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[ London, January 19, 1799 . Letter not found. ] Letter listed in “Memorandum of Private Letters, &c., dates & persons, from 1796 to Augt 1802,” owned by Mr. James G. King, New York City.
AL : American Philosophical Society I have made an alteration in the plan of the Spanish reading which I proposed to you the last time I had the honour to See you. I confine it for this moment to the teatro de España by one Garma but If you have a curiosity to know some others, the following you may Send for when ever you please, observing only to write a note A Monsieur Oudin chez Mr. Lecomte...
I inclose you a bill of exchange for 988.03. D drawn by Smiths & Morrison of New Orleans on Brown & Hollins of Baltimore at 60. days sight. to shorten the term a little, as a post was setting out for Baltimore direct, and I was intimately acquainted with mr Hollins , I inclosed the 2 d of Exchange to himself, and he will have recieved it before the Richmond mail carrying this will have left...
The importation into this District, made by Mr. Cutts of Ports-mouth, was on the 28th Day of May last, in the Ship Lark, Jno. Munro Master from Bordeaux. I do not recollect whether the Invoice specified the difference between Assignats and Specie; but the Duties (secured by Messrs. Clark & Nightingale, owners of the Lark) were calculated on the latter amount, being 1,487 Dollars and 35½ Cents,...
I could not omit so favorable an opportunity, as the departure of Mr Strickland affords me, of presenting my best respects to you; and my sincere thanks for the views of Agriculture in the different counties of Great Britain, which you have had the goodness to send me. and for the Diploma (received by the hands of Mr Jay) admitting me a foreign honorary member of the board of Agriculture. For...
I endeavour that you should hear from us by writing in every direction, yet when I take my pen my heart sinks, and my hand trembles. my last Letters which were in August were Sent to Halifax by a cartel to be conveyd to England to mr Beasley, and they contain’d such heart rending intelligence that I know not how to repeat it—Bad news has swifter wings than good, I have lost, O what have I not...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Pownall presents his respectfull Compliments to Dr. Franklyn and shall be greatly obliged to him if he can give him any Information as to the person and [ illegible ] mentioned below. One -- Dimsdale died in the Province of Pensylvania in 1764 or 1765. possessed of a Plantation there, which he left by will in general Terms to his relations in the North...
Pompton [ New Jersey ] June 4, 1779 . Describes route by which supplies should be sent. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
As from Major Lees present situation, the command of his Corps will devolve on you, I am to desire you will pay the strictest attention to the movements of the enemy down the river It is peculiarly necessary at this juncture as I am well informed the Arrival of Admiral Arburthnot has increased Sr Harry Clintons strength —from this circumstance it will be necessary for us to double our...
The knowledge of the benevolence of your heart has prompted me to trespass a little on your time; for which I can plead no other excuse than my hope that your Excellencys indulgence will extend to the Gratification of not only my wish but the wish of many who justly entertain a great veneration for your virtues. Could your Excellency be prevail’d on to honor the Theatre with your presence on...