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Results 901-950 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
901[December 1773] (Adams Papers)
Last Night 3 Cargoes of Bohea Tea were emptied into the Sea. This Morning a Man of War sails. This is the most magnificent Movement of all. There is a Dignity, a Majesty, a Sublimity, in this last Effort of the Patriots, that I greatly admire. The People should never rise, without doing something to be remembered—something notable And striking. This Destruction of the Tea is so bold, so...
M. Jefferson est tres sensible à la perte que l’Espagne vient de faire par la mort de son auguste Souverain. Les vertus de ce prince lui avoient merité à juste titre l’hommage de l’estime universelle, et repandront sur sa mort les regrets de tous. M. Jefferson y mele les siens trés sincerement, et a l’honneur de faire à M. l’Ambassadeur son compliment de condoleance. Dft ( ViU ); written at...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote you two letters last Summer in which I mentioned the feu Gregois and the Comte de Rostaing. I wish I had known by a single line That They came Safe to Hand. This goes by that Gentleman who is a Genl. officer of Artilery, and a Man of great Worth. If You will venture to take a friend of my recommending I recommend Him to you. He was sent out as...
I received yesterday your two favors of the 11th instant. The latter announcing the appearance of the French fleet off New-port harbour. We wait anxiously for further particulars which we expect to day. Mr Corny mentions the bad state of the road of communication between Providence and New-port. It appears essential, as the intercourse may be great on this route, to have it attended to. I...
Being still deprived of Your Excellency’s gracious favors, or having merited an answer from the Secretary of State approving or dis’approving my Conduct I have been waiting a long time for the arrival of Mr. Hackley hoping that he would be bearer of such Satisfactions, but alltho’ the first is verified, to my grief I am disappointed in the latter; the particulars that I took the liberty to...
The Secretary of State respectfully returns to the President his report on the claims of the Cohnawagas, or Seven Nations of Canada, with the draught of a letter which he thinks proper to go from the department of war, with the report, to the Governor of New-York. The Secretary also transmits a press copy of the report, to be lodged in the war-Office, which will enable the Secretary of War to...
907[Diary entry: 10 May 1772] (Washington Papers)
10th. Went to Pohick Church & returnd home to Dinner. Mr. Campbell Dined here.
This will be handed you with a Letter from Genl. Gates , by the latter I presume you’ll be informed that on Monday last the General left this for the westward with about 120 Cavelry, composed of detachments from Whites, Washingtons Armongs [Armand’s] and Nelsons Corps. The Maryland Troops with a detachment of the Virginia regulars under Colo. Buford, the whole consisting of about 800 moved...
[ St. Croix, May 31, 1785. On June 22, 1785, Hamilton wrote to James Hamilton : “I have received your letter of the 31st of May last.” Letter not found. ] James Hamilton was H’s older brother. See H to James Hamilton, June 22, 1785, note 1 .
I yesterday received a letter of the 28th ulto from his Excellency Governor Jefferson of which the enclosed is an extract. It being impossible for me under present circumstances to take up the Business, you will be pleased to follow the directions therein contained, and nominate such Officers to reinlist the old Soldiers as you shall deem best qualified for that purpose. Inclosed you will find...
On your arrival at Philadelphia you will apply to the Secy of War who will cause you to be furnished with money Cloathing Knapsacks Camp Kettles & Canteens sufficient to enable you to enter upon the recruiting of your Company as heretofore understood between us— The multiciplicy of my avocations here & the necessity of my immediate Return to N York prevent your receiving your instructions at...
Letter not found : from William Thornton, 4 Dec. 1796 . GW wrote Thornton on 26 Dec. : “Your letter of the 4th of the present month came to my hands.”
As I consider the Appointment of a Judge, for the fifth Circuit, of very great Importance to the Public, and to the judiciary Department, I take the Liberty to recommend to your Excellency Philip Barton Key Esqr.—I know no Gentleman, in this State (who will accept) better qualified, in every Respect, to discharge the Duties of the Office; and I am well assured, that only Want of Health, of...
