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Results 901-950 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Your desire, added to my own curiosity engaged me the last time I was in Frederick to return down by Water to discover the Navigation of Potomack—the following are the observations I mad thereupon —From the Mouth of Paterson’s Creek to the begg of Shannondoah Falls there is no other obstacle than the shallowness of the Water to prevent Craft from passing—the first of those Falls is also even...
As I wrote so lately and fully, to you by Mr Polson, on the subject of the Orders I had received, I have little to add now, only to acqaint your Honour, that as far as it is in my power, I shall endeavour to comply with them: what Men we can, we do enlist; but to send Officers into different parts for that purpose, would be unavailing, as they neither have money, nor can get any. I have given...
The Council met Yesterday & considering the present State of our Forces, & reason to think the French will be strongly reinforc’d next Spring—It was resolv’d that the Forces shou’d immediately march over the Allegany Mountains, either to dispossess the French of their Fort, or build a Fort in a proper Place that may be fix’d on by a Council of War—Colo. Innes has my Orders for the executing...
Abstract: MS minutes of the German Charitable School Society: Historical Society of Pennsylvania That he rejoiced much in hearing an illustrious Society at home had undertaken to sollicit a Charity and carry on a Scheme for promoting the Knowlege of God among the Germans in Pennsylvania &c. and for making them loyal Subjects to the sacred Protestant Throne of Great Britain; and that he was...
I recd Yrs of the 28th ulto —the Bearer brings you £600 which is all can be got, & hope it will answer for the present. I have no doubt when the Assembly meets they will grant a Supply in such manner to comand Money; the want thereof I know has been a great Loss to the Expedition —I am sorry Yr regimt have behav’d so very refractory, tho’ they have a right to their Pay they shou’d have been...
ALS : Yale University Library The above is Copy of my last. Not receiving the Printing House as expected last Spring, has been a considerable Disappointment; but I am more concern’d to hear that you and yours have had so much Sickness. I hope before this time you are all perfectly recover’d. I inclose a Bill for £20 Sterling, drawn by Mrs. Mary Steevens on Alexr. Grant Esqr; which when paid...
Letter not found: to James Innes, 8 Aug. 1754. On 11 Aug. 1754 Innes wrote to GW : “Your favour of the Eight instt I receivd.”
MS : Mrs. Richard D. Wood, Jr., Wawa, Pennsylvania (1958) This is a mutilated record of letters received in the Burlington, New Jersey, postoffice, by Jonathan Thomas, postmaster. Tears in the manuscript make some of the dates uncertain, but the period covered appears to be from July 20, 1748, through July 29, 1749. Letters are recorded as received from New York, Boston, and Philadelphia, and...
Since my last to you, I have received, by Mr Spritdorph, the Letter therein alluded to (of the 1st Inst.) the contents of which are nearly the same with the other received from the Governour four days before, dated the 3d Inst.—The following is an exact copy of it. “The Council met yesterday, and, considering the present state of our Forces, and having reason to think that the French will be...
Your favour of the Eight instt I receivd & Observed the contents I received no other Letter from the Governor than what you brought & which I communicated to you only with the Skeem of building a Logg Forth & Magazeen to receive the Provisions with which I have Acquanted Major Carlyle by Mr Wood fully. & to which I referr you, I also referr you to him for my Account in Relation to my Late...
Since writing pr Express I have considerd and find it better to delay the other to Wmsburg till you signifie your Sentiments to me on this head, that I may be guided thereby, and write nothing inconsistent with what you represent or advise: I should therefore hope you will acquaint me fully with your Opinion of this Affair, and send your dispatches (if any to the Governour) by the return of...
Letter not found: to James Mackay, 15 Aug. 1754. On 27 Aug. 1754 Mackay wrote to GW : “I was favourd with yours of the 15 Instt.”
Mr Peyrouney solliciting for leave to attend the Assembly, hoping to have some allowance made for his loss of Cloaths &ca which he sustaind in common with us all, and being not thoroughly cur’d of his Wounds which has hitherto render’d him unfit for Duty I thought it proper to indulge him in his request, and he now comes for the purpose aforesaid —By him I again take the Liberty of...
