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Results 901-950 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Your desire, added to my own curiosity engaged me the last time I was in Frederick to return down...
As I wrote so lately and fully, to you by Mr Polson, on the subject of the Orders I had received,...
The Council met Yesterday & considering the present State of our Forces, & reason to think the...
Abstract: MS minutes of the German Charitable School Society: Historical Society of Pennsylvania...
I recd Yrs of the 28th ulto —the Bearer brings you £600 which is all can be got, & hope it will...
ALS : Yale University Library The above is Copy of my last. Not receiving the Printing House as...
Letter not found: to James Innes, 8 Aug. 1754. On 11 Aug. 1754 Innes wrote to GW : “Your favour...
MS : Mrs. Richard D. Wood, Jr., Wawa, Pennsylvania (1958) This is a mutilated record of letters...
Since my last to you, I have received, by Mr Spritdorph, the Letter therein alluded to (of the...
Your favour of the Eight instt I receivd & Observed the contents I received no other Letter from...
Since writing pr Express I have considerd and find it better to delay the other to Wmsburg till...
Letter not found: to James Mackay, 15 Aug. 1754. On 27 Aug. 1754 Mackay wrote to GW : “I was...
Mr Peyrouney solliciting for leave to attend the Assembly, hoping to have some allowance made for...
The bearer hereof Mr Wright discovering an Inclination to the Art Military, & having in some...
I was favourd with yours of the 15 Instt by Mr Cowpar which was the first I heard of the Suddent...
As Several of the Soldiers lately belonging to the North Carolina Companies under the Command of...
DS : Library Company of Philadelphia As early as March 1745 James Logan had decided to give his...
918Advertisement, 28 August 1754 (Washington Papers)
Whereas a great many false Reports have been raised, by Deserters from the Virginia Regiment,...
ALS : New-York Historical Society I have now before me your Favours of July 23. and August 5th. I...
New Experiments and Observations on Electricity. Made at Philadelphia in America. By Benjamin...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This may serve to Lett you Know that I expected to hear...
Mr Wright returnd from Wmsburgh on Monday night, & would have immediatly have Waited on You, but...
Letter not found: to James Innes, 4 Sept. 1754. On 8 Sept. 1754 Innes wrote to GW : “Your favour...
Capt. Stobo by the trust and care of Delaware George had a letter conveyed to the Governor, in...
As I imagine you By this time, plung’d in the midst of dellight heaven can aford: & enchanted By...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania At the Request of Col. Charles Carter I send you our...
Your favour of the 4th Septr I received this moment but as yett have not Seen Major Stephens. as...
No doubt You have heard that our Assembly is prorogu’d without granting any Supplies; Under this...
I have the pleasure to acquaint You that the House of Burgesses have taken particular Notice of...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania The Bearer, Mr. Elphinston, has a secret Art, by which...
Information having been given me in May last that certain Inhabitants of this County, called...
Letter not found: to James Innes, 22 Sept. 1754. On 27 Sept. 1754 Innes wrote to GW : “Your...
Your favour of the 22d from Alexa. I recd & shou’d be extreamly glade to see you at Winchester,...
About a fortneight ago I went down to Penselvania and on my Return about Three days ago I Was...
We, the Officers of the Virginia Regiment, are higly sensible of the particular Mark of...
Dr                    The Country in Acct—with George Washington Cr 1754 Apl 6 To Expences of the...
I am sorry to learn that any Person has represented, any Expressions or Observation of mine...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , October 3, 1754. Scheme of a Lottery , for raising 3000...
ALS : Yale University Library I have yours of the 4th Inst. and find the Election has turn’d out...
The Receipt of Yours by the Express Yesterday His Excellency desires me to acknowledge; which...
941Invoice, 23 October 1754 (Washington Papers)
Invoice of Goods Shipd by Anthony Bacon on board the Ruby Captn Edward Ogle pr Maryland, on Acct...
Nothing could have given me, and the Officers under my command, greater satisfaction, than to...
ALS : Yale University Library I am favoured with yours of July 31. and Augt. 5. which came to...
Since I had the Pleasure of Seeing You, I am Convinc’d by the Governour of Maryland that You may...
I was favoured with your letter, from Rousby-Hall, of the 4th Instant. It demands my best...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Receiv’d 10 Rm. of Paper for which I am Greatly Oblig’d to...
ALS : Yale University Library I hoped to have had the Pleasure of seeing you at New Haven long...
MS not found; reprinted from The London Chronicle , February 8, 1766. This letter and those to...
Copy: British Museum I mention’d it Yesterday to your Excellency as my Opinion, that Excluding...
950I., 10 December 1754 (Washington Papers)
Memorandum The Division of the Slaves of the late Lawrence Washington Esqr. as made pursuant to...