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Results 9161-9170 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I was most sadly dissapointed last Evening when my Newpapers came from the post office without a Letter. the latest date I have received was Nov br 26, so that two post have arrived without a line. I am not anxious if one, only passes, but you are usually so good in writing me once a week always; and very frequently oftener, that I am really allarmd least you are sick, & very sick otherways...
That we sincerely regret that any circumstances should have given any Foreign government ground to believe, that, when the safety of government, liberty, Independence, or prosperity of the United States is menaced, there can be A division of Opinion among the people of America; that this people, so happy under a constitution and Administration of their own choice, will ever seek the shelter of...
I did my self the Honor to write you a few Lines from Nantes about 8 days ago, and left it on Monday last. On my arrival here the day before yesterday, I found several Letters from Baltimore for me—the latest dates were the 13th July. They contain nothing new but they—with some Virginia Papers down to the 17th. of the same Month give me much more pleasure and satisfaction than the Copy of a...
If I was sure your absence to day was occasioned, by what it generally is, either to wait upon Company, or promote some good work, I freely confess my Mind would be much more at ease than at present it is. Yet this uneasiness does not arise from any apprehension of Slight or neglect, but a fear least you are indisposed, for that you said should be your only hindrance. Humanity obliges us to be...
Philadelphia March 23rd: 1805 I was much gratified by your early answer to my letter, and by your kind inquiries after several branches of my family. My second daughter’s husband’s name is Thomas Manners. He is a branch of the Rutland family. His father is wealthy, but as his estate will be divided among nine Children, my son in law will probably be dependent upon a military Commission for the...
Je n’eus le temps hier au soir que de vous envoyer la Lettre que S. E. Mr. l’Ambr. de France m’avoit fait remettre pour vous en réponse de celle du 8e. courant que je lui avois remise de votre part. Mrs. les P—— d’A—— D—— et H—— m’ont tous chargé de vous témoigner leur reconnoissance de la bonté que vous avez eue de leur communiquer la Résolution du Congrès; et ceux d’A—— en particulier leur...
As this Letter will go by the way of Ireland, and may be exposed to accidents in the Course of its Route, I decline entering into Particulars; but as the long Recess of Congress who are now again convened, makes it necessary that the enclosed Letters of Recall should be transmitted without Delay, I think it best to send one set by this Conveyance, & to forward Duplicates by another vessel...
The inclosed letter was handed to me yesterday by Mr. Physick, agent for the late proprietaries of Pennsylvania. The books appear to be two volumes Octavo. I will forward them, or deliver them to your son Thomas, as you shall be pleased to direct. I am with great respect / sir yr. obt. servt MHi : Adams Papers.
Four days ago I received the Favor of your Letter of Aug: 12th., and it gave me the highest Pleasure to hear you were well. The Marquiss de la Fayette will do me the Honour to take the Charge of this Letter who carries with him the Esteem and Affection of the Army and the States. His Intrepidity and Discretion, his Conduct in the Field, in Council, and in all private Circles have gained him an...
In a Letter which I had the pleasure, some time since, to receive from you, you expressed some reproof of the inactivity of the Federalists—Their conduct, at present, is not liable to such a censure; perhaps it may deserve the reproach of intemperate ardour. The zeal of party has certainly attempted to overbear the freedom of private opinion, and totally to overthrow the character of him who...