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Results 91-120 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , November 9, 1732. As you sometimes take upon you to correct the Publick, you ought in your Turn patiently to receive publick Correction. My Quarrel against you is, your Practice of publishing under the Notion of News, old Transactions which I suppose you hope we have forgot. For Instance, in your Numb. 669, you tell us from London of July 20. That the...
DS : New York Public Library Memorandum of Agreement indented and made the fourteenth Day of November Anno Dom. One thousand seven hundred and thirty two between Louis Timothée of the City of Philadelphia Gentleman Of the one part and Benjamin Franklin Robert Grace Thomas Godfrey William Maugridge John Nicholas John Jones junr Hugh Roberts Anthony Nicholas William Parsons and Henry Pratt a...
93On Colds, 30 November 1732 (Franklin Papers)
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , November 30, 1732. From all Parts of this Province, and even from Maryland, People complain of Colds, which are become more general than can be remember’d in these Parts before. Some ascribe this Distemper to the sudden Change of Weather into hard Frost, which we had about the middle of November; but others believe it contagious, and think ’tis...
94Poor Richard, 1733 (Franklin Papers)
Poor Richard, 1733. An Almanack For the Year of Christ 1733, … By Richard Saunders, Philom. Philadelphia: Printed and sold by B. Franklin, at the New Printing-Office near the Market. (Reprinted from the copy of the first impression in the Rosenbach Foundation. A copy of the third impression is in Historical Society of Pennsylvania.) A successful almanac was a valuable source of income to a...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , January 4 to December 31, 1733 Yesterday, being Market Day, Watt who was concern’d in the Counterfeit Money, as mentioned in one of our late Papers, receiv’d part of his Punishment, being whipt, pilloried and cropt. He behaved so as to touch the Compassion of the Mob, and they did not fling at him (as was expected) neither Snow-balls nor any Thing else. We...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , January 11, 1732/3. Walking the Street on one of these late slippery Mornings, I caught two terrible Falls, which made me, by way of Precaution for the future, get my Shoes frosted before I went home: for I am a stiff old Fellow, and my Joints none of the most pliant. At the Door before which I fell last, stood a Gentleman-like Looby, with a couple of...
ALS : Friends Library, London; also MS Minute Book, Library Company of Philadelphia; printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , May 31, 1733. Franklin and the Directors of the Library Company had learned that the Proprietor would welcome an address praying his “Countenance and Protection” of their young institution, and on May 14 a committee composed of Franklin, Thomas Hopkinson, William Coleman,...
ADS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania We the Subscribers hereto, Directors of the Library Company of Philadelphia, do hereby agree and promise each one of us with and to the rest that we will endeavour at all Times hereafter to duly attend at the Monthly Meetings of the said Directors and at such intervening Meetings as shall at such Monthly Meetings be by the Directors present agreed on....
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , May 31, 1733. As there are frequently Things published in the neighbouring Provinces, which to see would be agreeable to my Readers, but being of too great a Length, I have been obliged either to retail ’em Piecemeal, which disjoints or breaks the Connection of Thoughts, or wholly to omit them; I am therefore lately advised to abstract and give the...
ADS : Friends Library, London 1. For printing 5 Sheets at 30 s. per Sheet £ 7 10 – 2. For Paper 5 Ream, and 5/6 of a Ream at 20 s. 5 16 8 3. For Stitching 500 Books, and pasting the Maps at 6 s. per Hund. 1 10 – 4. For cutting the Mapp in Wood
101A Scolding Wife, 5 July 1733 (Franklin Papers)
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , July 5, 1733. In the copy of this issue of the Gazette in the Yale University Library a typographical error in the essay has been corrected in a hand that appears to be Franklin’s. The presumed source of this correction and the style of the essay are the reasons why the editors believe it may have been written by Franklin. ’Tis an old Saying and a true...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , July 12, 1733; also draft: Historical Society of Pennsylvania. To the Printer of the Gazette . ’Tis strange that among Men, who are born for Society and mutual Solace, there should be any who take Pleasure in speaking disagreeable Things to their Acquaintance: But such there are, I assure you, and I should be glad if a little publick Chastisement might be...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , July 19, 1733. This essay was first printed by Smyth ( Writings , 11, 198), who considered it a “highly characteristic production.” The present editors, however, believe that the essay is not sufficiently characteristic of Franklin’s style to be attributed to him. No external evidence of authorship has been found and it is therefore omitted here.
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , August 2, 1733; also draft: Historical Society of Pennsylvania. To the Printer of the Gazette . There are few Men, of Capacity for making any considerable Figure in Life, who have not frequent Occasion to communicate their Thoughts to others in Writing; if not sometimes publickly as Authors, yet continually in the Management of their private Affairs, both...
Printed form with MS insertions in blanks: American Philosophical Society Know all Men by these Presents, That I Benjamin Franklin of the City of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania, Printer have constituted, made and appointed, and by these Presents do constitute, make and appoint my trusty and loving Friend [Friend struck out ] Wife Deborah Franklin to be my true and lawful Attorney, for me and in...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , November 16, 1733. Andrew Hamilton, speaker of the Assembly, recorder of Philadelphia, and a trustee of the Loan Office, was one of the most powerful public figures in Pennsylvania from 1727 until his death in 1741. Resentful and jealous enemies bitterly attacked him in Bradford’s American Weekly Mercury , especially during the campaign of 1733. These...
