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Disappointed in my first application for Office, I hope your Excellency will excuse a second direction of my wishes to it, tho’ they are not pointed to any one in particular; and as there are some claims, Individuals may have ’on Government, which may be considered operating as secondary motives in the disposal of them, I would beg leave, in order to state mine, to be indulged in giving a few...
I thank you for the information which you have given me in your letter of the 30th of Decr respecting the intention of the Tomlinsons and others to dispute my title to a tract of land called the Round Bottom. I wish these persons, and any others who may be disposed to dispute my title to that land, to be informed in the most explicit and pointed manner, that it is my fixed determination to...
I thank you for the information given me in your letter of the 21st of November last, of your claiming 200 Acres of the land within the limits of my Survey on the Great Kanhawa; as it gives me an opportunity of letting you know my fixed determination to defend my title to all that land within the lines of my patent, and to warn you in the most pointed manner not to make any Settlements...
A question has arose, where the Ordinance for the Government of this Territory and the Laws of North Carolina, which by the Cession Act, are in force here, are contradictory, which is to take place. I have sent you inclosed my observations on that matter. You will greatly oblige me, if you will let me know by the Bearer whether you consider my opinion well founded. If not state to me your own,...
I have now the honor to inclose you the answer of the Attorney General to a letter I wrote him on the subject of your’s of the 18th. inst. It appears that the Judges of the supreme court of the United states are open to the application of Mr. Pagan for a writ of error to revise his case. This writ is to be granted indeed or refused at the discretion of the judge; but the discretion of a judge...
As I learn from your favor of the 17th. of the last month that my remaining at home till after the vernal equinox will be attended with no inconvenience to the public, I mean to avail myself of the accomodation thus afforded, by staying in Carolina till the expiration of the month of March; after which I purpose to embark in the first Vessel that shall sail for Philadelphia. I trust, Sir, you...
Sensible, that the pressure of public business, you have to attend to, leaves little or no time for private, which makes me sorry to intrude, but hope on this occasion it will be forgiven, As it is only once more to mention Capt. Nicholas Hannah, whom you was so kind as name to Colo. Dark in Appointing the Officers of the Levies; He is now in Phila., and wishes to enter into the regular...
I have perused the enclosed answer to your letter, to Majr L’Enfant. Both are returned. A final decision thereupon must be had. I wish it to be taken upon the best ground, and with the best advice. Send it, I pray you, to Mr Madison who is better acquainted with the whole of this matter than any other. I wish also that the Attorney General may see, and become acquainted with the circumstances...
The P—— returns the enclosed Report to Mr J—— Boundary, and the Navigation of the Missisipi are clearly defined—The propositions respecting Commerce he presumes is equally so, but having little knowledge of this subject he trusts to the guards provided by Mr J——. The P—— has put one or two queries in the Margin of the Report merely for consideration. AL , DLC : Thomas Jefferson Papers. For...
It was my expectation at the last meeting of the Commissioners, that Mr Johnson would have seen you long ago, and laid before you many particulars which could not be done so satisfactorily by letter—As he was well prepared to have given you a comprehensive knowledge of the many untoward circumstances which have befallen us, I considered it as unnecessary in me to occupy your time. I am just...
I have the pleasure to inform you that a judgment was obtained for you agt. Doctr. Griffin the last month, as you will percieve by the inclosed. The judgment against the garnishees it seems will take time yet. A scire facias will issue against then, returnable to the April term, interrogatories will then be filed, and the business closed at the succeeding term in September. I observe that Mr....
I received your favour of the 22nd Instant. The sentiments as therein expressed I have attentively considered, nor can I discover any Idea calculated to accommodate those dissentions which so unfortunately have invaded the Interests of the Federal City. I am well aware sir that the Season for preparing for the operations of the ensuing Summer, if any are intended has far advanced, indeed the...
We are in daily expectation of hearing of your safe return to Monticello, and all in good health. The season is now coming on when I shall envy your occupations in the feilds and garden, while I am shut up drudging within four walls. Maria is well and lazy, therefore does not write. Your friends Mrs. Trist and Mrs. Waters are well also, and often enquire after you. We have nothing new or...
