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Results 9131-9180 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
9131 Knox, Henry Washington, George To George Washington from Henry Knox, 14 October 1792 1792-10-14 I have the honor with great diffidence to submit hints of points in the War department which...
9132 Smith, Robert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Smith, 7 August 1801 1801-08-07 The chief Clerk of the department of State having this morning shewn to me a Letter from mr...
9133 Washington, George [Diary entry: 1 November 1770] 1770-11-01 November 1st. A little before eight Oclock we set of with our Canoe up the River to discover what...
9134 Jenings, Edmund Adams, John To John Adams from Edmund Jenings, 28 November 1781 1781-11-28 Altho I am fearful, that my Correspondance has lately been Troublesome to your Excellency, yet I...
9135 Heath, William Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General William … 1776-03-31 on Yesterday I arrived in this City with the Brigade, and flatter my Self that Considering the...
9136 L’Enfant, Pierre Charles Washington, George To George Washington from Pierre-Charles L’Enfant, 29 … 1784-04-29 I take the liberty to inform your Excellency of my arrival at this place after a passage of 43...
9137 Monroe, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Monroe, 3 January 1793 1793-01-03 My St. Croix friends have mentioned that it might reach you, that a Mr. Durant would be more...
9138 Corny, Dominique-Louis Ethis de Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Dominique-Louis Ethis de … 1781-12-08 ALS : American Philosophical Society Je me proposais D’avoir l’honneur de Voir votre Excellençe...
9139 Jefferson, Thomas Gibson, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Gibson, 21 March 1800 1800-03-21 I recieved last night your favor of the 14th. and now inclose you a copy of your letter. I was...
9140 Jefferson, Thomas Macon, Nathaniel Thomas Jefferson to Nathaniel Macon, 19 August 1821 1821-08-19 You have probably seen in the newspapers a letter of mine recommending Col o Taylor ’s book to...
9141 Claiborne, William C. C. Madison, James To James Madison from William C. C. Claiborne, 12 … 1806-02-12 § From William C. C. Claiborne. 12 February 1806, New Orleans. “Captain Ross returned to this...
9142 Wolcott, Oliver Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Oliver Wolcott, Junior, 4 … 1800-04-04 As you feel interested in favr. of any reasonable indulgence to Mr. Robertson, I think proper to...
9143 Macaulay, Catharine Adams, John To John Adams from Catharine Macaulay, 11 September … 1774-09-11 A Very long and uninterrupted course of sickness has hitherto prevented me the pleasure of...
9144 Derieux, Peter (Justin Pierre Plumard) Jefferson, Thomas Peter Derieux to Thomas Jefferson, 11 May 1812 1812-05-11 Ayant enfin reussi a me procurer de la Graine et du plan d’ Estragon , je m’empresse a vous faire...
9145 Heath, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Heath, 1 September … 1781-09-01 Little of consequence has transpired since your departure. Some parties of the enemy have come...
9146 Jarvis, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Jarvis, 18 February … 1809-02-18 It is a common observation that the present is a time of Political Phenomena. The extraordinary...
9147 Blackly, Moses Adams, John To John Adams from Moses Blackly, 19 March 1799 1799-03-19 An address from the well disposed Citizens of this County was forwarded to you last fall being...
9148 Franklin, Benjamin Izard, Ralph From Benjamin Franklin to Ralph Izard, 27 March 1778 1778-03-27 Copy and two transcripts: National Archives; transcript: South Carolina Historical Society The...
9149 Jefferson, Thomas Richardson, William Thomas Jefferson to William Richardson, 25 July 1814 1814-07-25 hav g rec d no answer to my l re of the 2 d inst. I wrote again to W m Richardson , Richmond ,...
9150 Callender, James T. Madison, James To James Madison from James T. Callender, 27 April 1801 1801-04-27 I was extremely happy to hear that you had accepted of an office under the new presidency;...
9151 Adams, John Quincy 20th. 1785-09-20 Mr. Tyler was again taken up the whole day. In the afternoon I went with my Cousins, over to...
9152 Washington, George [Diary entry: 23 February 1786] 1786-02-23 Thursday 23d. Thermometer at 36 in the Morning—32 at Noon and 32 at Night. Wind at East all day....
9153 Franklin, William Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from William Franklin, 1 September … 1769-09-01 ALS : American Philosophical Society I came to Town with Betsy on Monday last in order to stand...
9154 Enclosure: Resolutions from Philadelphia Manufacturers … 1794-05-08 At a General & numerous Meeting of the Manufacturers of the City of Philadelphia and such other...
9155 Limozin, André Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from André Limozin, 22 May 1787 1787-05-22 Le Havre, 22 May 1787 . Transmits account of expenses “for the 12 large Boxes Cartouch Boxes”...
