Adams Papers

From John Adams to Nathaniel Barber Jr., 24 July 1776

To Nathaniel Barber Jr.

Philadelphia July 24. 1776


Your Letter of the 15th. instant came duely to Hand, by Yesterdays Post. I shall be happy to render you any Service in my Power, But I conceive the most regular Method will be for you to make application to General Ward, and request him to make a Representation of your Affair to Congress, either directly, or through General Washington. In this Mode, I conceive there will be no difficulty in obtaining Captains Pay for yourself and fifteen dollars Per Month for the two Conductors under you.

If I were to move in Congress, or in the Board of War, for these Establishments, for Want of Sufficient Information of the Nature and Duties of your Office, I should not be so likely to succeed, as if the Proposition came from the Commander in Chief in your department.1 I am, your humble Servant

LbC (Adams Papers); notation: “Sent.”

1On 8 Aug., Barber replied that Gen. Ward would intercede with the congress (Adams Papers, not printed here).

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