I have duly recieved your favor of the 5th. inst. and wish I could give a more satisfactory answer to it. I do not believe our Consuls in the French islands will be recognised by the government of France very shortly. Should the treaty they have proposed, come to any thing, perhaps we may get this matter determined expressly. The Consular bill has never yet been taken up by the house of...
I have perused the enclosed answer to your letter, to Majr. L’Enfont.—Both are returned.—A final decision thereupon must be had.—I wish it to be taken upon the best ground, and with the best advice.—Send it, I pray you, to Mr. Madison who is better acquainted with the whole of this matter than any other.—I wish also that the Attorney General may see, and become acquainted with the...
The P—— returns the enclosed Report to Mr. J——. Boundary and the Navigation of the Missisipi are clearly defined—The propositions respecting Commerce he presumes is equally so, but having little knowledge of this subject he trusts to the guards provided by Mr. J——. The P—— has put one or two queries in the Margin of the Report merely for consideration. RC ( DLC ); addressed: “Mr. Jefferson”;...
I duly received your letter of the 11th instant, inclosing a copy of the bill before the Legislature of New York for erecting another Bank, and beg you to accept my acknowledgments for the information. I am, Sir.   Your Mo. Obed Servant. ALS , from a typescript supplied by Mr. Percy Hamilton Goodsell, Jr., White Plains, New York. Letter not found. For information on the attempt to organize new...
[ Newport, Rhode Island ] February 27, 1792. “Your Letter of the 11th of this month in answer to mine of the 16th of Jany. did not come to hand until the 24th. of this month.… By the inclosed weekly return of monies received and paid, it will appear that the Cash I have on hand is 2186 dolls 93½ cents … and [I] will only observe now that at the expiration of this month will be due to...
The Merchants of Richmond Petersburg & Manchester—by deputation—spent last friday, & saturday, on the Subject of petitioning Congress for the removal of the office from Bermuda Hundred. The scheme will end as I wishd—nothing will be done. It being acknowledged, pretty unanimously that, if there was only tolerable accommodations at the Hundred, they could have no good cause of complaint; it...
From your letter in answer to mine of the and your declarations in conversation with Mr. Lear it is understood that you absoultely decline acting under the authority of the present Commissioners. If this understanding of your meaning be right I am instructed by the President to inform you that notwithstanding the desire he has entertained to preserve your agency in the business the condition...
[ Philadelphia ] February 27, 1792. “… I have … large returns in forwardness which Shall be compleated as soon as the very pressing business of the Office will permit—with out any further addition to the business of this office it will yet take four or five Clerks three or four months at least to Compleat it but Very unfortuneatly the Auditor cannot pass My Acct of Clerks wages for their...
Philadelphia, 27 Feb. 1792. Sends a letter and enclosures received from Lt. Col. James Wilkinson and indicates that other letters “worthy your perusal” will also soon be submitted to the president. ALS , DLC:GW ; LB , DLC:GW . The enclosures have not been identified, but Tobias Lear returned them to Henry Knox on 28 Feb. 1792 ( DLC:GW ).
having in my last letter to Mr Jefferson so fully Explained the Reasons, which urge me to decline all concern in the federal City under the present System as these reasons were the result of serious, impartial Consideration upon so important a Subject, I wish it understood that it still is my resolution —By the letter of Mr Jefferson to me in answer, I perceive that all my services are at an...
I’ve been accidentally inform’d that your that your friends have prevailed on you to offer yourself as a candidate at the ensuing election for the Government of this State tho’ none of them have thought a communication to me of any service to their cause— What share I’ve ever had in politics, an independent disinterested conduct has always procured me more pleasure than perhaps emolument, and...
Accept my thanks for your obliging letter of this morning, which I this moment received. My answer to the gentleman who applied to me was, that if my fellow-citizens did me the honor to elect me, I would with pleasure serve them; but that I conceived it would be improper for me to make any efforts to obtain suffrages. They approved of this line of conduct, and in conformity to it I made it a...