Draft: Historical Society of Pennsylvania Articles of Agreement indented [and] made the 26th Day of November Ao. Di. 1733 Between Benjamin Franklin of the City of Philadelphia in the Province of Pensilvania Printer of the one Part and Lewis Timothée of the said City Printer (now bound on a Voyage to Charlestown in South Carolina) Of the other Part: Whereas the said BF and LT have determined to...
108[Parents and Boyhood] (Adams Papers)
My Father married Susanna Boylston in October 1734, and on the 19th of October 1735 I was born. As my Parents were both fond of reading, and my father had destined his first born, long before his birth to a public Education I was very early taught to read at home and at a School of Mrs. Belcher the Mother of Deacon Moses Belcher, who lived in the next house on the opposite side of the Road. I...
109Poor Richard, 1734 (Franklin Papers)
Poor Richard, 1734. An Almanack For the Year of Christ 1734 … By Richard Saunders, Philom. Philadelphia: Printed and sold by B. Franklin, at the New Printing-Office near the Market (Yale University Library). Your kind and charitable Assistance last Year, in purchasing so large an Impression of my Almanacks, has made my Circumstances much more easy in the World, and requires my grateful...
110Extracts from the Gazette, 1734 (Franklin Papers)
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , January 8 to December 26, 1734. [ Advertisement ] A Servant Lad’s Time for near Five years to be disposed of, on Reasonable Terms. He is by Trade a Taylor, and can work very well. Enquire of the Printer hereof. [January 30] Saturday last a Marriage was consummated between Wm. Allen, Esq; one of the Principal Merchants of this City; and Mrs. Margaret...
DS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Memorandum of Agreement indented [and] made the Fourteenth Day of March Ao.Di. 1733/4 Between Benjamin Franklin Wm. Rawle Thos. Godfrey Hugh Roberts Anthony Nicholas Thos. Cadwallader John Jones Henry Pratt and Thos. Hopkinson a Committee of Directors of the Library Company of Philadelphia for and on Behalf of the said Company Of the one Part and Wm....
DS : American Philosophical Society This document and the two which immediately follow record the first transactions in the drawn-out process by which Franklin put together the various parcels of land on the south side of Market Street (also called High Street) between Third and Fourth Streets which became the site of his home. The plot involved here, corresponding to the later No. 318 Market...
DS : American Philosophical Society; also copy: Office of Recorder of Deeds, Philadelphia This Indenture made the Tenth day of April in the Seventh Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith &c Annoque Domini One thousand Seven hundred and Thirty Four between Sarah Read of the City of Philadelphia...
DS : Morris Duane, Philadelphia, on deposit in Historical Society of Pennsylvania (1957) This Indenture made the Eleventh day of April in the Seventh Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith &c Annoque Domini One thousand Seven hundred and Thirty Four Between Benjamin Franklyn of the City of...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , April 11, 1734. Tho’ your News-paper is sometimes as empty as those of others, yet I think you have for the most part (tho’ you were once in one particular a sad Offender) had the Modesty to keep it pretty clear of Scandal , a Subject that others delight to wallow in. These People, probably from some Corruption in themselves, and possibly from their own...
AD : American Philosophical Society Honorable Thos. Penn Esq. Dr. 1734 May 18. For printing and Paper of 200 Cases at 2 d. per. £1 13 4 For a Supplement to the same 5 Mr. Steel { For 300 Warrants a 1 d. per. 1 5
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , August 15, 1734. The Germans, an industrious and indefatigable People, have been always famous for their Penetration into the more dark and abstruse Parts of Learning, such as border upon Magic not excepted. Of this Nation was the renowned Agrippa, Dr. Faustus, and several others that might be named. Their Skill in the most subtle and mischievous Arts, not...
ADS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Such of the Directors of the Library Company as approve of John Mifflin’s being admitted a Member are desired to shew their Consent by subscribing their Names hereto B. Franklin Hugh Roberts John Jones Junr Thos. Hopkinson 1734 Fras. Richardson Thos. Cadwalader Wm Rawle Philip Syng Junr Thos Godfrey Wm. Coleman John Mifflin (1715–1759), Quaker merchant;...
MS not found; reprinted from Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, Abstract of the Proceedings … 1871 , pp. 356–7. Right Worshipful Grand Master and Most Worthy and Dear Brethren, We acknowledge your favor of the 23d of October past, and rejoice that the Grand Master (whom God bless) hath so happily recovered from his late indisposition: and we now, glass in hand, drink to the establishment of his...
MS not found; reprinted from Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, Abstract of the Proceedings … 1871 , p. 357. I am glad to hear of your recovery. I hoped to have seen you here this Fall, agreeable to the expectation you were so good as to give me; but since sickness has prevented your coming while the weather was moderate, I have no room to flatter myself with a visit from you before the Spring,...