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Results 901-910 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I shall not leave this country without expressing, most respectfully to you, my warmest thanks for the generosity you displayed towards me at an epoch so desastrous for my native country. To you, I and my family were indebted for an honourable asylum on this land of peace and freedom. Under your auspices, I was associated to the framing of that defensive System, the conception of which belongs...
On my return from a visit to Old Point Comfort, I received your kind letter of the 7th inst , covering a copy of a letter from Mr Robert Walsh of Philadelphia, asking for information in relation to the late Bishop Madison, with a view of introducing into the Encyclopedia Americana a biographical sketch of this most estimable man—Nothing I assure you can afford me more sincere gratification,...
I have apprized my Colleagues of the Board of my inability to join them & of the causes of it. My eyes are getting a little better; but the Rheumatism is I fear a guest not in a hurry to take leave. It is painful & cripples much my lower limbs. Our narrow escape from the threatened loss of two Professors has awakened my solicitude to guard agst. such dangers, at least in the case of the...
Your favor of the 4th. communicating the death of Mr. Monroe, was duly recd. I had been prepared for the event, by information of its certain approach. The time of it was so far happy as it added another to the coincidences before so remarkable & so memorable. You have justly ranked him with the heroes & patriots who have deserved best of their Country: No one knew him better than I did, or...
Your letter of June 30 was duly recd. and the death of Mr. Monroe which it anticipated, became, I learn, a sad reality on the 4th. instant; its date associating it with the coincidencies before so remarkable & so memorable. The feelings with which the event was recd. by me may be inferred from the long & uninterrupted friendship which united us, and the intimate knowledge I had of his great...
It may, perhaps, be important to you to know that a conversation with General Bernard to-day has satisfied me of the extreme probability of War (perhaps general ) in Europe Yrs affly Of course this intelligence is, in a great measure confidential. RC (ViHi : Nicholas P. Trist Album Book). Docketed by JM.
I have just recd a letter from Mr Walsh, a copy of which is enclosed. Not possessing the detailed information he wishes, & presuming that you can readily furnish it, I must ask your aid in complying with the request made notwithstanding the affectionate intercourse with my kinsman during the few years of my residence in Williamsburg; we had previous to that period been strangers to each other,...
I gave you, on the 4th instant, a short account of the death of your old and valued friend Mr Monroe; and now perform the promise, then made, to write to you again before I left this City. I have been his constant attendant & nurse, since the first of May, with the exception of one week; during all May & part of June, he had chills & fever every day, they were however subdued early in June,...
I am returning to the City from a trip to the Rip Raps (the most delightful spot, as to atmosphere, I have ever been at) in company with the President, and sit down to scrawl a few lines in the hope of their reaching you in time. I have good grounds for thinking that your presence—if it be only for one or two days—at the approaching meeting of the Visitors will be highly important to the...
I recd. lately the inclosed communication. Your position & range of information on the points of its inquiry, being so much superior to mine, I must ask your aid in giving the answers; with an exception of that relating to the laws of Usury, wch. the Statutes will furnish. The task being of a publick nature, and of common obligation, I will without apology presume on your willingness to take...