914General Orders, 14 February 1778 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW . Artist Charles Willson Peale wrote in his diary that he dined with GW on this date after arriving in camp at noon ( Miller, Peale Papers Lillian B. Miller, ed. The Selected Papers of Charles Willson Peale and His Family . 5 vols. New Haven, 1983–2000. , 1:266).
By the President’s command T. Lear has the honor to inform the Secretary of the Treasury that the President has appointed William Lewis to be keeper of the Light-house on Cape Henry, with a salary of four hundred Dollars per annum. The President does not conceive that the circumstance of mister Cormicks being employed to oversee the building of the Lighthouse, tho’ in his favor, as...
Letter not found. 10 July 1797. Mentioned in JM to Jefferson, 2 Aug. 1797 . Informs JM that James Monroe should be in Virginia within two weeks.
Th: Jefferson presents his affectionate salutations to mr Madison & sends him the inclosed which will explain itself. he hopes to see him & family at Monticello when most convenient to themselves; and observes for his information that the road through Shadwell is put into fine order, the right hand at issuing from the ford on this side to be greatly preferred to the left. the road by Milton is...
Ruler the period has now arived when we are hailed by the glorious dispenser of human blessings, when we are hailed by that which spreads universal love and harmony amongst the sons of men, when we are hailed by that which consoles the weeping widow and forsaken orphan, not that it can recl their husbands and fathers for alas they are gone to return nomore but because they consider the sword...
The Bearer Colo. Putnam, who has been employed as an Engineer in the Army under my Command, is now on his Way to New York; I have order’d him to wait upon your Honor to afford you such advice & assistance in the Construction of your Works as his time will permit. You will find him capable and ingenious, & I am happy in having this opportunity of sending you an Officer of such experience. I am...
I came to this place to day, tomorrow (wind permitting) I shall cross the Bay on my way to Philadelphia—Hearing that a Ship with Servants is gone up to Baltimore, and fearing from your answer to my letter (written some time ago from Mount Vernon) that I had not sufficiently explained my meaning I beg leave to inform you that tho’ I should have preferred German Servants, yet I did not mean to...
According to the Resolution of the House of Representatives of the 31st of December, delivered to me yesterday, I have the honor to lay before you a list of the several persons employed in my Office, with the Salaries allowed to each, as follows Dollars George Taylor Jr. (of New York) Chief Clerk , his salary fixed by law 800 Jacob Blackwell (of New York) Clerk 500 George Pfeiffer (of...
AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress The Chevalier Du Buysson, who has served with Distinction in the American War, & whose Conduct has been much approv’d by Congress, has requested me to present the enclos’d Memorial to your Excellency. If his Request is not irregular, and what he desires inconvenient, I hope it may be favourably considered. With great Respect, I am, Sir, Your...
My occupations & avocations here not permitting me to read any thing with that close attention requisite for a work of the nature of that which you have been pleased to inclose to me, I have been able to give it but a hasty perusal, not sufficient indeed to make myself master of your views in all it’s parts, much less to pronounce on their merit. I see many which are ingenious, and which I am...
Your f avor of the 15 th came to hand last evening, an d I avail myself with pleasure of the opportunity of being useful to you afforded by the request it contains on behalf of your son . with the Secretary of the Navy I have not a personal acquaintance, and therefore can expect no other effect from my intercession, than an increased confidence, on his part, in the grounds on which your son...
I have been just honored with your letter of the 11th. instt. Having already made you acquainted that on the first notice of the expedition from New-York under the apparent superintendance of Mr. Miranda, orders were issued by the President for the immediate & legal steps which the case demanded. I must now repeat the sam⟨e⟩ communication, with the same frankness, adding only that the orders...
Fort Norfolk [ Virginia ] April 4, 1800 . “… such a picture of destruction, I never saw at any post, when I took the Command—and in endeavouring to remedy it I have affronted the late Commanding Officer, who was Capt Blackburn (who knows nothing about Military Matters and never will, as he says himself, he only serves for the lo[a]ves and Fishes) in such a manner, that I was reduced, either to...