The bearer hereof Mr Wright discovering an Inclination to the Art Military, & having in some Measure made it his Study I have taken the liberty to recommend him to your Honour for one of the Vacancy’s in the Virginia Regiment; this I do with more assurance of succeeding, as Mr Wrights Character for good Sense and Sobriety, will render him worthy the favour you may please to confer, and I dare...
I was favourd with yours of the 15 Instt by Mr Cowpar which was the first I heard of the Suddent Resolves, and your being So Well provided to enable you to Comply wt your Instructions gives grate hops of the Success of the Interpraise what ever it is Not doubting but that every other thing upon which an expedition of Such Importance depends Will be equely taken care of; Some days ago we had 12...
As Several of the Soldiers lately belonging to the North Carolina Companies under the Command of Colo. Innes have applyed to the Recruiting Officers who have His Excellency’s Commission for raising Men in this Province; declaring they were discharged by Colo. Innes & petitioning to be admitted into the MaryLand Company have upon their producing a Sort of Discharge signed by Colo. Innes’s Order...
DS : Library Company of Philadelphia As early as March 1745 James Logan had decided to give his library to the people of Philadelphia, and executed a deed of trust for the purpose. Soon afterwards he began the erection of a suitable building on Sixth Street to house his collection. Later he became dissatisfied with some provisions of the deed of trust, canceled it, and began the preparation of...
918Advertisement, 28 August 1754 (Washington Papers)
Whereas a great many false Reports have been raised, by Deserters from the Virginia Regiment, that they were discharged from said Regiment, had Leave to be absent for a Time, or that the Regiment was entirely broke: By which feign’d Stories, they have been allowed to pass free and unmolested. This is, therefore, to give Notice, that all Soldiers who are found two Miles distant from the Camp or...
ALS : New-York Historical Society I have now before me your Favours of July 23. and August 5th. I return Mr. Pyke’s Philosophia sacra. His Manner of Philosophizing is much out of my Way. I am now about to proceed on my Eastern Journey, but hope to be at home in the Winter, the best Season for Electrical Experiments, when I will gladly make any you desire; In the mean time should be glad you...
New Experiments and Observations on Electricity. Made at Philadelphia in America. By Benjamin Franklin, Esq; Communicated to P. Collinson, Esq; of London, F.R.S. And read at the Royal Society June 27, and July 4, 1754. To which are added A Paper on the same Subject by J. Canton, M.A. F.R.S. and read at the Royal Society Dec. 6, 1753; and another in defence of Mr Franklin against the Abbe...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This may serve to Lett you Know that I expected to hear Complaints from Philadelphia of hot wether since we had hear about the Time of your Date about 10 Days of your ordinary sumer wether i.e. hot and moist which occasiond abundence of Complaints Like the Important subject of your Last. Haveing some faith in Blanchards Remedea for the stone I had about a...
Mr Wright returnd from Wmsburgh on Monday night, & would have immediatly have Waited on You, but I knew Your Good nature, & hatred of Ceremony will excuse it, as he had no Letters for You, or indeed to any others tho. he called on both the Colo. Fairfax’s for their Commds[.] He was kindly recd by the Governr, Who told him there Coud be nothing done till the rising of the assembly, when he...
Letter not found: to James Innes, 4 Sept. 1754. On 8 Sept. 1754 Innes wrote to GW : “Your favour of the 4th Septr I received.”
Capt. Stobo by the trust and care of Delaware George had a letter conveyed to the Governor, in which advice was by no means to let Mon. le Force return which is considered & accordingly ordered[.] The news of your engagement & rout at the Meadows did not give the public more affecting concern than the unhappy conclusion of our present meeting. Instead of augmenting our forces, the Governor...
As I imagine you By this time, plung’d in the midst of dellight heaven can aford: & enchanted By Charms even stranger to the Ciprian Dame I thought it would Contribue a litle to the variety of yours amusement to Send you few lines to peruse. I shan’t make Bold to describe the procedings of the house, which no doute you have had already some hint of. I only will make use of these three...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania At the Request of Col. Charles Carter I send you our Governors proroguing Speech. He and I came home last night late from the Assembly and having this Opportunity he was unwilling to lose it. By the Speech it must appear to those who are unacquainted with our unhappy Difference, that We have refused to do any Thing for our Country in this Time of...
