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Results 901-930 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Your Son, My Dear Sister has been a Member of our Family for these five Weeks, almost three of those I suppose he will tell You, Mr. Shaw and I were absent upon our southern Journey. He came a Friday in Peabody’s Coach, and we began our Rout the next Monday. His Uncle spent Saturday in giving him Directions about his Studies, and what he could wish him to pursue till his Return. Greek seemed...
As you are now in a Sphere of Life that requires the Enjoyment of Health, the Exercise of Wisdom, Patience and every other Virtue, I wish you the Possession of these equal to its Exigences and that as is the Day so may be your Strength. I feel anxious for my Friends, but peculiarly so for the State of my Country, at the same Time can chearfully leave it to the Care of Providence and those on...
Mr. G erry arrived Yesterday, and brought me yours of August 17. and soon afterwards the Post came in, with yours of the 25. of Aug. Am happy to find you, in so good a Way, and am glad to learn that Horses and a Man are coming. I want them much. But our Affairs having taken a Turn at Long Island and New York, so much to our Disadvantage, I cannot see my Way clear, to return home so soon as I...
The stage in which I had engaged a passage for Philadelphia this morning, has gone away by mistake, and left me behind, which gives me leisure to write a line by my brother. He intends to pay you a visit this summer, and will be the bearer of this. I was detained three days in Newport for a wind, but otherwise have had a very comfortable passage from Boston hither— I find my health better than...
I do not know why it is thus—but I am dissatisfied with myself untill I acknowledge your tender remembrance— Your sentiments are so consonant with my Ideas of resigned sensibility—so replete with that tenderness which has ever been displayed in all your actions— that I view it as a duty to emulate what I admire and approve— If nature has been partial in the distribution of her favores—and...
“A Court,” as John Dryden informed me, before Experience, “is a place of forgetfulness for well deservers. It is infectious even to the best Morals to live always in it. It is a dangerous Commerce where an honest Man is sure at the first of being cheated; and he recovers not his losses, but by learning to cheat others. The undermining Smile becomes at length habitual; and the drift of his...
The Weather continues, as hot as ever. Upon my Word I dont know how to sustain it. Oh for a Bowl of your Punch, a Bottle of your Cyder, or something or other that is acid. I am obliged to have recourse to the Liquor of the Roman soldiers and put about a Wine Glass of Vinegar into a Pint of Water. You would laugh to see me pouring down a Pint of this Vinegar and Water at a Time, and admiring it...
Substance of miss Palmer’s account of the University exhibition at Cambridge, the 10 th. of April: To J.C. “—— preceded by a band of Music, consisting of such of the pupils as had a taste for Music—among whom were John and Charles Adams and William Cranch: When the president and governors arrived, the exercises began in the following order: 1 st. Forensic dispute in english:—subject—’whether...
This morning about one o’clock My Sally presented me with a charming daughter They are both remarkably well I must insist on your naming the Child which will perhaps be christened at Quincy Yours with the sincerest affection NB. My Respects to my father— RC (private owner, 1957); addressed: “M rs A Adams / Quincy”; endorsed: “C Adams aug / 8th / 1796.” Susanna Boylston Adams (1796–1884) was...
Have only Time to send by this Opportunity a Token of Remembrance. The Fast was observed here with a Decorum and solemnity, never before seen ever on a Sabbath. The Clergy of all Denominations, here preach Politicks and War in a manner that I never heard in N. England. They are a Flame of Fire. It is astonishing to me, that the People are so cool here. Such sermons in our Country would have a...
I am almost asham’d to acknowledge how long it has been since I wrote you last, and can only hope you will consider my numerous letters to my brother, most of which I intended as much for you as for him, to be a sufficient apology— I have not received a line from you or from my father since last June, though I think it impossible but that you should have written more than once— My last letter...
Your kind attention to my last emboldens me again to interrupt your more important pursuits, & offer my warmest acknowledgement for your excellent letter and the packet accompaning it, received Jan 13 th. Yours, my aunt, afforded a fund of refined and rational pleasure. Besides containing much valuable information, it pleasingly assured me of a share of that love and friendship, which I have...
We may ever remember The Thirtieth of November because it was the Day on which We were absolved from Infamy; in 1782 and because it was the Day on which I entered this City in 1793. Finding by all accounts that the Pestilence was no more to be heard of, and that M r Otis had returned to his House, I drove directly to Market Street and took Poss n. of my old Chamber and bed. The principal...
What a Succession of troubles have you had to incounter & not one of us to help you through them— I have been very anxious for you & was affraid by my not hearing sooner that something had happen’d— oh my poor Thomas how I pity him—his Patience & fortitude have been put to their trial— he has a great share of it I know, & he will find tis good to be sometimes afflicted he will feel more...
This Day having been devoted to Thanksgiving by the Governor of Pensilvania, Congress have adjourned to Fryday. We have had a great Snow and afterwards a great Rain but not enough to carry off all the Snow. The Weather therefore is still cool, tho fair and pleasant. All Apprehension of the Fever Seems entirely departed, a Circumstance the more comfortable to me, as, having been among a few of...
