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Results 91-100 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
J. Madison with his respects to Mr. Woodbury thanks him for his interesting Report from the Treasury Department. The exuberant prosperity of our Country is a happy illustration of the beneficent operation of its political Institutions; and with the anticipated rate of its growth in population, in productive capacities, and in resources for protection, not only on its borders, but on the Ocean,...
Though I regret that I have not the honor of knowing You personally, I trust you will excuse the liberty I now take in making you a request I collected with the greatest care & labour a curious collection of autographs for a gentleman of distinguished standing in the British Parliament who is passionately fond of the relics of men who have rendered themselves illustrious by their virtues...
I have received your letter of Decr. 22d. covering a communication from Mr. Hodges. Had you found it convenient to deliver it in person, it would have afforded me an agreeable opportunity of welcoming you to my abode. I very sincerely express my sensibility to the friendly views you have taken of my public Career—and I pray you to be assured of my cordial respects and good wishes. FC (DLC) .
I have this day drawn on you in favor of Walter S. Chandler for two hundred dollars which you will please to meet by a sale of as much flour as may be requisite. FC (DLC) .
I have recd. your letter of the 15th. with the Tobacco seed it refers to. I tender the thanks due respectively to Mr Vaughan and yourself for the obliging attention to which I am indebted; and will take measures for turning the seed to the best account. I was favored many years ago by Col. G. Mason with a sample of the like seed, and had hills enough planted from it to test its character in...
It would have given me great pleasure to have delivered the inclosed communication in person—but the gratification is denied to me— I beg you to be assured of the deep respect, and most enduring regard of one, who has always sustained your principles, and venerated your character Your most ob. Sert— FC (DLC) .
Until a few weeks ago, I counted with certainty on making my usual pilgrimage to Montpellier during this visit to the U. States. But circumstances beyond my control have put it out of my power, and I am now hastening to New Orleans, by the Way of Charleston, Augusta & Mobile, in company with Septimia Randolph, who has already suffered such effects from the cold weather as to make her friends...
J. Madison with his respects to Mr. Van Buren thanks him for the copy of the President’s message on the 7th. instant. It is a very able Document, and in some of its aspects particularly, interesting. The mode in which it disclaims any threats to France seems well adapted to the occasion. Its effect on the sensibilities of the French Executive, should these be involved in the sequel, may...
Since my arrival here I received from Mr Charles Vaughan of Hallowell, State of Maine, a paper of the finest kind of Cuba Tobacco Seed, which has been recently sent to him by a friend at the Havanna—and he desired me to distribute it in any way that I thought it could be most gratifying and useful—enjoining it upon me at the same time, that I should first present a portion of it to You as a...
I have your letter & am glad to find, that the information you request, will have probably reached you thro’ the Newspaper which contain it as notified from the authoritative source. I have only therefore to express my hopes, that your exertions on the occasion have the success they merit, & tender the respects I pray you to accept Draft (DLC) . Written on the same page with a draft of JM to...