James Madison Papers

James Madison to Nicholas P. Trist, 12 July 1831

Montpellier July 12 1831

Dear Sir

Your 2 letters of the 7 & 8 have been duly recd. I have complied with the suggestion in the first by a few lines to Mr. Cabell. The communication in the 2d is important, but being simultaneous with an unwelcome resignation, may derive a tincture from that source

I have been detained from the University by Rheumatism & an inflamation in my eyes. The latter is leaving me; not so the former. My pen will tell you that my fingers partake of it.

Be so good as to ascertain whether Mr. Ringold has returned from New York; and if not to give that direction to the inclosed health & all other good wishes

James Madison

RC (DLC: Nicholas P. Trist Papers); draft (DLC).

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