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Results 9101-9150 of 184,431 sorted by author
I have the Pleasure to congratulate you, on your glorious success Since I left you at L’orient,...
I have received the Letter you wrote me on the 7th of this month, and I shall give all the...
Compelled, by the habits of a long Life, and as well as by all the Principles of Society and...
Dr Jarvis with great truth and propriety observes that “the Religion of the Indians has not be...
On my return from an Excursion to Devonshire with my Family, where we have been to fly from the...
I nominate Jonathan Russell Esqr of Bristol in Rhode Island to be a collector of the port of...
This Letter will be presented to you, by Mr Peter Cunningham a Relation and an old Acquaintance...
9108[August 1775] (Adams Papers)
I have always imputed the Loss of Charleston, and of the brave Officers and Men who fell there,...
GENERAL BRATTLE, by his rank, station and character, is intituled to politeness and respect, even...
You have published all that is necessary, at present, relative to the two Treaties of Peace; that...
There are two ingenious Artificers, here, who have made a beautifull Field Piece of Bar Iron. The...
M r Charles Sigourney & Lady, a respectable pair in Hartford, Connecticut, the Husband a Son of...
91131778 [i.e. 1780] Aug. 6. (Adams Papers)
Went to the English Presbyterian Church, and heard a sensible sermon, the mode of Worship differs...
Bernard, Hutchinson, Oliver, the Commissioners of the customs, and their Satellites had an...
Your Letter of the 31. of March made me unhappy because it convinced me that you were so. I...
9116[January 1785] (Adams Papers)
Last Evening the Marquis de la Fayette, lately returned from America, called upon me, in his Way...
9117[November 1771] (Adams Papers)
At Salem. Fine Weather. Deacon Thurston of Rowley came in last Night, a venerable old Man, with...
I have recceived with Pride and Pleasure a Volume of Mathematical Papers from a Fellow Citizen...
I now transmit to Congress, copies of all the communications, from our Envoys Extraordinary,...
I knew not when I undertook so readily to take the Care of your Grandson what I was about, little...
I nominate Ambrose Gordon of Georgia to be Marshall of the district of Georgia in the place of...
Mr. Adams’s Compliments to Mr. Van der Kemp and asks the favour of his Company this Evening at...
Inclosed are letters from Major McFarland, a meritorious old officer & as I have always...
9124March 5. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
This Morning We have the pleasantest Prospect we have yet seen —a fine easy Breeze, from the...
I nominate the following Gentlemen to be Officers in the Navy Richard Marner, of New York to be a...
Your respectfull Address has been presented to me by your Senators in Congress, Mr Latimer and Mr...
I have considered the advice and consent of the Senate to the ratification of the Convention with...
Yours of the 7th. instant I received yesterday. I wish to see you here for Several Reasons. But...
I have received your favor of the 10th & read Mr Sewals letter of 25 April & your answer. The...
The Committee for preparing the Model of a Treaty to be proposed to France consisted of When We...
Your favour of the ninth of this month, is but this moment received. I wish I had been apprised...
Inclosed is the Commission to Mr Sitgreaves no communication was ever made by me or by my desire...
I have the honour to inclose a Copy of a Letter to the Marquis of Carmarthen of the 14 th. of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the Honour of a Letter from, your Excellency at...
It is a long time Since I have rec d a Letter from you and it is too long Since I have written to...
Sitting down to write to you, is a Scene almost too tender for my State of Nerves. It calls up to...
AD 1775 Sepr. 11 For bording at Mr. Dibleys 0: 8: 5 Oct. For one pr. of Quality binding 0 4 0...
Last Wednesday my Furniture was all removed to Braintree. Saturday, I carried up my Wife and...
Inclosed are letters proper to be deposited in your office & submitted to your consideration 1....
Last night I received the two letters inclosed dated Natchez 2d May & 10th August from David...
Yours of 4 May is received—it is the first from Philadelphia. Mr. Mease and your Friend shall...
Mr. Hamilton, in his famous pamphlet, page 23, says, “the conduct pursued bore sufficient marks...
The Abby, in the 21 Page, represents the destruction of the Tea, as an excès blâmable, and the...
Nothing of the kind could be more welcome to me than this address from the ingenuous youth of...
If weak Eyes and weaker fingers had not requird more time to write a Line than was once necessary...
9146Aug. 15th. 1762. (Adams Papers)
Reading, Thinking, Writing—have I totally renounced all three? Tempora mutantur, et nos mutamur...
I receive with great respect and affection the condolence of the House of Representatives on the...
I have received your kind letter of the 12th. march instant—The contents of which are entirely...
I am determined to amuse my self with my Pen, whenever I am at Leisure, that I may not rust, upon...
I nominate Joshua Head of Massachusetts to be Collector of the District of Waldoborough and...