James Madison Papers

James Madison to Thomas W. White, 17 June 1831

Montpellier June 17. 1831

Dear Sir

I have recd. your letter of the 13th. inst: Although I give you full credit for the motives and objects of it, I must appeal against the claim founded on them, to my great age now in the 81st. year, and to the infirmities which I feel to be incident to it. To this plea I might add, that whatever remnant of life or degree of health may be my lot, they are under appropriations which would not permit me to attempt a task, such as that you propose for me.

I cannot doubt, Sir that your candour will acquiesce in this explanation, with which I beg you to accept a tender of my respects & good wishes

James Madison

Draft (PHi); draft (DLC).

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