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Results 901-950 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
901 Bernard, Simon Madison, James Simon Bernard to James Madison, 12 July 1831 1831-07-12 I shall not leave this country without expressing, most respectfully to you, my warmest thanks...
902 Scott, Robert G. Madison, James Robert G. Scott to James Madison, 12 July 1831 1831-07-12 On my return from a visit to Old Point Comfort, I received your kind letter of the 7th inst ,...
903 Madison, James Cabell, Joseph C. James Madison to Joseph C. Cabell, 11 July 1831 1831-07-11 I have apprized my Colleagues of the Board of my inability to join them & of the causes of it. My...
904 Madison, James Francis, John W. James Madison to John W. Francis, 9 July 1831 1831-07-09 Your favor of the 4th. communicating the death of Mr. Monroe, was duly recd. I had been prepared...
905 Madison, James Hamilton, Alexander Jr. James Madison to Alexander Hamilton, Jr., 9 July 1831 1831-07-09 Your letter of June 30 was duly recd. and the death of Mr. Monroe which it anticipated, became, I...
906 Trist, Nicholas P. Madison, James [Nicholas P. Trist] to James Madison, 8 July 1831 1831-07-08 It may, perhaps, be important to you to know that a conversation with General Bernard to-day has...
907 Madison, James Scott, Robert G. James Madison to Robert G. Scott, 7 July 1831 1831-07-07 I have just recd a letter from Mr Walsh, a copy of which is enclosed. Not possessing the detailed...
908 Ringgold, Tench Madison, James Tench Ringgold to James Madison, 7 July 1831 1831-07-07 I gave you, on the 4th instant, a short account of the death of your old and valued friend Mr...
909 Trist, Nicholas P. Madison, James Nicholas P. Trist to James Madison, 7 July 1831 1831-07-07 I am returning to the City from a trip to the Rip Raps (the most delightful spot, as to...
910 Madison, James Peyton, Bernard James Madison to Bernard Peyton, 6 July 1831 1831-07-06 I recd. lately the inclosed communication. Your position & range of information on the points of...
911 Madison, James Thompson & Homans James Madison to Thompson and Homans, 5 July 1831 1831-07-05 J. M. with his respects to Messrs. Thompson & Homans, returns his thanks for the Copy of their...
912 Ringgold, Tench Madison, James Tench Ringgold to James Madison, 4 July 1831 1831-07-04 It falls to my lot to communicate to you the death of our excellent friend Mr Monroe. He died...
913 Walsh, Robert Madison, James Robert Walsh to James Madison, 3 July 1831 1831-07-03 I wish to introduce into the Encyclopedia Americana, published at Boston, a biographical Sketch...
914 Thompson & Homans Madison, James Thompson & Homans to James Madison, 1 July 1831 1831-07-01 We take the liberty of requesting your acceptance of the accompanying Copy of the new edition of...
915 Hamilton, Alexander Jr. Madison, James Alexander Hamilton[, Jr.] to James Madison, 30 June … 1831-06-30 The newspapers having announced the dangerous indisposition of your much respected friend Col...
916 Madison, James Coles, Edward James Madison to Edward Coles, 28 June 1831 1831-06-28 I have recd. your letter of the 12th and am very sensible of the good views with which you...
917 Allen, William Madison, James William Allen to James Madison, 28 June 1831 1831-06-28 I have delay’d replying to Mr Payne’s letter of the 22d. requesting me to inform you how much...
918 Madison, James Paulding, James Kirke James Madison to James K. Paulding, 27 June 1831 1831-06-27 With your favor of the 20th. inst: I recd the Volume of Pamphlets containing that of Mr Chs....
919 Madison, James Sparks, Jared James Madison to Jared Sparks, 27 June 1831 1831-06-27 I have received your letter of the 16th inst. inclosing a copy of the letter of Mr Chas Pinckney...
920 Madison, James Ingersoll, Charles Jared James Madison to Charles J. Ingersoll, 25 June 1831 1831-06-25 I have received your friendly letter of the 18th. inst. The few lines which answered your former...
921 Madison, James Spotswood, George W. James Madison to George W. Spotswood, 21 June 1831 1831-06-21 I have recd your letter of the instant; and am truly sorry for the change in your prospects at...
922 Paulding, James Kirke Madison, James James K. Paulding to James Madison, 20 June 1831 1831-06-20 (DLC : Madison Miscellany (from lists probably made by Peter Force))
923 Madison, James White, Thomas W. James Madison to Thomas W. White, 17 June 1831 1831-06-17 I have recd. your letter of the 13th. inst: Although I give you full credit for the motives and...
924 Haynes, Charles Eaton Madison, James Charles Eaton Haynes to James Madison, 17 June 1831 1831-06-17 Public & private engagements, in different health, & an unwillingness to intrude upon your...
925 Sparks, Jared Madison, James Jared Sparks to James Madison, 16 June 1831 1831-06-16 I have procured from the Department of State a copy of the letter from Mr Charles Pinckney to Mr...
