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Results 901-910 of 184,431 sorted by author
Dearer if possible than ever; for all the parental props which once sustaind and supported me are fallen! My Father, my Father, where is he? With Humble confidence I can say; he is with the spirits of just Men made perfect, become an inhabitant of that Country, from whose Bourn no traveller returns. In my last Letter to you, I recollect to have particularly mentiond both our dear and venerable...
MS (M/AA/1, APM Reel 197). PRINTED: JA , D&A , 3:212–217 . AA began her Diary in London on 30 March on the eve of the Adamses’ departure first for Portsmouth and then for Cowes, where they were to meet their ship, the Lucretia . AA related the sightseeing they did while waiting two weeks to board the ship—including visits to Carisbrooke Castle and the town of Yarmouth—and also the boredom:...
I received Your Letter by mr sheafe together with the small trunk safe, and render many thanks to you and Mrs smith for your kind attention. this Morning I received Your favour of Jan ry the 9 th , with the papers inclosed manifesting every testimony of Respect and gratefull remembrance which an affectionate people can pay to the Memory of a Public Benefactor. My Native state has never been...
I Received a few lines from you more than a week ago, and determined to have replied immediately to them, but tho you will scarcly believe me, I have never found an opportunity to take up my pen till this moment, which is ten oClock Saturday evening; tis true I have wrote several evenings since, but only to my Nearest Friend, and he has chid me for my delays, delays of which I have not been...
I received your Letter of June 13 th. and thank you for it. the account you give me respecting my House and the Farm are very pleasing. I like your proposal of going to it and taking tea with my good Neighbours very much— I am very sorry to hear that mrs Beal is so unwell. I have feard that she would fall into a decline, for she has appeard to me, to look very unwell for many Months. she was a...
I received Yours of the 20th Instant. You will see how matters have gone in senate respecting the Convention. Dean Swift in verses upon his own death, Says of those who had predicted his death So the party had rather the whole convention should be negatived and every thing put again at the mercy of France, than assent to an accommodation with them; Yet pretend that they are fearfull of Mr...
Your agreable favour of January 19 demands from me more than I am able to pay. My coin will have more alloy tho it bears the same Stamp of Friendship with your own. I was not sensible till I received yours that my last Letter to you abounded with so many terrors. I am not Naturally of a gloomy temper nor disposed to view objects upon the dark Side only. I rejoice that all my fears on that...
I fear you will think Mamma is unmindfull of you if she does not write you a few lines by so good an opportunity. I wrote to both of you by Mr. Beals of this Town about a week ago, and my notice by this vessel is very short. I can only find time to tell you that tis a very long time since I heard from your Pappa, and much longer since I had a Letter from either of you. I think Dr. Lee brought...
I have to acknowledg the receipt of Several Letters from you, together with Demourier Memoirs; for which accept my thanks; I wish to hear from you, & to learn something of the Buisy world as often as your Time will permit, but in return I have only to relate to you the Small occurrencies which my Family and Farm afford. Not a son to visit me now, and enliven by his presence once a week or...
910Wedensday [23 June]. (Adams Papers)
Our ship dirty, ourselves sick. Went upon deck and sent the servants down to clean her up: very little attention is paid on Board this Ship to that first of virtues cleanliness. I wonder this necessary virtue was not ranked amongst those which are called Cardinel and Deified. I have often reflected upon the observation of my best Friend, that of all Beings a Lady at Sea was the most...