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Results 91-100 of 184,431 sorted by author
It gives me uneasiness while I am obliged to intrude, more especially, where objects of greater moment requires your Excellencys Attention. Since ordered by your Excellency’s Command to this Place in Febry 1779, I have at all times made it my study to descharge my duty to the Utmost of my abillity. The Post being a thuroughfare, the Interest in a great measure mutual, laid me under the...
Please allow me to tell you how honored I am to bear your name, and how much more so I would be, had I the honor of being descended from your family. All that one reads or hears about the sublimity of your enlightenment leads one to form such wishes. How happy I would be, sir, if the similarity of our names could make you take an interest in me! I dare flatter myself that under your...
Je vous prie de me permmettre De vous temoigner combien je Suis flattè D’avoir L’honneur de porter votre nom, Et je le Serois bien davantage, si j’avois celuy D’Etre issus de votre famille tout çe qu’on lit Et ceque L’on Entend Dire de la Sublimité de vos lumieres, Est certainement bien fait pour former de pareils Desirs. Que je serois heureux, monsieur, si la Similitude de nom pouvoit vous...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Permettez qu’au lieu de me reclamer de quelquun pour vous prier d’une grace, j’aie l’honneur de vous presenter une piece de vers à laquelle les sentimens que vous avez inspirés ont donné sujet. Ce moien de recommandation ne sera gueres puissant aupres de vous, Monsieur, J’en conviens, vous êtes trop accoutumé aux éloges et trop sûr de les obtenir. Cependant...
I am favoured with yours and have given particular Attention to the Contents, it gives me some relief, when you say you are not, nor has been prejudiced with me. Concious I am, that to my knowledge I never did any thing to merite it. If I have not been so fortunate for some time past as I had a reasonable prosspect of my endeavours has in no respect been the Less I am Subjected to good & bad...
I am favoured with yours, as Also for Mr Young which I have delivered him; he seems Satissfyed with your proposal and senceable that he will save more than he Could in Such a place as Bladensburgh from the Wages he had there, And now waits upon you himself —I have Dropt two lines to the Doctr desereing to let me know if there was any particular reason for his leaveing his Employ when I receive...
I had the pleasure of writeing you the 20th Instant, Incloseing a letter from Mr Lund Washington which he was desireous should be forwarded you by first Opertunity, I then informed you we had not found out the person you depended on for transacting your Bussiness in regard to the Land purchased from Messrs Dow & Makian , but have now the pleasure to Inform you that in Two Hours after the...
Inclosed I have the Honour to transmit you a Copy of a New Work , of which I am the proprietor, and of which I have already lodged a Copy in the Office of the Clerk of the District Court agreeable to Law. I am Sir, with due Respect, Your Most Obedient And Most Hble Servt., RC ( DNA : RG 59, MLR ); endorsed by Remsen as received 16 Aug. 1791 but not recorded in SJL . The enclosed new work was a...
The Pall or Black Cloath that was sent down to you on a late Occation Mr Carlyle Informs me was Originally your property, but as we are yet unprovided with one in town we must request the favour of you to send it by the bearer—Our Friend and Accquantance Mr Joseph Wattson Departed this life last night about Eleven oClock of a Bloody Flux, he neglectd himself much in the begining of the...
Our Rum Petition and also one for the Inspection of herrings was forwarded to you yesterday by Post and hope it will be in time. along with each there is a little Memorandum for your peruseall, As the greatest difficulty seems to Arise in raiseing a Sum equivolent to that now raised on Rum imported I am in great hopes that will in some measure be Obviated when the Mode now proposed is duely...