I wrote you a fortnight ago by Mr. Sullivan, since which almost every day has produced some new matter of joy to the friends of Liberty. The proceedings of the people at Salem Cambridge and other places —the resignation of many of the new Councillors—the behaviour of both juries at the Superior Court held here the last week; are some of the most important. I had proposed to send you a very...
Your favor of the 31st was handed to me by the Express at 8 o clock this Morning. I thank you again for your unwearied attention in communicating with so much rapidity the advices you receive of the Enemy’s Movements. A report is circulated that some Land forces arrived in the fleet from the West Indies; I could wish that matter to be ascertained, as also whether any Troops sailed with the...
We take the liberty to enclose to you a copy of a catalogue of our books and to assure you, that we will take pleasure in executing, with promptitude, any order with which you may honour us We have the honour to be Respectfully Yr. Obt. Servts MHi : Coolidge Collection.
I have this moment received the inclosed letter and list of persons proposed for military appointments from Major General Pinckney, and take the liberty to request, if the names should be approved of that it may be returned as soon as convenient, with authority to announce to the persons therein named their appointments and to make alterations therein should any intervening information or...
AL : American Philosophical Society A number of letters like this that make concrete and, as far as we know, fruitless offers can conveniently be discussed together here. At about the same time as Montécot’s proposal, but with no date, comes one to the commissioners from Louis-Gabriel Le Roÿ in Paris. He is a master carpenter and cabinet-maker for French officers, and the enclosed prospectus...
I return you Janes’s description of his loom with many thanks for the communication of it. the improvement for the moving the treadles without using the feet is highly valuable, inasmuch as our weavers are for the most part women. it appears too to be sufficiently simple for country use. the winding up the cloth is also useful, & not complicated. I do not well understand the mechanism for...
26 April 1801, London. No. 15. Received instructions several months ago to procure jewels as present for bey of Tunis and had estimated cost at £7,000 sterling. That part of presents consisting of silk and woolen cloth (valued at over £1,000) has been sent to Eaton by Maw-hood and Co. Jewelry is being prepared by Rundel and Bridges to be finished in June, about the same time as the guns and...
934[Diary entry: 21 February 1786] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 21st. Thermometer at 40 in the Morning—40 at Noon and 38 at N. Clear, with the wind pretty fresh at No. West in the forenoon calm afterwards. A Mr. McPherson of Alexandria came & returned before dinner. His business was, to communicate the desires of a Neighbourhood in Berkeley County, to build a School & Meeting House on some Land of mine there, leased to one . My answer was, that if...
Extract printed from Jacques Barbeu-Dubourg, ed., Œuvres de M. Franklin … (Paris, 1773), p. 314. Cette lettre vous sera remise par le Docteur Lettsom, jeune Médecin Amériquain de beaucoup de mérite, qui est de la paisible secte des Trembleurs, et que vous regarderiez conséquemment au moins comme une rareté à contempler, quand même vous auriez épousé toutes les préventions de la plupart de vos...
A letter I recieved yesterday from Mr. Limosin shews that your letter would have been much too late for the packet had it been forwarded on immediately on its arrival. The Packet sailed from the road of Havre at 5. o’clock in the morning of the 10th. Your letter arrived at Paris the evening of the same day.—Mr. Limosin tells me there is only an English ship at Havre, to sail soon for...
This will be deliver’d your Exellency by Capt. Campbell of the 71st British who you will perceive by the incloased Vote of the Council of War, is recommended to you for Permission to go into New Yorke for the purposes theirin expressed; as the Officers have Subsisted intirely at their owne expence tis necessary that they should be supplyd with Cash &c. I doubt not but your Exellency will...
I have taken the liberty to address to your Care, one Hogshead, three Boxes & two Cases directed “to the President of the United States,” and which were this day put on Board the Ship Comet, (Captain McNeil) bound for Baltimore.—The Hogshead & Boxes contain Curiosities which were collected by Captain Lewis in his Voyage up the Missourie; In one Cage , is a living animal, cal’ld the Wild Dog of...
