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Results 91-120 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
J. Madison with his respects to Mr. Woodbury thanks him for his interesting Report from the...
Though I regret that I have not the honor of knowing You personally, I trust you will excuse the...
I have received your letter of Decr. 22d. covering a communication from Mr. Hodges. Had you found...
I have this day drawn on you in favor of Walter S. Chandler for two hundred dollars which you...
I have recd. your letter of the 15th. with the Tobacco seed it refers to. I tender the thanks due...
It would have given me great pleasure to have delivered the inclosed communication in person—but...
Until a few weeks ago, I counted with certainty on making my usual pilgrimage to Montpellier...
J. Madison with his respects to Mr. Van Buren thanks him for the copy of the President’s message...
Since my arrival here I received from Mr Charles Vaughan of Hallowell, State of Maine, a paper of...
I have your letter & am glad to find, that the information you request, will have probably...
J. Madison with his best respects to Mr. Minor thanks him for his Address on "Education &c"....
I have recd. yours of the 27th. Ulti. Should the whole of my little stock of Coke Devon do well...
It gives me great pleasure to acknowledge your kind favour of this day, the payment of twenty...
I received a few days ago under a blank cover a copy of Mr. Binney’s Eulogy on Chief Justice...
Your letter of Novr. 17. having been directed to Petersburg which is very distant from me, was...
J. Madison tenders his thanks to Mr Everett for his interesting and eloquent address at Bloody...
Your letter on the subject of Mr. Pemberton has not passed into oblivion; but I am sensible that...
I have recd. your letter by Henry. You mistake much in supposing my health to be such as when you...
It has happened that one of my Devon young Cows has produced a female Calf, and that the Calf of...
I have so often made myself troublesome to you by my requests, that it is with no little...
You will pardon me for intruding on your attention a few lines Relative to a subject in which...
J. Madison with his best respects to Mr. Everett tenders his thanks for the copy of his address...
I received in due time your valuable Discourse before the "Ancient and Honorable Artillery...
I have recd. your letter of Octr. 24. and enclose an Autograph of Mr. Monroe. Of Mr. Jay, none...
Your letter of the 12th. being addressed to Madison instead of Orange Court House was not...
This will be handed to you by Richard Chapman a son of Reynolds Chapman who married one of my...
Your letter of the 7th. has just come to hand. I enclose a copy of my letter to Mr. Everett, that...
private I have received your letter of Sepr. 30th. with a copy of "An Appeal from the new to the...
I have duly received Sir your letter of Augt. 5th. with the accompanying Medal. The use made of...
I have duly received your favor of the 7th with the letter and Medal from Mr. Goddard, which you...