91651From George Washington to Alexander Hamilton, 23 February 1791 (Washington Papers)
I have this moment received your sentiments with respect to the constitutionality of the Bill—“to...
91652To George Washington from Thomas Jefferson, 23 February 1791 (Washington Papers)
Reasons for not Reporting to the President, at this time, consular nominations for the following...
91653Tobias Lear to Edmund Randolph, 23 February 1791 (Washington Papers)
The President has desired me to transmit to you the enclosed containing a copy of a bill...
91654From George Washington to the United States Senate, 23 February 1791 (Washington Papers)
Information having been received from Thomas Auldjo, who was appointed Vice Consul of the United...
91655To George Washington from Josiah Bartlett, 24 February 1791 (Washington Papers)
I have the Honor herewith to enclose and transmit your Excellency an Authenticated Copy of “An...
91656To George Washington from Alexander Hamilton, 24 February 1791 (Washington Papers)
The Bill supplementary to the Bank bill passed the House of Representatives Yesterday—General...
91657To George Washington from John Bayard, 25 February 1791 (Washington Papers)
Soon ⟨after the⟩ meeting of Congress in New York, I had the honor of apply⟨ing mutilated⟩ to be...
91658To George Washington from Tristram Dalton, 25 February 1791 (Washington Papers)
Having already taken the liberty of expressing to You the desire I entertain to continue in the...
91659From George Washington to William Gordon, 25 February 1791 (Washington Papers)
However highly I might be gratified by attending to my private correspondencies, as I used to do,...
91660Henry Knox to Tobias Lear, 25 February 1791 (Washington Papers)
I omitted to day to ask the President’s approbation of Colo. Pickering, as quarter master of the...
91661From George Washington to the United States Senate, 25 February 1791 (Washington Papers)
I nominate Joseph Anderson, of the State of Delaware, to be one of the Judges in the Territory of...
91662To George Washington from Thomas Hartley, 26 February 1791 (Washington Papers)
John Forsyth the Collector of Excise for the County of York in this State—applies—for an...
91663From George Washington to Samuel Magaw, 26 February 1791 (Washington Papers)
The President of the United States has received the invitation, addressed to him by a Committee...
91664To George Washington from Oliver Pollock, 26 February 1791 (Washington Papers)
In consequence of a claim, against me, transmitted to your Excellency, by Lewis Toutant Bourgard...
91665To George Washington from Daniel St. Clair, 27 February 1791 (Washington Papers)
As it is probable there will be a number of Persons appointed to Collect the Excises in pursuance...
91666To George Washington from John Dandridge, 28 February 1791 (Washington Papers)
Mr Lewis A. Pauly, who will present this to you, having some propositions of a public nature to...
91667From George Washington to William Deakins, Jr., and Benjamin Stoddert, 28 February 1791 (Washington Papers)
If you have concluded nothing yet with Mr Burn’s; nor made him any offer for his land that is...
91668Tobias Lear to Alexander Hamilton, 28 February 1791 (Washington Papers)
The President has commanded me to transmit the enclosed to you from Mr Thatcher and request that...
91669Tobias Lear to Ebenezer Hazard, 28 February 1791 (Washington Papers)
By the command of the President of the United States T. Lear has the honor to return to Mr Hazard...
91670To George Washington from John Hodgson, 28 February 1791 (Washington Papers)
From that Universal well known Philanthropy and Condescension, that is the great Characteristic...
91671To George Washington from Rufus Putnam, 28 February 1791 (Washington Papers)
Since the affair of the 2d of January several Wyandot men & women have ben into Fort Harmer To...
91672Editorial Note (Washington Papers)
GW began considering the schedule and route of his intended Southern Tour at least as early as...
91673I: Memorandum of Hugh Williamson Comparing Distances from Petersburg, Va., to New Bern, N.C., via Edenton and Halifax … (Washington Papers)
via Edenton and Halifax, N.C. Distances m. From Petersburg to Cabin Point 26 to Smithfield 37 to...
91674II: Memorandum of Hugh Williamson on the Route from Philadelphia to Lamprier’s Ferry, S.C., February 1791 (Washington Papers)
Miles Philadelphia to Chester 15 to Xtien Bridge 21 Head of Elk 9 Susquehanna Ferry 18 Bush Town...
91675III: Memorandum of John B. Ashe Comparing Distances from Petersburg, Va., to Charleston, S.C., via Edenton and Halifax … (Washington Papers)
From Petersburg in Virginia to Charleston S.C. Via Edenton is 504 Miles. To wit. From Petersburg...
91676IV: Memorandum of James Iredell on Distances from Richmond, Va., to Edenton, N.C., February 1791 (Washington Papers)
Route from Richmond in Virginia to Edenton in North Carolina miles miles Richmond to Petersburg...
91677V: Memorandum of James Iredell on the Route through the Carolinas, February 1791 (Washington Papers)
Memorandum for Major Jackson concerning the Road through North and South Carolina. I am not...
91678VI: Itinerary from Savannah to Augusta, Ga., February 1791 (Washington Papers)
From Savannah to Augusta Miles first Day to Spencers 15 Miles 15 15 Dashers 5 20 20 Ebenezer 5...
91679VII: Itinerary for the Southern Tour, February 1791 (Washington Papers)
If the President of the United States should be able to commence his tour through the Southern...
91680From George Washington to John Adams, 1 March 1791 (Washington Papers)
Certain matters touching the public good requiring that the Senate shall be convened on Friday...