Your favour of the 4th Septr I received this moment but as yett have not Seen Major Stephens. as for my giving you Orders to proseed here I cannot See to what purpose without you have your Regiment Complete, here being Suffiscent to guard the place if I had any Tools to work with to throw up a proper Intrinchment. I have mounted Five Guns which is all I cann do. Nor cann I gett as much as A...
No doubt You have heard that our Assembly is prorogu’d without granting any Supplies; Under this unexpected Disappointment, I fear we are not Numbers sufficient to attack the Fort taken from Us by the French: Therefore I order You to give a Detachment of Forty or Fifty Men to Capt. Lewis, with them he is to march immediately for Augusta County, in order to protect our Frontiers from the...
I have the pleasure to acquaint You that the House of Burgesses have taken particular Notice of the Bravery of Yourself, and the rest of the Officers and Soldiers under your command, in the gallant Defense of your Country, and have ordered me to return you their Thanks for it, which I cant do better than by transcribing the Order. “Ordered, That the Thanks of this House be given to Colo....
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania The Bearer, Mr. Elphinston, has a secret Art, by which he teaches, even a veteran Scrawler, to write fairly in 30 Hours. I have often heard you laugh at the Secretary’s Writing, and I hope he will take this Opportunity of mending his Hand; for tho’ we are about to have a new Governor, and, they say, a new Assembly, I do not desire to see a new...
Information having been given me in May last that certain Inhabitants of this County, called Jerrard Jordan, Joseph Broadaway, William Harrison & Robert Harrison, had committed a Riot, & spoke treasonable Words against His Majesty & his Government, which Information was supported & confirmed by several Depositions to the same purports that were transmitted me as from some Soldiers in the...
Letter not found: to James Innes, 22 Sept. 1754. On 27 Sept. 1754 Innes wrote to GW : “Your favour of the 22d from Alexa I recd.”
Your favour of the 22d from Alexa. I recd & shou’d be extreamly glade to see you at Winchester, was it any way consistant with my situation to leave this without orders, with which you’ll please aquaint Major Carlyle and that he would forgive me for not writing to him for I realy have not the time without delaying the Express, if the Governr hath orderd your Regiment here it would be very...
About a fortneight ago I went down to Penselvania and on my Return about Three days ago I Was favourd wt yours Without a date[.] I am Sorry to faind your assambly met to So litle purposs. Govr Morris is arrivd at Philadelphia by this time he Was at New York thess ten days they are in hops of grate matters when there new assambly meets (which is to be Elected the first of Octr) as they are...
We, the Officers of the Virginia Regiment, are higly sensible of the particular Mark of Distinction, with which you have honoured Us, in returning your Thanks for our Behaviour in the late Action: and can not help testifying our grateful Acknowledgments, for your high sense, of what We shall always esteem a Duty to our Country, and to the best of Kings. Favoured with your Regard, We shall...
Dr                    The Country in Acct—with George Washington Cr 1754 Apl 6 To Expences of the Regimt at Edward Thompsons in Marching up   2 16 6  May 31 8 To Bacon for Do of John Vestal at Shenandoah & Ferriages over   1  9    By Cash of Majr Carlyle—   23 12 9 10 To Cash to B. Hamilton for discovering the plot of 4 Soldrs to Desert   1  4    To Cash to Mr Wood  17  6 8  By Do of the Right...
I am sorry to learn that any Person has represented, any Expressions or Observation of mine concerning the late Engagement to You in such a light as may give You cause for the least uneasiness. indeed at seeing some things inserted in the Publick papers soon after the Action, & at hearing other Stories that were propagated, & which for want of a more timely Confutation, made an impression on...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , October 3, 1754. Scheme of a Lottery , for raising 3000 Pieces of Eight, for the Use of the Academy at Philadelphia. The Purchase of Ground and Buildings for the Academy, the Alterations and Improvements that were necessary to accommodate the Scholars, and the furnishing of the several Schools, having, all together, prov’d an Expence far beyond their first...
ALS : Yale University Library I have yours of the 4th Inst. and find the Election has turn’d out as I expected. I am glad Rutherford has refus’d to undertake the Stage; for I did not like your proposing it to him. I admire Mr. Colden was so unready; I thought every thing had been fully explain’d to him. Poor Mr. Hunter is relaps’d into his last Summer Fever; and has kept his Bed these 8 Days,...