9156 Washington, George Heath, William From George Washington to Major General William Heath … 1780-02-05 General poor sent down the Bearer Capt. Leigh for 10,000 dollars for the purpose of recruiting,...
9157 Hoskins, Richard Quince Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Richard Quince Hoskins, 23 … 1808-07-23 I have this moment received a letter from the Hon Mr. Granger, who requests that I should send to...
9158 Washington, George Woodford, William From George Washington to Brigadier General William … 1779-05-31 I request you will exert yourself to get the division under yr command in instant readiness to...
9159 Truxtun, Thomas Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Thomas Truxtun, 10 July 1802 1802-07-10 I pray you to accept a Copy of the medal voted me by Congress as a Small token of the great...
9160 Latrobe, Benjamin H. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Benjamin H. Latrobe, 15 … 1804-01-15 The following passage is contained in a letter just received from Mr Wm Stewart, by far the most...
9161 Sullivan, John Washington, George To George Washington from Major General John Sullivan … 1777-08-18 I had the honour of receiving your Excellency’s favor of the 14th Inst: & have notified your...
9162 Jones, Joseph Madison, James To James Madison from Joseph Jones, 2 March 1792 1792-03-02 I have recd. your letter of the 21st. last month and thank you for the communications it...
9163 Jefferson, Thomas Davis, Matthew L. From Thomas Jefferson to Matthew L. Davis and William … 1800-12-21 Your favor of Oct. 14 did not get to my hands till the 3d. of Nov. when the arrangements for my...
9164 Jefferson, Thomas Mayo, Frederick A. Thomas Jefferson to Frederick A. Mayo, 2 March 1822 … 1822-03-02 wrote to him for Johnsons & Warner ’s edn of 1813. of Johnson ’s dict. FC ( MHi ); abstract in...
9165 Madison, James Monroe, James From James Madison to James Monroe, 4 June 1806 1806-06-04 With this you will receive a duplicate of the dispatches taken with him by Mr. Pinkney who sailed...
9166 Madison, James Morris, Anthony From James Madison to Anthony Morris, 28 May 1827 1827-05-28 I owe an Apology for not sooner acknowledging your communication of the 7th. instant. It happened...
9167 Adams, Abigail Smith Johnson, Abigail Louisa Smith Adams From Abigail Smith Adams to Abigail Louisa Smith Adams … 1816-12-09 Through Caroline De Wint, I was last Evening informd that your Mother has had a return of the...
9168 Stuart, Archibald Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Archibald Stuart, 22 October … 1791-10-22 The objections to our State Government are so generally felt, that I am convinced its reformation...
9169 Jefferson, Thomas Spargella, John Baptiste Thomas Jefferson to John B. Spargella, 10 February 1815 1815-02-10 Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Spargella , and his thanks for the elegant...
9170 Gaullier, John Francis Madison, James To James Madison from John Francis Gaullier, 2 August … 1801-08-02 2 August 1801, Fredericksburg. Mentions that he taught dancing to Miss Nelly Madison and to...
9171 Williams, Jonathan Jr. Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Williams, Jr., 10 … 1780-10-10 ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Yale University Library The present serves only to...
9172 Coxe, Tench Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Tench Coxe, 4 March 1791 1791-03-04 A large mail was received yesterday at the Treasury office in which was contained the enclosed...
9173 Ellery, William, Jr. Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from William Ellery, Junior, 21 … 1790-12-21 Newport [ Rhode Island ] December 21, 1790 . “I have received your Letter of the 6th instant, and...
9174 Jay, John Jay, Peter Augustus From John Jay to Peter Augustus Jay, 13 April 1819 1819-04-13 I have rec d . your Letter of the 7 th . Inst— and have heard that the Commission mentioned in it...
9175 Williams, Jonathan Jr. American Commissioners Jonathan Williams, Jr., to the American Commissioners … 1777-03-18 ALS : American Philosophical Society In answer to my Express, Capt. Wickes informed me that he...
9176 Jefferson, Thomas Du Pont de Nemours, Eleuthère Irénée Thomas Jefferson to Eleuthère I. du Pont de Nemours, 30 … 1812-04-30 After having expected for some time that you would be so kind as to inform me of the amount of...
9177 Adams, John United States Senate From John Adams to United States Senate, 25 June 1798 1798-06-25 I nominate Franklin Wharton of Pennsylvania to be a Lieutenant of Marines, in the Navy Joseph...
9178 Introductory Note: Opinion on the Constitutionality of … There are at least eight manuscript versions of this famous document. One of these is an...
9179 Washington, George Geary, James From George Washington to James Geary, 22 July 1779 1779-07-22 A general order will issue this day directing all the officers of the cavalry such part of the...
9180 Washington, George Greene, Nathanael From George Washington to Major General Nathanael … 1778-12-04 I have to acknowlege the receipt of your last letters of the 30th Ulto and the 1st Inst. which...