From your letter received yesterday in answer to my last, and your declarations in conversation with Mr. Lear, it is understood that you absolutely decline acting under the authority of the present commissioners. If this understanding of your meaning be right, I am instructed by the President to inform you that notwithstanding the desire he has entertained to preserve your agency in the...
The peculiar predicament in which I am placed will I hope in some measure apologize for troubling you with this Letter. In the year 1783 the United States were pleased to appoint me their Commercial Agent at the Havana at which place I resided in that character until 1785. It is not necessary to detail to you the Embarrassments that I met with in that Government from my Creditors or rather...
We have had the honour to be appointed a Committee, by the Officers of the Massachusetts line of the late Army, to attend to and prosecute their memorial to the Congress of the United States, on the subject of compensation for the losses sustained by them and the soldiers who served during the war, in consequence of the singular manner in which their services have been acknowledged and...
The inclosed was left with Mr. Hazard to forward but was carelessly mislaid & forgoten. I do not recollect the contents, but will recollect the impression under which it was written, & that the design must have been to prevent drawn swords. I shall be able in a few days to convince you that on election grounds you need not be the enemy of Mr. ——— & I hope nothing else will disturb the...
[To the Speaker of the House of Representatives] The Secretary of the Treasury, pursuant to an Order of the House of Representatives, of the 5th. of February 1790, referring to him a Memorial of the Executors of Edward Carnes, respectfully submits the following Report. The object of the said Memorial is, to obtain payment of a sum of five hundred and forty four pounds nineteen shillings and...
[ Philadelphia ] February 28, 1792. “… the amount of Certificates of the assumed debt presented & funded at this office is 674,675 Dollars which deducted from the Quota allotted this State Viz 2.200.000. Dollars leaves 1,525.325 the Interest On Which agreeably to the statement on the other side amounts to 13982.14 Cts. for the Quarter ending 31 March 1792.” LC , RG 53, Pennsylvania State Loan...
Portsmouth, New Hampshire, February 28, 1792. “Your letter of the 4th. instant I had the honor to receive the 21st. and conformably with your directions I now give you the Name of Benjamin Gunnison as a Suitable person for the first Mate of the Revenue Cutter Scammel.…” LC , RG 36, Collector of Customs at Portsmouth, Letters Sent, 1791–1792, Vol. 3, National Archives; copy, RG 56, Letters from...
[ Philadelphia, February 28, 1792. Letter listed in dealer’s catalogue. Letter not found. ] LS , sold by George H. Richmond, New York City, 1906, “Autograph Letters, Manuscripts…,” Item 183. Kean was cashier of the Bank of the United States.
Would it be advisable to let L’Enfont alter the Plan if he will do it in a certn given time—and provided also we retain the means if any thing unfair is intended that we may not suff[er]. Ought any thing to be said in my letter to him respecting payment for his past Services. Should Mr Ellicot be again asked in strong & explicit terms if the Plan exhibited by him is conformable to the actual...
Your final resolution being taken, I shall delay no longer to give my ideas to the Commissioners for carrying into effect the plan for the federal City. The continuance of your services (as I have often assured you) would have been pleasing to me, could they have been retained on terms compatible with the law. Every mode has been tried to accommodate your wishes on this principle, except...
Letter not found: from Edmund Randolph, 28 Feb. 1792. On 2 Mar. Tobias Lear wrote Randolph “that the President received the Attorney General’s letter of the 28th of february.” By the president’s command Tobias Lear wrote Edmund Randolph that GW was “of opinion that it would be inexpedient for a pardon to issue for a person against whom an indictment is depending for false swearing. The...
The sales of the first Editn. of my Geogy. being completed, I expect to put to press a second in the course of the Spring. A wish to render it as accurate & unexceptionable as possible, induces me Sir, to use the freedom to enclose you my former Acct. of Virginia, & to request you to be at the pains to peruse it with your pen, & note such corrections, & suggest such hints as you may think...