The Receipt of Yours by the Express Yesterday His Excellency desires me to acknowledge; which that I do so briefly You will be kind enough to excuse & attribute to my being in some hast to make preparations for accompanying the Governor to Williamsburgh, for which place He is just about to embark, & from the Contents of Your Letter expects to have the pleasure of seeing You there also. in the...
941Invoice, 23 October 1754 (Washington Papers)
Invoice of Goods Shipd by Anthony Bacon on board the Ruby Captn Edward Ogle pr Maryland, on Acct and risque, and by order of Jno. Carlyle Esqr. [£] [s] [d]  s. d. Bought of 1 Gold Shoulder Knott 2. 8.   Lucy Hatton. 6 Yards gold Regim Lace 10/6 3. 3. 0 £5.11.   Ditto of John Towers 24 rich gold Embroidd Loops 3/3 3.18     4½ yds plated gold Vellum  16d   6    2 doz. 4 gold wyre Cô 6/  14   
Nothing could have given me, and the Officers under my command, greater satisfaction, than to have received the thanks of the House of Burgesses, in so particular and honourable a manner, for our Behaviour in the late unsuccessful Engagement with the French at the Great-Meadows; and we unanimously hope, that our future Conduct in the Service of our Country, may entitle us to a continuance of...
ALS : Yale University Library I am favoured with yours of July 31. and Augt. 5. which came to hand since my Arrival here. I hear from Mr. Parker, that the Goods for Connecticut were safe arrived at New York, and that he had sent them to Newhaven: I thank you for your Care in that Matter. Inclosed you have a second Bill for £20 Sterling drawn by Mrs. Stevens on Alexr. Grant Esqr: the first I...
Since I had the Pleasure of Seeing You, I am Convinc’d by the Governour of Maryland that You may Hold Your Commission with Honour & satisfaction. In Regard to Innis he has only a Commission to be Camp Master General which will Confine him to a Seperate Duty. I shall have the Honour to Command in the Governours absence, & as I shall Act by his Particular Instructions, You may rest satisfy’d...
I was favoured with your letter, from Rousby-Hall, of the 4th Instant. It demands my best acknowledgments, for the particular marks of Esteem you have expressed therein; and for the kind assurances of his Excellency, Governour Sharp’s good wishes towards me. I also thank you, and sincerely, Sir, for your friendly intention of making my situation easy, if I return to the Service; and do not...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Receiv’d 10 Rm. of Paper for which I am Greatly Oblig’d to you for as it Came very Opportunitely. I Beg you will be Kind Enough to Send per first Oppertunity 50 Rm. More of the Like kind as Also (in persuance to my former Letters) a Sheet of Each Sort You Make, I beg Leave to Remind You once More of Sending Me the Rest of my Order as I am Realy much in...
ALS : Yale University Library I hoped to have had the Pleasure of seeing you at New Haven long before this time, but the Sickness of my Fellow Traveller Mr. Hunter, and various Accidents have hitherto prevented: I hope however to be there in three or four Weeks at farthest. I suppose you long since received the Press, Types and Stationary I ordered into your Care. My Nephews that are Printers...
MS not found; reprinted from The London Chronicle , February 8, 1766. This letter and those to Shirley of December 4 and 22, printed below, were published in William Strahan’s London Chronicle , Feb. 8, 1766, while the repeal of the Stamp Act was under debate in the House of Commons. They were prefaced by a letter to the printer from “A Lover of Britain,” whom Verner W. Crane has identified as...
Copy: British Museum I mention’d it Yesterday to your Excellency as my Opinion, that Excluding the People of the Colonies from all Share in the Choice of the Grand Council would probably give extreme Dissatisfaction, as well as the Taxing them by Act of Parliament where they have no Representative. In Matters of General Concern to the People, and especially where Burthens are to be laid upon...
950I., 10 December 1754 (Washington Papers)
Memorandum The Division of the Slaves of the late Lawrence Washington Esqr. as made pursuant to the last Will and Testament of the Said Lawrence is hereunto annexd: and that Moiety of the said Slaves, the use of which by the Will aforesaid was devis’d to the Widow of the said Law[renc]e during her Life, George Lee Esqr. of Westmoreland County who Intermarried with the said Widow doth hereby...