James Madison Papers

James Madison to James K. Paulding, 27 June 1831

Montpellier June 27. 1831

Dear Sir

With your favor of the 20th. inst: I recd the Volume of Pamphlets containing that of Mr Chs. Pinckney, for which I am indebted to your obliging researches. I have not yet sufficiently examined the pamphlet in question, but have no doubt that it throws light on the object to which it has relation.

I had previously recd yours of the 13th. and must remark that you have not rightly seized the scope of what was said in mine of April. I did not mean that I had in view a History of any sort, public or personal; but only a preservation of materials of which I happened to be a Recorder, or to be found in my voluminous correspondence, with official associates or confidential friends. By the first I alluded particularly to the proceedings and debates of the latter periods of the Revolutionary Congress, and of the Federal Convention in 1787; of which, in both cases, I had as a member, an opportunity of taking an account.

I do not lose sight of the Sketch I promised; which however can be but the merest skeleton, with references to my pigeon holes for whatever flesh may be found for it With reassurances of my great esteem & cordial regard

James Madison

RC (DLC: Rives Collection, Madison Papers); draft (DLC).

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