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Results 901-930 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
901[December 1773] (Adams Papers)
Last Night 3 Cargoes of Bohea Tea were emptied into the Sea. This Morning a Man of War sails....
M. Jefferson est tres sensible à la perte que l’Espagne vient de faire par la mort de son auguste...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote you two letters last Summer in which I mentioned the...
I received yesterday your two favors of the 11th instant. The latter announcing the appearance of...
Being still deprived of Your Excellency’s gracious favors, or having merited an answer from the...
The Secretary of State respectfully returns to the President his report on the claims of the...
907[Diary entry: 10 May 1772] (Washington Papers)
10th. Went to Pohick Church & returnd home to Dinner. Mr. Campbell Dined here.
This will be handed you with a Letter from Genl. Gates , by the latter I presume you’ll be...
[ St. Croix, May 31, 1785. On June 22, 1785, Hamilton wrote to James Hamilton : “I have received...
I yesterday received a letter of the 28th ulto from his Excellency Governor Jefferson of which...
On your arrival at Philadelphia you will apply to the Secy of War who will cause you to be...
Letter not found : from William Thornton, 4 Dec. 1796 . GW wrote Thornton on 26 Dec. : “Your...
As I consider the Appointment of a Judge, for the fifth Circuit, of very great Importance to the...
914General Orders, 14 February 1778 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW . Artist Charles Willson Peale wrote in his diary that he dined with...
By the President’s command T. Lear has the honor to inform the Secretary of the Treasury that the...
Letter not found. 10 July 1797. Mentioned in JM to Jefferson, 2 Aug. 1797 . Informs JM that James...
Th: Jefferson presents his affectionate salutations to mr Madison & sends him the inclosed which...
Ruler the period has now arived when we are hailed by the glorious dispenser of human blessings,...
The Bearer Colo. Putnam, who has been employed as an Engineer in the Army under my Command, is...
I came to this place to day, tomorrow (wind permitting) I shall cross the Bay on my way to...
According to the Resolution of the House of Representatives of the 31st of December, delivered to...
AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress The Chevalier Du Buysson, who has served with...
My occupations & avocations here not permitting me to read any thing with that close attention...
Your f avor of the 15 th came to hand last evening, an d I avail myself with pleasure of the...
I have been just honored with your letter of the 11th. instt. Having already made you acquainted...
Fort Norfolk [ Virginia ] April 4, 1800 . “… such a picture of destruction, I never saw at any...
I wrote you a fortnight ago by Mr. Sullivan, since which almost every day has produced some new...
Your favor of the 31st was handed to me by the Express at 8 o clock this Morning. I thank you...
We take the liberty to enclose to you a copy of a catalogue of our books and to assure you, that...
I have this moment received the inclosed letter and list of persons proposed for military...