I transmit you a letter of the 8th—extracts of the 12th—and one of the 24th instant from Brigadier General Hand, which he forwarded to me, not knowing where to find you. I have mentioned in my letter to Gen: Hand my forwarding Them to you. I shall write the board of war to send the supplies of clothing for the 11th Pennsylvania regiment I shall also request them—to forward a set of shoemakers...
On Sunday a letter from Mrs. Church announced the happy delivery of My Dear Eliza, and that She and the child, were in as good health as could be expected and wished for. On this Event, I must Sincerely congratulate you and her. May I soon learn that she is perfectly restored. It is more than probable that soon after my return to albany I shall have the pleasure of seeing [you] at New York....
I have been favoured with your Letter of the 7th Inst. You plead so powerfully and urge so many reasons to leave the ⟨Ar⟩my, that I cannot refuse your request altho it is with regret I see a Gentlem⟨an⟩ go out of it. The principal cause of your Application, However, you have no⟨t⟩ expl⟨icit⟩ly ⟨s⟩tated, But yet I p⟨res⟩ume my Conjectures respecting It, are just and right. I suppose it is your...
Letter not found. Ca. 1 March 1792. Mentioned in JM to Jefferson, 5 Mar. 1792 . Concerns settlement of David Owings’s and David Woods’s Revolutionary War claims.
Th: Jefferson asks mrs Lewis ’s acceptance of half a dozen bottles of wine, which is 5. or 6. years old and will he thinks be of service to the tone of her st om ach. the bearer will bring the beans she was so kind as to offer, and any greens she has to spare without disfurnishing herself. he salutes her with antient and affectionate friendship, & wishes for her better health. RC ( DLC :...
¶ To Colin and James Ross. Letter not found. 3 June 1806. Mentioned in the Rosses’ 5 June 1806 reply as having to do with a payment to Hubbard Taylor of Kentucky.
The mode provided in the letter to General Harrison, for distances in pay-offices, may answer. But blank Appointments would seem a more regular mode. The filling them implies the same confidence only, and in both cases the appts. are equally annullable. As assistant paymasters are not named in the act, it may be better to appt. additional paymasters in the same District with instructions...
You already know that Mr Key sent forward his resignation within the prescribed time. I am now to mention to you that I have written to Mr Gallatin a request that he would ascertain and let us know without loss of time, whether a fit Successor could be found in G.B. in case it should be necessary to resort thither. I wrote also, at the suggestion of Gen: Cocke, to Mr Brown, American Minister...
I beg leave to trouble you with Extracts from two letters lately recd. from Mr. Short. On rect. of your answer I will take Measures to arrange the Business as you may recommend. For my own part, tho’ a considerable Stock holder I am much a Stranger which plan is most adviseable for Mr. Shorts interest. I hope you found the Account sent you free from Error. My absence from home prevented me...
I have to thank you for the drawing of the beautiful hydraulic machine with which you favored me in yours of Jan. 11. in simplicity and effect it promises to go far beyond Montgolfier ’s hydraulic ram. I have endeavored to constitute a supply of water at Monticello by cisterns for recieving and preserving the rain water falling on my buildings. these would furnish me 600. gall s of water a...
1 August 1801, Lisbon. Encloses report [not found] on American trade with Portugal from 1 Jan. to 30 June and copies of letters received from U.S. consuls in Tangier and Tripoli on North African relations and the arrival of Commodore Dale’s squadron. He himself stands ready to offer squadron all possible assistance. Acknowledges receipt of triplicate of JM’s 21 May letter. States that the brig...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Nous recevons dans le moment d’envoy de mr Jn Williams de nantes pour votre Compte 6 Caisses de madere, a leur arrivées nous les avons examinées, il sen est trouvé quelsqunes de Cassées & ce parcequ’elles etoient fort mal Embalées, & si il faut vous les expedier dans le tat ou elles sonts vous En aurez plus de la moitié de Cassées dicy Chez vous En...