Abstract. 28 February 1792, Orange County, Virginia . James Madison, Sr., by power of attorney authorizes JM to receive the interest on his treasury notes. Notarized by Andrew Shepherd, James Taylor, and Zachariah Burnley. Ms ( ViW : Bishop James Madison Papers). One page, in the hand of James Madison, Sr., except for signatures. JM had requested this power of attorney and specified some of...
Would it be advisable to let L’Enfont alter the Plan if he will do it in a certn. given time—and provided also we retain the means if any thing unfair is intended that we may not suff[er.] Ought any thing to be said in my letter to him respecting payment for his past Services.— Should Mr. Ellicot be again asked in strong and explicit terms if the Plan exhibited by him is conformable to the...
When the Funding System was in agitation, those who were not in the paper Line was in hopes the President would not Sign the Bill. However he did. Still they were in hopes at next Session he would recommend some Sort of Justice to be done but they were disappointed. As soon as the session ended the Circular Letter No. 1, No. 2. and No. 3 was Sent to every State Society of Officers—and what has...
When at Petersburg the other day, I found an Idea prevailing that, Mr Randolph, the present Marshall, & myself, were about to exchange Offices, at which, I was a good deal surprised—tho’ it gave me no concern. But, on coming to Town this morning, it was suggested to me that Mr Randolphs friends might effect this exchange, without my knowledge or consent, by insinuating to the President that I...
[To the Speaker of the House of Representatives] Pursuant to the Orders of the House of Representatives of the 20th. of December and 31st. of January last, referring to the Secretary of the Treasury, the petition of Jabez Bowen, Commissioner of Loans for the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, and the petition of William Gardner, Commissioner of Loans for the State of New...
Treasury Department, Comptroller’s Office, February 29, 1792. Sends report on memorial of Samuel Fowler. States: “Though there is not any recollection of the particular Certificate presented by Saml Fowler and defaced at the Treasury, yet from the circumstances now stated, it is evident that said Certificate was a forgery and not chargeable to the public. That the negligence imputed by the...
The Secretary of state has had under examination the Records of Proceedings in the Executive department of the Northwestern government from the 1st of Aug. to the 31st of December 1791—transmitted by the Secretary, and Reports to the President of the United States That finding nothing therein which calls for the attention or interference of the President, he has deposited them among the...
That General St Clair may not think his letters (enclosed) to me, have been unattended to, or slighted, I wish such an answer as will do for publication may be prepared—conformably—to the Sentimts which seemed to be entertained of the matter when the subject was before us the other day. I am always Yrs P.S. To say neither too much, nor too little, in the answer will be a matter of some...
I take the earliest opportunity of acknowledging the receipt of your letter of the 20th instant, to shew you that I have not been inattentive to the contents of it. But I must delay giving a definitive answer to your request for using my name in the Suit which you propose to institute, until the return of your Brother, Colo. John Mercer, to this City, shall enable me to learn from him whether...
I have the honor to request your Acceptance of a Medal struck in my presence by an ingenious & reputable Gentleman, who also made the Die, which branch he can execute with great facility & dispatch, & which he will warrant to stand until defaced by usage. He, at present, declines having his name made public; but should this Specimen of Ingenuity intitle him to the Notice of Congress, he would...
Yesterday a general council of the militia Officers of this county was held in order to take into view the State of our frontiers most exposed to the incursions of the hostile indians. The protection granted by your state government, and what additional protection might be necessary in order to secure the inhabitants from the impendent danger of the savages who consequently is much elate with...
It hav g . become necessary that Streets be laid out thro’ my Ground near ^adjoining^ the Ruins of the Sea Water Works, I think it better that it sh d . be done by the corporation than by me. They only can form & execute a general & consistant Plan relative to ^ new ^ Streets in that part of the Town and thereby avoid the Inconveniences w h . usually result from the particular Taste or Views...
Your favor of the 2d. instant came duly to hand a few days ago: Your preceding one of the 13th. July to my father was recd. by him whilst I was in Virginia last fall. I know it was his intention to answer it, and if I can trust my memory, think he did so. Sure I am that if he did not the omission was not occasioned by any decay of his friendship & affection to you. I recollect also that he...