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Results 9151-9200 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Reading and writeing have for some time past been Interdicted on Account of the small Pox...
Your Favour of the 10th July I have had the honour to receive, but it did not come to hand until...
Yesterday I received a Letter from General Washington respecting the Baron de Calbiac, wherein he...
In May last, I took the liberty of writing to Mr. Hancock President of the Continental Congress,...
Last Evening I received yours of 7 July. It should have been August I suppose. I am perfectly of...
The singular situation and great suffering, of Mrs. Temple have Induced me to Advise her to write...
Your favour of July the 18th came safe to hand. I consider it as a favour, this amid so great a...
Your Favours of 24 June, and 17. July, are before me. I wish with all my Heart that you were...
Agreed to report to Congress That Monsr. Weibert now serving in the continental Army at New York...
Before this reaches you, you will have heard of the Arrival of near an hundred more of the...
My sincere Thanks are due to my Friend in Congress for the unexpected Honor, done me in my late...
Inclosed is a rough Sketch of a plan, which, for ought I know, may be about as wise as an hundred...
At this Time of general Danger, when every one is anxiously considering by what Means our...
By a Return from the Adjutant General of the 10. instant, I see a new Brigade, makes its...
Your Letter of June 10, in Answer to mine on the Continental Currency, I have now to thank you...
By some Accident your Letter of the 12th. of June did not reach me till last Week, or I should...
I received yours of the 5th. instant by Tuesdays Post, and laid it before the Board of War, who...
Your Favors of the 3d. and 11th. Instant I received this Day for which I am much obliged. I know...
Your obliging Favour of July 28. I duely received. Am glad to hear that your third Freshmanship...
I sit down to write in great Haste as the post is just going. I reached P. Ferry on tuesday Six...
Yours of the 13. came by Yesterdays Post. You have not acknowledged in it, the Receipt of a...
I had a Letter from you, by the Post Yesterday. Congratulate you, and your other Self, on your...
I had the Pleasure of a line from you, at Princetown, and Yesterdays Post brought me another from...
It was with no small Degree of Pleasure, on my Return here, I observed the Cheerfulness which...
Philadelphia, 19 August 1776. Printed : JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of...
I set down to give you Part of the Information you ask. The Brigade you mention are new Levies...
Your Favours of 28th. July and 8. August are before me. I have a Favour to ask of you, that is to...
I had by Yesterdays Post, the Pleasure of your Letter of the 12. instant. The Account you give me...
I had the Honour of receiving your very polite Letter of the Tenth instant by Yesterdays Post. I...
Yours of August 11 reached me Yesterday. Mrs. Temple shall have all the Assistance which I can...
I received your favor by the post for which please to accept my thanks. I hope the Copper you...
Your Favour of the third instant yesterday came safe to Hand, for which I thank You; am glad to...
Colo. Dayton, who with his battalion is Stationed at Fort Stanwix, informs me no Regimental...
In the general Calamity of the times, I find there is little or no Business to be had unless...
I have the Satisfaction to acquaint You that immediately after my Arrival here I appointed Mr....
Yours of the Twenty Second is before me. You mention, the Delicacy of appointing, an Officer of...
Your Favours of 18 and 19 of August are before me. I am much obliged to you for them, and am...
Mrs. Adams mentioned to me last evening that you wanted to know the state of our forts, the...
It is So long Since I had the Pleasure of Writing to you, or the Honour of receiving a Letter...
Your Favour of the 21. is before me. I agree that We ought to have an hundred more of Mortars,...
Your Favour of July 1. ought not to have lain by me, so long unanswered. But the old Apology of...
The Bearer Mr. Measam was a Merchant of good Reputation at Montreal; but having engag’d warmly in...
As I find that Mr. Christopher Ludwig is about setting off for Philadelphia in the morning, I...
I Sett down now in the Character of a School Master, or a Fellow of a Colledge to give myself...
In Answer to your last in which you desire some further Information respecting Shephard &c., I...
I had a Warrant on Sunday Morning last, from Head Quarters, for the Trial of Lieut. Col. Harman...
JA increasingly felt the weight of committee work during the six weeks that remained before he...
Mr. Hare, a Brother of Mr Robert Hare, the Porter Brewer in this City is bound to Boston. He has...
It is in vain for me to think of telling you News, because you have direct Intelligence from...
I am exceedingly concerned to find that the New Articles of War, though passed, are not to take...