Nothing but dire necessaty has prevented my writing as often as you could wish I do not always think it necessary to give you a list of the avocations which forbids my taking my Pen. but you know what it is to have ranting Boys to make & mend for & young men to pull about & leave upon tables chairs &C Books papers & clothes: I have no one to feel the propriety to keeping a house unincumber’d...
Your delicious Letter of the 5 th. came to my hand Yesterday. Your beautiful and pathetic Reflections on the Match in our Presidential Family are such as I expected. It is to me, one of the most delightful Ideas that is treasured in my Mind, that my Children have no Brothers nor sisters of the half or quarter Blood. one such Consciousness would poison all the Happiness of my Life.— “Remembered...
I have not particularly answered your amiable Letter of 10 Decr. Your tender Anxiety distresses me, much: I hope your Faith however, has returned before now with your Spirits. If Captain Trash arrived safe from Corunna you have heard from me, or if Babson from Bilboa. Your delicate Charles is as hardy as a flynt. He sustains every thing better than any of Us, even than the hardy Sailor his...
I Send you, at present the Negotiations with M r Hammond as I sent you before those with M r Genet. I wish I could send you “The Example of France a Warning to Britain” a Pamphlet of Arthur Young the Secretary of Sir John Sinclairs Agricultural Society: but it is borrowed and must be returned. He is more Burkish than Burke I think. Congress will do little this session I believe and perhaps the...
you will pardon me if I do not write to you very often for you know how I used to teaze you to write a copy of a letter for me but now I do not have you to write and my Pappa being always a doing publick affaires or a writing to you cannot do it for me, so that I am obliged to think myself, sometimes I think of a few words to write but you know I am no great hand at letter writing for if I was...
I am, My dear Madam led by Various Motives to take My pen to Scribble a few lines at least by this conveyance. The first is that you May be Sensible of My readyness to Acknowledge the favur you have been pleased to shew Me in Answering My Short letter in such a descriptive Manner as to make it quite Needless for Me (to wish) to cross the line to become acquainted with the Mind the form the...
You have had many Rumours, propagated among you, which I suppose you know not how to account for. One was, that Congress, the last Summer, had tied the Hands of General Washington, and would not let him fight, particularly on the White Plains. This Report was totally groundless.—Another was, that at last Congress untied the General, and then he instantly fought and conquered at Trenton. This...
Tho’ it is probable you will hear of it from some other of your friends, yet as I know the interest my dear Mother had in your affections, and that you will not fail of sympathizing with us, I Could not avoid the opportunity by Mr Gardner of acquainting you with the loss of her, and am sorry that the first occasion I should have of writing you since your residence in England should be of such...
I have the Satisfaction to inform you that the definitive Treaties were all Signed yesterday, and the Preliminaries with Holland were Signed the day before. Ours is a Simple Repetition of the provisional Treaty. So We have negotiated here, these Six Months for nothing. We could do no better Situated as We were. To day We dined with Mr. Hartley and drank Tea with the Duchess of Manchester. Thus...
You will see, lovely Woman, by the Papers which I have sent that we shall have more post Advantages of Communication than we have had for some time back; but I fear this Remark will tend to my Disadvantage, and if it was not for Oeconomy I would throw by the present Sheet and take up another in which I would only tell you that I regard, esteem and respect you and will certainly write to you as...
Day after day has slid off into the ocean of time, with the Yesterdays beyond the flood, replete with Intentions of writing to my dear, esteemed, much loved Sister. But Sickness, accumalation of family business, & the extreme coldness of the weather has prevented— The time alloted for visiting my Friends was much too short, for my feeble constitution. I had been very unwell for three weeks,...
On the Twelfth, I removed into this House which I have purchased for the United States of America. But, it will be my Residence but a little while. I must go to you or you must come to me. I cannot live, in this horrid Solitude, which it is to me, amidst Courts, Camps and Crowds. If you were to come here, such is the Unsteadiness of the Foundation that very probably We should have to return...
Accept the thanks of a heart opprest with sorrow but greatfull for your friendly sympathising letter. To that almighty power who alone can heal the wounds he inflicts I look for consolation and fortitude May you long very long enjoy the happiness you now possess and never know affliction like mine with prayers for your happiness / I remain your sincear / Friend RC ( NNPM :Misc. American...
I have put off writing to you from post to post in hopes of hearing from some of the family that my father and yourself were well arrived and settled at Braintree, till at last I am quite tired of going to the Post office in fruitless search of letters. I have several times written to Pappa and in part informed him of the important struggle at present existing in this State. I have intended to...
The Presidents Speech is so important to the Public that I know you will be anxious to See it as early as possible. When the Answers of the two Houses come to be debated We shall See whether there are any Apologists for Rebellion, in these Sanctuaries. As M r Edwards of Kentucky appeared in Senate to Day, We can do Business if one Member should be Sick, but it will be very inconvenient to have...