926 Madison, James Dunglison, Robley James Madison to Robley Dunglison, 15 June 1831 1831-06-15 I have received your letter of the 11th., and will not disguise the fact, that notwithstanding my...
927 Madison, James Willey, Waitman T. James Madison to Waitman T. Willey, 14 June 1831 1831-06-14 I have recd. your letter of the 6th. inst. and cannot more conveniently comply with the request...
928 Paulding, James Kirke Madison, James James K. Paulding to James Madison, 13 June 1831 1831-06-13 I fear you will begin to suspect me of neglect in complying with your request in relation to the...
929 White, Thomas W. Madison, James Thomas W. White to James Madison, 13 June 1831 1831-06-13 As the subject of rechartering the Bank of the United States, as well as the policy of the...
930 Madison, James Lee, John H. James Madison to John H. Lee, 12 June 1831 1831-06-12 The inclosed letter contains the answer given on the part of Mrs. Willis to your favor of Apl....
931 Coles, Edward Madison, James Edward Coles to James Madison, 12 June 1831 1831-06-12 I send you enclosed two communications of the Governor, & a report of a Committee of the...
932 Trist, Nicholas P. Madison, James Nicholas P. Trist to James Madison, 10 June 1831 1831-06-10 It has for some years, been a subject of regret with Mr Huygens to have passed near Montpellier...
933 Spotswood, George W. Madison, James George W. Spotswood to James Madison, 8 June 1831 1831-06-08 Far distant from the friends I am most attached to I am frequently led to reflect on the many...
934 Maury, James Madison, James James Maury to James Madison, 7 June 1831 1831-06-07 I thank you for your kind letter of 29 April, which reached me at Newyork. This place is the...
935 Madison, James Paulding, James Kirke James Madison to James K. Paulding, 6 June 1831 1831-06-06 Since my letter answering yours of Apl. 6., in which I requested you to make an enquiry...
936 Madison, James Patterson, Robert M. James Madison to Robert M. Patterson, 1 June 1831 1831-06-01 I have recd. with great pleasure the information in your letter of the 11th that the University...
937 Madison, James Sparks, Jared James Madison to Jared Sparks, 1 June 1831 1831-06-01 I have duly recd. yours of the 24. Ult. and inclose the little pamphlet by Govr. Morris which it...
938 Madison, James Waterhouse, Benjamin James Madison to Benjamin Waterhouse, 27 May 1831 1831-05-27 I recd. in due time your letter of the 9th. and with it the Vol. on the authorship of "Junius"....
939 Robertson, James Jr. Madison, James James Robertson, Jr., to James Madison, 24 May 1831 1831-05-24 I have just received from Mr. Wm. Allen of Fredericksburg, the sum of one hundred and twenty...
940 Sparks, Jared Madison, James Jared Sparks to James Madison, 24 May 1831 1831-05-24 I am under many obligations to you for your full and satisfactory letter, respecting the part...
941 Madison, James Lee, Charles Carter James Madison to Charles Carter Lee, 17 May 1831 1831-05-17 I have recd. your letter of the 9th. inclosing a long latent one from your father. My...
942 Parker, Daniel Madison, James Daniel Parker to James Madison, 17 May 1831 1831-05-17 Allow me to bring myself again to your kind recollection in the introduction of my friends Doctor...
943 Lee, Charles Carter Madison, James Charles Carter Lee to James Madison, 9 May 1831 1831-05-09 I have been so fortunate as to obtain, to day, some letters & papers sent by my father from the...
944 Waterhouse, Benjamin Madison, James Benjamin Waterhouse to James Madison, 9 May 1831 1831-05-09 Considering you the head of the University in your State, I send for its Library a volume I have...
945 Madison, James Dixon, Henry St. John James Madison to Henry St. John Dixon, 7 May 1831 1831-05-07 I received your letter of April 29th. It was my father whose name you observed among the...
946 Roe, Edward McDermott Madison, James Edward McDermott Roe to James Madison, 7 May 1831 1831-05-07 I hope the cause and subject of this letter may excuse my intrusion on your retirement. It is...
947 Cabell, Joseph C. Madison, James Joseph C. Cabell to James Madison, 6 May 1831 1831-05-06 Your favour of 25th utl. covering an extract from Doctr. Dunglison’s letter to you of the 18th, &...
948 Madison, James Trist, Nicholas P. James Madison to Nicholas P. Trist, 5 May 1831 1831-05-05 I recd. yesterday your favour of the 2d. with its accompaniments. I thank you for the little...
949 Madison, James Bradford, Alden James Madison to Alden Bradford, 2 May 1831 1831-05-02 I recd. Sir, 3. days ago your letter of the 9th. from New Bedford. The former one of which it...
950 Trist, Nicholas P. Madison, James Nicholas P. Trist to James Madison, 2 May 1831 1831-05-02 I have, for some time, been intending to send you the enclosed; but, agreeably to my second...