment at receiving JM’s letter of 5 July . Explains his circumstances and background for the benefit of the secretary of the navy, who “may probably be ignorant of my history.” Gives an account of his life, beginning with the collection he made in Great Britain for Columbia College before the Revolution and his decision to support the cause in...
Some months ago, the Trustees of the [ ] University, established at Cincinnati, tendered me the Professorship of Anatomy & Physiology in their University, the Agent guaranteeing me the Sum of $2500 per annum for four months duty. The Proffer was advantageous but circumstances induced me to decline it. A short time thereafter, I was requested to accept a Chair in the Medical Jefferson College...